Jan 3, 2011

The Occasional Tip: Grating Cheeses

Gotta love those cheeses! Soft cheeses, hard cheeses, sliced, diced or grated.
Only problem with grating cheeses is the cleaning up of those graters.
One easy solution ... give the grater a spritz of some cooking oil before grating. That should prevent the cheese from sticking too much to those annoying little holes. Much easier to clean too! Happy grating!


  1. What a great idea. I am sure my sons, who are the resident dishwashers these days, would appreciate an easier-to-clean cheese grater!

  2. Well, that's a very useful tip because I spend ages scrubbing our cheese grater and then when it's dried, there's always odd little bits left over! Thanks. :)

  3. Fantastic tip, thanks. Cheese sticking to the grater is really annoying.

  4. Kristen: Nice of your sons to contribute in the kitchen. Glad to be of help.

    Julia, 3Cookies: Yeah, hate those dried up bits. Annoying.

  5. I tore off a chunk of my thumb not to long ago while trying to clean one of them that the BF had let sit for a little too long. :( I have got to try the oil idea!! Thanks

  6. BoulderL: Wish I was ... sigh. Got this out of some old magazine a long time ago. Found it useful and thought it was a good idea to share.

    Kita: Oh my goodness ... Ouch! This should save some thumbs or make the BF clean it next time ;)

  7. Wow thank you for the tip! I've never thought of this!!
