Jan 19, 2012

Lemon, Sour Cream Fan Tans

(Improv Challenge: Lemon & Sour Cream)

Otherwise known as New England Buttermilk rolls or Yankee Buttermilk rolls.
Why do they call this a "fan" anyway? Ok, maybe it's because it fans out like a, well …. fan. But I think it looks more like an open book. Maybe I should just rename it, Flippin' Page Rolls! (Notice the yellow pages for props?)
And what's with the "tan" bit in the name? I googled it and found zip. Did a Mrs Tan create this? Or is it because the buns got tanned in the oven? Can somebody please enlighten me before I go nuts.

Anyway, the basic recipe calls for buttermilk (why else would it be called buttermilk rolls? Duh).
I didn't have any buttermilk so I've replaced it with sour cream and added an extra zing with some grated lemon zest to waken some senses at breakfast.
*Note: You can always make your own buttermilk. 1 cup milk to 1 tbs white vinegar. There are various other ways besides using white vinegar but that'll have to be another DIY post.

And when you have a tennis elbow that refuses to get any better, the trusty bread machine comes to the rescue!


1/2 cup sour cream + milk to make a total of 200 ml (or 200ml buttermilk)
30 g melted butter
375 g high protein flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
grated zest of a whole lemon
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
2 tsp active dry yeast

20 g melted butter, for brushing


Plonk first 8 ingredients into bread machine bin in the order they're listed (unless your bread machine instructions tell you otherwise).
Poke the dough setting.
Go have a nice cuppa coffee and make some nice comments on someone's blog post. You'll find out how time flies when you're doing that.
When the machine yells at you that it's done (the dough should have risen to twice it's size by then), remove dough from the bin, knock it around a bit for yelling at you and let it rest for another 10 mins.
Preheat oven to 200˚C. Butter muffin tin.
Roll out dough to a rectangle of sorts (I could never get it looking like a rectangle … more like a wreck-tangle) of about 20" X 13" X 1/8".
Brush with the extra melted butter.
Using a pizza cutter, cut wreck-tangle into 5 even strips of about 2" - 2 1/2" wide (if you can cut it into 7 strips, even better, that's the traditional number for the roll).
Place the strips in a stack, then cut them crossways into 8 even pieces.
Pinch the bottoms to seal. Place sealed side down into buttered muffin tin.
Leave to prove until doubled in size, about an hour or so.
Before dumping them in the oven, separated the layers a little so that the "pages" open out nicely. But be careful not to deflate the puffiness.
Bake for 20 - 25 mins or until golden.
Cool slightly on rack. Serve warm with lashings of butter!

* This was submitted to the Improv Challenge hosted by Kristen. January's theme is Sour Cream and Lemon.


  1. Looks like the linky is still not working on your site. I added you to the party myself. Those look like wonderful rolls.

    1. Hey Kristen, thanks for that. At first blogger told me there was a problem and that the linky was "broken", whatever that means, then I repasted and it went off without anymore notices so I thought it was ok. Thanks again for fixing the problem for me. So what should I do for the next one?

    2. Thanks for the new link. Works ok now :D

  2. These rolls look gorgeous--perfect match with some hot soup! The lemon and sour cream work well in these. :)

    1. Thanks, Cathy! Yeah, I actually did have them with some soup later in the day, and also with some mandarine orange marmalade I'd made for the Chinese New Year.

  3. Oh, Ping, I should have known this fabulous bread from the challenge was YOURS!!! You are a bread baking genius! Just beautiful...and I know utterly delicious! xo

  4. Thank God I've got some lemons & sour cream left! They're going straight into the bread machine; 'cause I've got a dinner party for friends that is just crying out for those rolls. yum!

    1. Hey Melody (love those notes after your name). Oh yes, these would be perfect for any party! Hope everyone enjoys them!

  5. These look unique, never heard of them before. I tried to solve the tan mystery but failed. Brushing with butter to get tanned, as you say. Or maybe there should be ten fans but the inventor was no good at spelling.
    Bit like Afghan cookies - why Afghan when it probably has nothing to do with Afghanistan?

    1. LOL!! Appreciate the effort for trying to solve the mystery. Yeah, definitely the creator's fault, can't spell and got tanned for it. :D Funny how some things get their names.

  6. The rolls are lovely and looks quite yummy!

  7. Replies
    1. Well, Flippin' Rolls it is then! I like that too :D And it's gonna be that til I figure out why they're called what they're called.

  8. haha.. no matter you call it Ping.. this is looking pretty yummy.. If I can just have ready to eat on my table now... :p

  9. These are gorgeous rolls! I am totally going to have to give them a go and the sooner the better!

    1. Thanks, Pam. Do let me know how they turn out. Enjoy!

  10. Oh my gosh, it totally does look like an open book - but it also looks delicious!

    1. It does, doesn't it? :D Thanks for dropping by, Miranda.

  11. Ping, why drive yourself nuts about the word "tan" for this fan.You did a FAN-bulous job! I know why they call it fan tan. Because they CAN! hehehe I know, I know, I am trying to be a smart Alec!

    1. Hi Lucy. I always drive myself nuts when I need to know something and can't find the answer. Sometimes I can't even get to sleep over it but in this case, I won't torture myself too much. I'll find out ... sometime. Btw, how was the movie?

  12. Hey and yet again another fiddly and pretty and neat thing! No, you don't want to see what sort of disaster I'd make of those! They do look gorgeously fancy for a dinner party as someone commented, and I do love lemon. Hm. :)

    As to "fan tan" - I think it's meant to be a wordplay on "fun tan", which if I am not imagining it, is one of those retarded 1920s invented word from a commercial. It seems to niggle at me, if I remember where I saw/read that, I'll show you!

