Jan 30, 2012

Cardamom Cheese Biscuits

I think I've died and gone to cheese biscuit heaven!
And the fact that this also has the gorgeous aroma of cardamom in it, makes it even more heavenly! (Is there anywhere better than heaven?)

You know how it is when you're looking at a ton of recipes and then one suddenly jumps out of the page and grabs you by the ... uh ... chompbuds, and you just need to make that straight away?
That's how this happened.
Also because I'm a sucker for cheeses.
And a sucker for cardamom.
Double whammy!
I'd cardamomize everything if I could. Cardamom room freshener, cardamom lip balm, cardamom shampoo ... you get the idea.

Go check out Veronika and her brain and her original recipe for this. She calls her's "puffs" altho mine didn't puff as much but still very light and flaky, so I renamed it "biscuits". I did some minor changes as well (as expected), since I know she's adjusting for her egg white allergic, tall, not-so-blond and handsome.

I've also taken the easy way out by using the food processor. Hard-core bakers .... head out to Veronika's.

Meanwhile, back at Lazyville ....


1 1/2 cups plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp ground cardamom (I'd suggest a little more for a more pronounced aroma)
125 g cold salted butter, cut into cubes (if using unsalted butter, add 1/4 tsp salt)
1 1/2 cups grated cheese (I used something called Calico, which is a blend of Cheddar & Monterey Jack and some Pecorino. You can use your own favorite mix)
1 egg


Preheat oven to 200˚C.
Place flour, salt (if using), cardamom and baking powder in a food processor. Give it a buzz or two to mix.
Add in cold butter and buzz until you get a sandy mix.
Add in cheese. Buzz to mix.
Add in slightly beaten egg and buzz again until you get a nice soft dough.
Remove from food processor, wrap in plastic and leave in the fridge for about 10 mins.
Roll out to about 1/2 cm thick.
Cut out into shapes using a cookie cutter or just cut into squares or triangles.
Bake for about 10 - 12 mins until cookies are just about turning brown at the edges.
Eat warm or freeze and reheat.


  1. I've never heard of cardamom+cheese flavour combination, neither of a place called biscuit heaven. I am really curious to try the former, the latter can wait:)
    I've had cardamom in sweet but not yet in salty snacks.

    1. Hah! Once you've tried these, you'll automatically get to biscuit heaven whether you like it or not. Cardamom in your polenta crackers would work very well too!

    2. I get your point, if we eat lots of these everyday we will go to biscuit heaven, quicker:)
      Thanks for the tip, I will try cardamom with those crackers

  2. I love cheese biscuits too but have never tried to add cardamom.
    Sounds so flavourful and I'm bookmarking this yummy biscuits :)

    1. I'm in love with cardamom so maybe I'm biased :D You could always replace with your favorite spice ... coriander seeds, fennel etc. Enjoy!

  3. I just used cardomon in my mushroom, baby pok choy soup with beetroot broth this afternoon. Oh it will be heavenly indeed to have some of your cardamon cheese biscuits to go with it! My Quay Lo said I should make the soup again and share the recipe. I am also a lemon grass and cardamon fanatic. It is easier to find lemon grass everything than cardamon. I don't like cheese by itself but I am crazy over cheese cakes, cheese bread sticks and cheese biscuits. Go figure.

    1. Yeah, share the soup AND the recipe :D What time's lunch?
      I don't know if the cheeseyness will go with the flavors of this. Only one way to find out I guess. It'll probably go better with one of those "cream of ..." type soups.
      Nothing wrong with liking cheese in stuff than by itself. Kinda like me with chocolate. I'm less likely to eat them as is but only in certain desserts and cakes, not even ice cream ... strange, I know. I'd like to call it "unique". *wink*

  4. Ping... you do realize that my "hardcore" baking habit comes from having a tiny kitchen which houses a tiny, tiny mini food processor and has no space for a larger one, right? ;)

    Glad you like them, but actually the biscuit base idea for these only had an egg yolk in it the way some cookies tend to. I do not actually know exactly what difference the egg whites make except that they may make the final product marginally biscuitier! But as you have gone to cheese biscuit heaven, I can happily say that they have apparently done it absolutely no harm!

    ... and as usual, your presentation is far neater than mine! :D

    - Veronika

    1. Good habit that.
      Oh, really? And here I was thinking I'm so clever changing things around ... DUH!!
      But no regrets really. These were sooo good! And they keep pretty well, not soggy yet. I doubt I'll be able to find out how long they keep coz they're almost all gone!
      Glad you approve :D
      (I always worry whenever I make someone else's recipe as to whether I'm killing it or doing it right)

  5. Oh, these look marvelous, Ping!!! And so gorgeous resting with the cardamom pods!

    PS...I always look forward to your crazy, er, uh...I mean, lovely comments!! xo

  6. What a great savory biscuit. The cardamom would almost trick your senses into expecting something sweet, but the cheese would knock it right back to savory. I like it. A lot!

    1. Yeah, me too! I can't stop eating them! I've tried them with different toppings as well ... marmalade, chocolate, ajvar (not too good this) but mostly on their own is just so good.

