May 9, 2012

Raspberry Ripple Cheese Tart

I did say I couldn't get myself into the mood to cook nor bake at this point of time but things are starting to look up a little. Also there are certainly no shortage of seriously tempting recipes around to get me going.
This was one of many. And I've also not made a cheesecake for the longest time. My family likes the non-baked ones, which is what I usually do (one day, that will get posted ... one day). The baked cheesecakes have always been a little too rich for me.
But when I saw this on Charles' page @ Five Euro Food, I knew I needed to make this and my tummy actually growled in approval! Definitely a good distraction from my worries for the moment. Not only that, the raspberry coulis, I knew, was going to balance out the richness of the cheesecake, so this was going to be a good one!

I called it a tart coz I'd sort of halved the recipe and it fitted perfectly into my flan pan ... and a couple of teeny tartlet tins. If you'd like the full recipe, please visit Charles, check out the English gentleman, ogle at his food and pics and get that idea of "English people eat only jellied eels and fish and chips" out of your head .... what? Nobody thinks that? Only me? Whoops .... (sorry, old chap) ... I forgot about Chicken Tikka Masala :)
(Please don't hate me).


8 digestive biscuits
40g butter

250 g cream cheese
1/3 cup cream
1 tbs plain flour
80 g sugar
1 egg + 1 egg yolk

1/4 cup raspberry coulis (I used frozen berries pureed with 1 tbs lemon juice)


Preheat oven to 180˚C

For the base:

Place biscuits in a food processor. Buzz til you get fine crumbs.
Melt the butter in the microwave and stir into the crumbs. (It should resemble wet sand)
Press into the bottom and sides of a shallow pie tin or in this case, I'd used an 8" tart / flan pan.
Bake for 10 minutes.
Remove and cool.

*Note: I made this a second time without baking the crust first and it also worked fine. I'd placed it in the fridge while I made the filling.

For the filling:

* Here you can use a hand/electric whisk. I'd used my food processor again after cleaning it of the crumbs.

Put in the cream cheese, eggs and flour. Buzz to mix evenly. Use a spatula to scrape the sides and bottom if needed.
Add the sugar and cream. Process until smooth.
Pour mixture into cooled crust.
Drizzle the coulis over the top. (I'd used a chopstick to make the streaks)
Bake for about 30 minutes.
Cool and place in refrigerator for a couple of hours to set a little (this was the hardest to do ... the waiting!)
(Don't ask me how long it keeps for, coz this was gone within 24 hours)


  1. Oh, I'm SO glad that Charles could entice you with this amazing cheesecake recipe. With both your endorsements, I MUST bake one, too. Your swirls are just are a baking artist, my friend. Thinking of you~~~

    1. So am I! Or not ... have to get some new jeans now. It's neither too sweet nor too rich. Absolutely perfect for folks who aren't into rich baked cheesecakes. Try it! Do let me know if you love it as much as everyone who have tasted this. Thank you, Lizzy dear, for the lovely compliments. Hug!... and *blush*

  2. WOW! Look at the gorgeous ripple effect on that cheesecake - your swirls are in a professional class of their own ;-) - I'm not sure I could achieve that result if my life depended on it - :) - but I sure love admiring it. What a great version of Charles' delightful cheesecake Ping - big success!

    1. Aw ... thanks Kelly. Professional ... hehe, *2nd time blush* (after Lizzy's). And I'm certain you could achieve the same if not a better result if you did. But I'm gonna bask in this for now :D

  3. I LOVE baked cheese cake. I eat one almost every week when I was expecting my son. No wonder each time at the doctor's office, he warned me to stop putting on weight. He said I will have to throw away all my clothings after I give birth to my baby. My family said I looked like a pumpkin! LOL! Thank God, I got back in shape after that. When I am in US, I might try to wow my step daughter with this bake cheese cake with the raspberry ripples. The only problem is I am no artist, I may not get such gorgeous ripples like yours. Mmm... I think I should try baking this once before I leave for US if not I will still hear a "WOW" but not as a compliment. Wish me luck.

    1. You do? Then this would be good to make. But I gotta warn you, this isn't as sweet nor as rich as the usual baked cheesecakes.
      A pumpkin?! Can't imagine you looking like that. You look great from where I stand.
      Naw, you don't need luck to make this. It's really easy, I promise. Just remember not to overbake otherwise the top will crack. Making this will be a piece of (cheese)cake for you :D

  4. Your tart is like a piece of art, look gorgeous too. Too bad, I am the only one in the family appreciate this kind of heavy cheese tart , all prefer soft cotton cheese cake, so I can just drooling here..

