Feb 16, 2011

Mandarin Orange Marmalade

Every Chinese New Year, I'm up to my eyeballs in mandarin oranges. And I'm not talking number of fruits but number of boxes and crates of mandarin oranges given as gifts and from exchanging gifts. It's another one of the essential "must-haves" for Chinese New Year. And I have more than my tummy or fridge can contain. Can't leave them out too long ..... the weather here is perfect for if you wanna have a science experiment on fruit fungus.

So, before we overdose ourselves with mandarin oranges, I decided to make marmalade out of them. And you know what? I actually prefer them to the regular orange marmalade! There is a different kind of citrus taste that isn't as sharp and tangy, and the color .....oh my! ... Sunshine in a bottle!

This isn't as gel-like as store-bought jam as I did not use any additional pectin and just relied on the natural fruit carbohydrates in the lemon and oranges.


7 - 8 mandarin oranges (medium sized)

juice of 1 large lemon

3 cups coarse granulated sugar (Ratio of 1:1, pureed pulp to sugar)

2 cups water


Peel oranges. Cut peel into fine or coarse julienned strips ... your preference. The amount of peel also depends on whether you'd like more or less of it. I used about 2 cups of cut peel.

Place cut peel into a large pot and add the 2 cups of water. (If you're using more peel, add enough water to cover the contents of the pot)

Boil peel until soft, about 5 - 10 minutes. Measure out the liquid that's left (I had about 1 cup) and replace with the same amount of fresh water. (I do this to lessen the bitterness, You can always omit this step if you like your marmalade more bitter).

While the peel is boiling, pick out as much of the white pith and the stringy stuff ... ok, ok, proper word .... the membranes. And also remove the seeds.

Place fruit and lemon juice in a food processor and puree til an almost smooth consistency. Add this mixture together with peel and water into a large stainless steel pot and bring to a boil.

Add sugar. Stir often until consistency thickens (15 - 20 mins, or longer, depending on how juicy the fruits are) or until a candy thermometer reaches 220˚F (104˚C), that's the gelling stage.

Fill into sterilized jars and seal with their lids and allow the jars to sit in a hot water bath for 10 mins. Remove and let cool at room temperature until you hear the "pop" of the button on the lid or when you notice the button has gone down. That means it's sealed properly and those jars will keep on the shelves unrefrigerated for months. Those that don't seal properly can be kept in the fridge.

Good with loads of butter on bread/toast or as a marinade for a roast chicken. Wish I had some more of those English Muffins.

PS: A small reminder of the Virtual Potluck Party. All are invited!


  1. Hmmmmm.....Must be nice ya... Great picture Ping. ^_^

  2. I had no idea that oranges were associated with chinese new year. In any case I love orange marmalade and that bright color it has. Yours looks delicious!

  3. Beautiful. I bet it tastes just perfect.

  4. This looks so inviting. I would definitely be happy to have this on my toast or English Muffin in the morning.

  5. Thanks, Citra. ♥ Yes, it was very nice.

    Annie: Only the Chinese mandarin oranges are associated with CNY, not the Valencias, Navels , Sunkists, etc. And yes, these seem to give it a much orangy-er color. I love it!

    Briarrose: Don't know about the perfect part :P but I do prefer it to regular marmalade.

    All That's Left Are the Crumbs: Thanks! Why not try it out and do let me know how it turns out.

  6. Looks delicious, Ping. I'm sure Hean would love to try this out. He likes all kinds of marmalade!

  7. Color is really great, and taste im sure is wonderful too. I love orange jams.. :)

  8. Lin: Get him to make it for you. He's always boasting how good a cook he is. ;)

    Medeja: Yes, The color is so vibrant and pretty. That's why I called it "Sunshine in a bottle". :D

  9. This is beautiful Ping. I actually like that it isn't as gelatine-y as most marmelades. I've been sent lots of citrus from relatives wintering in warmer parts of the U.S. I think I'll give it a go and make some too. Love the pot luck idea. Will try to send you something for it!

  10. Hi Ping, you won't believe my surprise to see your marmalade! I just made some too with blood oranges! I did not use the store bought pectin either but the natural one in the pith of the oranges and lemon which I wrapped in cheese cloth. You'll see it when I post it. I love the color and consistency of your marmalade! You are right! Where are the English muffins when you need one!

  11. Your marmalade looks delicious! The color is so vibrant. The last time I had marmalade I was around 7 years old and didn't like it. I need to give it a try again and see how my tastes have evolved. I'm sure I would love this!

  12. Boulder: I'm really happy you're joining in the Potluck Party. Can't wait to see what you're bringing :D

    Michelangelo: Blood ornages! Wow! Those will have a really beautiful rosy color to the marmalade. Looking forward to see the post. And I'll bet there's gonna be something artistically carved into the oranges?

    Pretend Chef: Hey Rochelle. Yeah, I hated marmalade and any kind of peel when I was a kid too. Guess I grew up :P

  13. OMG! This seems so easy, and FULL of flavor! Great idea for all of them clementines that are taking over my house! Hehe! :)

  14. What gorgeous marmalade!! I love the vibrant color...and can only imagine how good it tastes :)

  15. Tiffany: Ooo..perfect timing! Have fun making it!

    Lizzy: Thanks Lizzy. No need to imagine the flavor, have a go at it :D. It's so easy, makes you wonder why buy it in the first place.

  16. it looks heavenly; I love any marmalade where only fruit is used with no additional pectin. Great photos!

  17. Such a gorgeous mandarin orange marmalade, Ping. I've made orange marmalade last year, but this year I did not feel up to it. So delicious, and inviting. Love the photo, as well.
    Can't wait for the potluck party!

  18. Thanks Elisabeth. You must get plenty of those lovely oranges there. Tree-ripened even! I so envy you! We have to rely on imported ones.