  7. Ping, the combination of these beautiful hearts sounds really incredible and delicious! I love cardamom (I put it sometimes in my coffee and I make coffee and cardamom cream, usually in the Summer), but I would have never combined them with cheese, I mean in a savoury version.

    1. Thanks, Sissi.
      Mmmm ... yeah. Coffee and cardamom works really well. There's also a drink made from a combination of spices that's really good. Maybe one day I'll make a post out of that.

  8. Hi Ping-I feel as if I hit the "jackpot"...although I don't have cardamom seeds, I do have a nice jar of organic ground cardamom that I keep in the freezer to stay fresh.

    A Hungarian food blogger friend sent me a package of all sorts of cut-outs after Christmas, that also has a heart shaped, as well. I'm dying to make these yummy savory cheese biscuits, and link it back to you! Who says, you can't have savory hearts, for Valentine's?
    Even better for my Weight Watchers diet; which is really not a diet, just a way of healthy eating:DDD

    1. What perfect timing! I actually used ground cardamom but 1/2 tsp wasn't really enough to bring out the aroma. You might want to make it a whole tsp.
      I'd be honored to have you post this on your blog. And yeah, who says we can't have savory hearts for Valentine's? Spice up your love life, I say!

  9. Cardamom + Cheese?! How interesting... Never tried that combination... Honestly not a cardamom fan. I think, living in India, I've probably overdosed on cardamom :) But this combination sounds very interesting! The cookies are really cute too :)

    1. Ooooh .... spice paradise! I think I'd go gaga if I ever visit India. The Indians have a cardamom type burfi that I so love but sooooooo sweet!

  10. I understand your love for this cookie! I would probably eat the whole batch in 5 minutes flat!

  11. Hi Ping - I can't imagine what cheese and cardamom would be like together - it must be an interesting and delicious combination... I love cardamom after all... one of my favourite spices.

    These biscuits look fantastic - so smooth and creamy coloured - knowing they're packed full of cheese and yummy spices makes them all the more irresistible :)

    1. Thanks, Charles. Yes, it was interesting and delicious. I don't know why cinnamon is so popular in many things and yet cardamom has take a back seat. I actually prefer the scent of cardamom a whole lot more.

  12. Cardamom Is my new favourite spice after knowing my man. I add them to almost anything! But never tried with cheese, have to take a breather first, still cny cookies overload! I'm your neighbour at lazyville :)
    We should meet up, with other kl food bloggers. Me and joanna of chic gorgeous treats is trying to arrange a potluck. What say u?

    1. Welcome to Lazyville! :D
      Meeting up sounds good altho I don't know about the potluck part. Quay Po and I were thinking of meeting up as well and I thought having the first meet over a nice cup of coffee might be less hectic. Jo did mention to me about meeting up with you as well.

    2. Coffee sounds good too, though I have become coffee intolerant, so its just coffee smelling for me! Then we see how it goes from there :)

  13. LOL, you had me smiling at your post from the first line and all the way throughout the post!:)
    It's a lovely biscuit, I must say, and it's nice to see the different loves everyone has, which is dear to their heart :D

  14. Wow, cheese heaven alright! Nice post!

  15. What an interesting combination of cheese and cardamon! Would love to try those biscuits! Send me some??? :)

    1. If only you're closer to me. Hey, they're simple enough to make. Give them a go?

  16. I can eat cheese again tomorrow... I think I know what I want to make! I HEART cardamom!... sweet, savory, you name it! :D

    1. Yay! Another cardamom fan! Do let me know if you like them when you do make them. Enjoy!

  17. I love the flavours of those cookies..cardamom and cheese...just marvelous!

    1. Thank you, Angie. A different combination but nice!

  18. I love cardamom, and I love cheese...never thought to combine the two together. These biscuits sound so good. And they look very cute too.

    1. Thank you :D
      Who'd have thought they'd work so well!

  19. Light and flaky puffs...These are the biscuit textures that I'm after. Will bookmark this recipe!

    1. Oh yeah! The texture is really very good.... surprisingly, seeing they didn't rise as much as Veronika's.

  20. Gong Xi Fa Cai to you! This is infact a very special cheese. My kid like cheese but don't think they can accept cardamom, less chance to try out.

    1. Hi Sonia. You can always omit the cardamom. These are seriously cheesey. It's good if you like cheese, otherwise you might want to use a milder cheddar.

  21. Anything with cardamom catches my instant attention. The biscuits look so pretty and delicious.

  22. Ooo, I have to make these. I too am a big fan of cheese and cardamom. I never would of thought using the two together! Love the cutters, perfect for Valentine's Day.

    1. Hi Lyndsey! I'll be so happy for you to try this out. I think we may need to double the amount of cardamom powder as I didn't think it was strong enough. That's entire up to your discretion ... I'm a huge cardamom fan! :D

  23. This is awesome, good work. Thanks for sharing.

  24. I am loving these little beauties. I bet they taste awesome. You just keep getting better and better.

    1. Hey, Kim! Yes, they were awesome! Thank you! xo