    1. Thank you so much, Sonia. Coming from a master baker/cook like you, I'm seriously flattered. This isn't as rich as the usual baked cheesecakes. I myself, did not enjoy the baked ones before I tried this. Now I'm hooked! You can always just use 1 egg minus the extra egg yolk if you want to try convert your family's tastebuds :)

  5. Wow, this looks amazing :) What a beautiful presentation, too! I would love this - mmmm!

  6. Ping, your photos are breathtaking!!!! And the fruit pattern is simply a piece of art. What a lovely idea to make a cheese tart out of Charles's cheesecake! (Eels? I have never heard this one!)

    1. Thank you so much, Sissi! That means a lot.
      Jellied eels seem to be in every book that claims to have authentically British recipes ... well, the ones that I've seen, anyway. I cringe just at the sound of it. Eek.

  7. Hi Ping, it is so cute to see a small cake next to the full-sized cake in your last picture! The cake is beautiful! I've been looking for a no-bake cheesecake lately for a special occasion only becoz I don't have much time to cook these days, have something important to do for the next few weeks! I tell you what, if I have time, I'll bake it & you'll see it but if I don't, I think it doesn't matter to you anyway, hahaha!

    Yum yum cheesecake, make me hungry now! I love both bake & no bake cheesecakes!

    1. Glad you like that pic. It's a "mummy" and "baby" tart :D
      I'd be delighted if you made this and to see it on your blog! Whenever you have time, of course. Important stuff first.

  8. Not sure what I have done just now. Finished writing but not not sure whether it has been sent successfully or not. By the way, just want to say that I like both bake & no bake cheesecakes(as long as they are cheesecakes)! I've been looking for a no bake cheesecake lately!

    Love the 1st picture which shows a small cake next to a full-sized cake, very cute!

    1. Did you just have a "Lucy" moment, Jessie? LOL!! Maybe Veronica and I should sent you the application form to be member #3!
      Anyway, thanks for trying again. Both comments worked :D

  9. Aww, don't you just love Charles, he comes up with some amazing treats. This is one of them and yours looks perfect. I love the swirls. Nice

    1. Hello, Suzi. So nice to meet you!
      Oh yes, I've tried several of Charles' recipes and they've always turned out great!
      Thanks for coming by :)

  10. Ping, that is stunning! I know you've been having a hard time, so I'm glad you were tempted by Charles' recipe.

    1. Hi! Thank you very much. Yeah, this really got me going again. Things are looking better and hoping it stays good. This was a "feel-good" recipe, visually and tummy-wise :D I'm really happy with this myself!

  11. "English people eat only jellied eels and fish and chips"

    LOL :D I've heard of jellied eels... thank God I've never tried them or seen them... they sound positively revolting!

    Ping, thank you so much for the kind mention and words - and I'm so glad you could try the tart (or cake :) ) - I gotta say, your decorating puts mine to shame though... your swirls are absolutely beautiful, not like my lines of fail! :D

    1. You haven't had jellied eels?! I'm amazed! :D
      I thought it's such a traditional dish too ... something in the same category as Spotted Dick and Fish and Chips. I see the recipe in almost every cookbook that claims to be authentically British and recently in a Gary Rhodes book that my aunt in England gave me. And yes, I do agree with you, they sound positively revolting!
      I'm really happy with this cheesecake, Charles. It's absolutely delicious and not like the usual cloyingly sweet and rich baked ones. This is the first baked cheesecake that I truly like. This is definitely a keeper! I should thank you instead :)
      And I wouldn't call yours "lines of fail" .... it's totally a different style ... I'd say, "rustic". Tastes great ... who cares?

  12. I like the baby version of this tart. It's so cute!

    1. Thanks Zoe. It's a nice size for someone who doesn't like to share! :D

  13. Looks nice...and looks easy to make too.

    1. Yes, it is nice AND easy to make ... the perfect combination for weight gain :D

  14. cheesecake is one of my favorite's and this looks delicious.

    1. Hi Stefania. Thank you and thanks for the visit. Why not give it a try? I promise, it's really nice :)

  15. I like that this is a little less sweet than most rich desserts. It certainly turn out beautifully.

    1. Yeah, me too. I'm totally in love with this one. Thanks Kristen!

  16. Ping, what a beautiful job you did on theis raspberry rippled cheesecake. I know I would love this, I like that it is not so sweet, and is a smaller size...a "tart". I think I could make that! Even this "not really a baker" here!

    I'll have to check out Charles' site and see what it's all about!

    1. Hi Lyndsey! Thank you so much! This is so dangerously easy to make.
      Tell Charles I said hi!

  17. Wow - that was worth the cheesecake wait if you produced this number! Wow. And I'm so glad you added the chicken tikka masala! Lol.

    1. Haha! I'd almost given up on baked cheesecakes. Luckily, I was able to be tempted by Charles' pic. Thanks, Jill :D

  18. If I tell you what happened, you wouldn't believe it, Ping!
    I was about to comment on your fabulous cheesecake a couple days ago, and clicked on to Charles' blog...then clicked on to another, and somehow landed on a blog from Israel where I saw the latest that I made, and posted it!