    - Veronika

    1. Oh no, this isn't fiddly at all. It may look like it is but it's actually quite easy, just a lot of waiting time for the risings. You'll manage this, no problem, I promise.
      You would certainly be a life-saver (or should I say, "sleep"-saver) if you could find that bit of info. Thanks.

  13. Ohh, this looks so pretty! I grew up in Germany and have never heard of fan tans. I bet they taste wonderful, the consistency seems perfect. I had so much fun with my first improv challenge, and I love how many different takes there are on these ingredients.

    1. Thanks, Kiri. Actually they're just plain ol' bread made fancy :D One of those enriched bread recipes would work just fine.
      Yes, this is my first time too. I love seeing all those things that have been churned out so creatively. Now to crack my head for the next one :D

  14. WOW! This looks pretty like a fan indeed. Bet must be very yummy.:)

    1. Thanks, Ann. It is very nice ... rich and lemony at the same time.

  15. Cannot enlighten you on the name, but they look great! Goes on my list of things to bake!

    1. Haha! Thanks. Do let me know how they turn out. Enjoy!

  16. Right after I convert the ingredient amounts, I'm making these! Come check out my Lemon Sour Cream Poppy Seed Muffins! :)

    1. Hello. Let me know if you enjoyed them as much as I did. I did check out your muffins! AND more :D Love the cookie cake!

  17. I have never heard of these - but they look fun! I did the same thing with replacing buttermilk for my scones :)

    1. Yes, they were fun to make :D Sour cream is such a versatile ingredients, isn't it? Love the stuff!

  18. Those are just awesome looking.

    This month I have found that my fellow bloggers have turned out some awesome recipes. Which is why I so enjoy participating in this challenge.

    1. Hi Rachel. Thank you. This is my first time participating and I'm just awed by all the contributions ... everyone here is amazing! There's a feast going on here from appetizers to desserts ... the whole works!

  19. Ping-your fan bread turned out gorgeous. Love the shape and flavor of it. Hope your tennis elbow gets better soon...no fun, I know the feeling!
    Looks like there's more than one site for the lemon challenge this month. Love all the beautiful lemon and sour cream treats linked up!

    1. Thanks, Elisabeth. My tennis elbow problem comes and goes, depending on how much stress I put it through. Sigh, old age. Brain's not getting that tho :D
      I had expected to see your post in this challenge. Lemon and sour cream would have been ok with weight watchers, no?

  20. These are beautiful~no matter what their name! I agree, these would be fun for a dinner party, looking so pretty on a bread and butter plate! Great recipe!

  21. Ping, you are a specialist of incredible, out-of-space food forms! This looks like a work of genius. Flipping Page Rolls sounds actually more poetic and the yellow pages instead of a plate is an extremely clever presentation idea. In short, I am in awe of your skills and talent.

    1. Hi Sissi! Out-of-space .... hmm ... that's giving me some ideas. Next you'll be seeing some alien shaped stuff :D
      Thank you for your sweet comments. Very encouraging indeed! Hug.

  22. wow these look amazing. want to try this recipe

    1. Hi Meg. Thanks for dropping by, Do give it a go and let me know if you like them. Enjoy!

  23. What a fabulous recipe! I absolutely love their unique shape! I'm originally from New England, and have never seen these before but I am dying to try them now! Great photo! : )

    1. Really? Now you've got me thinking if I've got my info correct. Can't believe everything Wiki tells you. Tsk. :D
      Thanks for coming by and dropping a comment.

  24. Hi Ping,

    That's such a cool shape - so pretty, and I bet the taste too is equally awesome... nice one! :)

  25. Oh, I've heard of these rolls, but they look fantastic! And perfect for this season when citrus fruits are abundant!

  26. These are just beautiful and they sound delicious too.

    1. Thank you Lisa. They go well with most things and I love how I could peel of a leaf at a time to munch. :D

  27. Oh, BRAVO! I would have never thought to make fan-tans with the lemon and sour cream! YUM!

  28. These are beautiful Ping, and they sound amazing! I have yet to try a fantan, but I would like to start with one of these!

  29. This look like fan and must be good too. Wishing you Gong Xi Fa Cai and may this dragon year bring you good health and good luck.

  30. I agree, it looks much more like an open book. Definitely go for the rename! :)

  31. Ping!

    I found it! http://home.comcast.net/~flickhead/FanTan.html

    It is apparently a Chinese game that was popularized in the West around that time, and there are also some music productions and such named after it. ;)

    - V

    1. Thanks, V! Uh, wait ... did I miss something in there? Where's the part that tells me about the bread?

    2. There isn't, I just think the bread is named as a word play on that - I've seen the term "fun tan" and "fan tan" applied as a corny rhyme in adverts. I think that's where it came from!

  32. That looks incredible! These should be served at 5 stars hotel. Happy Chinese New Year!

    1. Gosh! I'm flattered! Thanks for that :D Happy Chinese New Year to you too!

  33. These are really cool looking. So unique. Great choice of recipe to make Ping. I am wicked jealous of your awesomeness.

    1. Thanks, Kim. Aww ... and I'm jealous of yours ... so we're even :D

  34. Hi Ping! I've been away from blogging for a while, and I am back now... and these 'fans' look so cool! Like nothing I've seen before! I think you are superbly creative.. .Great job! Can't wait to browse through your other recipes that I've missed! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Hellooooo ... welcome back and thank you. You haven't missed much. I've had some down time too and haven't been too active. And now the festive goings on are keeping me away from my kitchen. Will definite get back into the rhythm of things. Looking forward to yours as well :D
