Jan 14, 2011

DIY: Powdered Sugar

I've recently been in Macaron Mania Mode and I've noticed that every recipe calls for pure icing sugar / powdered sugar / confectioners sugar. No big deal, until you discover that the only icing sugar your neighborhood store carries, contains cornstarch or wheat flour in the mix which supposedly improves its flowing ability, therefore very suitable for making icing or frosting ... but not macs. And when you can actually find some confectioners sugar in the fancy bakery supplies store, which is actually pure powdered sugar, it's so not worth paying the price for. Yup, I'm cheap. So, I come up with alternatives.
Just whizz some caster sugar in a dry mill or a food processor until you get the consistency of talc. Sift it if you must.
Easy peasy and no holes in my apron pockets.


  1. This is such a great tip! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Gosh, Annie, you're quick! :D You're very welcome.

  3. yes, our parents used to do it with the coffee grinder back in the 80' to get a perfect powered sugar for all those delicious home made cakes. however, as powdered sugar is very fine, appliances might break down if not cleaned properly.

  4. SomethingGood: Good to know that. Thanks for the tip.

  5. What a great tip! Thanks for posting!

  6. I'm cheap too! If I can make it, why buy it!?!?!? This post was great!

  7. Nothing wrong with doing it yourself and saving some money!

  8. Tiffany: Haha! Thanks and you're now officially a member of the club! :D

    Christina: Right you are! Gimme a high 5!

  9. Ping-You are so correct in the making of your own powdered sugar, can I give you a tip re: it? Add 1 to 2Tbsp. of cornstarch to 1 cup of caster sugar, when you are making it in the food processor, and this way it's easier to making icings which will hold up better, and also prevents the sugar from caking!

  10. Hi Elisabeth. Thanks so much for the tip!