    What I'm trying to say, is I got so sidetracked that I forgot to come back to your blog. Love the raspberry drizzle in the cheesecake, and the yummy flavor combination. Great job, Ping!

    1. I would too! It just happened to me! Read your comment here, and went straight off to see what it was that you posted, checked that out and am now only back again to reply ... went around the world, so to speak. Thanks, Elisabeth!

  19. i just found your blog via Food and Thrift…I’m very happy to have found your lovely blog! That cheesecake is luscious looking! I am a huge cheesecake fan! Have a great day!

    1. Hi Kathy! So nice to meet you and thanks for coming by.
      I've recently become a fan of this sort of cheesecake ... actually, I should say, addicted!

  20. This cheesecake looks so elegant with that drizzle on top of it! Very luscious!

  21. I love a good cheesecake, baked or non-baked. But you're right Ping! I do love my cheesecakes lighter and not overly sweet. What a perfect way to balance it out with Raspberry Coullis. LOVE it even more.. If I had it my way, I would scoop off all the coullis and lick till my spoon is shiny clean. LOL.. I hope all is well with you.. and though I may not be a mother yet, and still like a young ciku hopping around, here's wishing you to good health and Happy Belated Momsie Day!! xoxo, Jo

    1. Hello young ciku. LOL!! Raspberry Coulis cheesecake ... and hold the cheesecake!

  22. Holy yum! This looks incredibly delicious. Bookmarking this for the weekend. :)

  23. Oh dear I am drooling... What an amazing image! This I have to try! I will let you know when I do.

    1. Hello Zsuzsa. Thank you. Hope you try this. I'm sure you'll like it :)

  24. I am guilty of loving some no bake cheesecake a little too much but this tart of yours looks wonderful. :) I hope things continue to look up for you.

    1. Me too! Until this came along. Now I'm a convert. Thanks Keets. Things are looking up a little, less crazy now.

  25. Wow! Just look at what I missed... That looks SO amazing, Ping! I can imagine why you had to recreate this beauty... I want to make it now! What a fabulous looking cheese tart... I think I am going to make it too :)

    I've missed you! Did I say that already?

    1. LOL! I've missed you too! It's so nice to see you again.
      I'd be so honored if you made this ... and hopefully like it too :)

  26. oh, me too..have not made any cheesecakes for the past 2 years probably..infact there's only 1 cheesecake post in my entire blog! not that i dont like eating cheesecakes, i do enjoy eating cheesecakes but feel a little intimadated making them, especially making baked ones.. hv to keep watching them! your swirl is very pretty, reminds me of the images of a 'wau' know that big malay kite..

    1. Hi Lena. This recipe is non-fussy. I didn't even bother to keep watch over it. I know the cracking is a big no-no but the swirls in this actually hides it (shhhh...) and even if there are cracks, it actually makes it look very 3D.
      A wau? Wow! :D I didn't think of that ... but yeah, you're so right! Thanks!

  27. Ping like you I'm behind in my blog reading. I find at this time of year if it doesn't drop into my email inbox I can't seem to venture out! I'm so glad to be back on your blog and this tart is gorgeous! The photos are fantastic. I read through the recipe which sounds delicous and love the use of Digestive biscuits. I have always loved them and can't eat them now since I'm gluten free. I'm sure they make a great crust. Great recipe!

    1. Hi Toni. So nice to see you again over here. Thank you for the compliments. Aww ... it's too bad you can't have the crust but making this without it will definitely work as well .... altho I'm wondering how to get it out of the tin ... hmmm. That is a thought ...
      I have absolutely no experience in the gluten free field, unfortunately :(

    2. Oh, I know! Make the base using the gluten free cookies your son made for you for mother's day (if there are any left)! That would be so perfect!

  28. I have this block of cream cheese in the fridge for so long and it's calling me to make it into a cheesecake. This is the best idea to consume it, don't you agree! I am attending the biggest morning tea for the fundraising for cancer next week, and I'm going to bake your "Food for the God" to share with people.

    1. Hi Veronica! You'll love this one. It's so simple and yummy. Wow, I'm honored you'll be sharing the Food for the Gods for the fundraising. I hope everyone likes it.

  29. Oooooo! That looks like a cheesecake-lover's dream tart! And with all the fresh raspberries out there now I want to go and make that and decorate it with those and... PING!!! I am on a DIET TOO! This is evil!

    *attempts to not think of sugar or flour or...*

    Looks divine as usual, with all the pretty swirls!

  30. Oooh, so beautiful and so yummy looking - and with pretty swirls as usual! Ping, you are set out to ruin my diet, aren't you? :) This seriously looks like a cheesecake-lover's dream, and with all the fresh raspberries available now, my will is weak and I want to bake it!

    1. Thanks, V! Me? Ruin your diet? Muahaha!! Yeah, since I can't keep to mine, I may as well ruin yours (now how do you make an evil emoticon?)
