May 8, 2011

A Simple Wish

Here's a simple wish to all mothers out there, whether or not you're mothers to your own kids, other peoples' kids, your beloved pets, your family members ... at some point in our female lives, we have mothered and cared for someone as a mother would care for her own children and we all deserve to be labelled "A Loving Mother" for that.

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Thanks everyone! Hope you were all spoilt rotten! But then, I've always thought. "why stop at just one day?" :D

  2. Hi Ping-Hope you were spoiled, and pampered on Monter's are so right, "why stop at just one day?" Could not agree more:DDD

  3. Hi Elisabeth! Happy Mother's Day to you! As for me, I was so busy spoiling and pampering my mum and mum inlaw that I was so exhausted by the end of the day ... I'll celebrate my own very private and exclusive Mother's Day on another day when the restaurants don't try to scalp you for the minimum of reasons. :D
