Aug 30, 2012

Guest Post: Brown Butter Peach Scones by Lizzy!

It's Skinny Lizzy!
Lizzy from That Skinny Chick Can Bake ... yet can't get fat. I am so envious of her figure ... grrr... (I used to look like that once upon a time, you know). She claims it's the Hot Yoga she's nuts about but we all know her evil intentions. She's even admitted to it publicly on facebook. See incriminating evidence below:

Lizzy was one of my very early blog friends and pillar of support. She's one who has a great sense of humor and takes my inane comments with a pinch of salt when some others would have unfriended me by now ... facebook or otherwise. (I wonder if it'll actually happen after this). And she has the cutest dog named Lambeau who does great infamous people impressions. Hi Lambeau!!

Today, she's come up with yet another mouth-watering recipe. Brown Butter Peach Scones.

You know I'm so gonna to make this, right? I love scones. And I've always fallen back to my very basic Lemon Scones recipe and tweaked it this way and that. Not this time. This time, I'm following this recipe to the letter ... oh, except maybe the fresh peaches part. I suppose I could substitute that with dried peaches since fresh ones are either difficult to get here or too expensive. Oh what the heck, I'll splurge just for this. (And I'd better do so before the season's over). I can just imagine the subtle perfume of the peaches in each bite and with the sultry scent of cinnamon ..... heaven!

Well, heeerrre's Lizzy, everyone! Enjoy!

Today, I am thrilled to be guest posting for my sweet, hilarious blogger friend, Ping. She is another dear blogger I met through Foodbuzz. Quick witted with a warm, genuine personality, I knew I'd be friends with her after her first comment on my blog. She was patient enough to wait for this post till my summer vacation was over and Nick, my youngest, was moved to college. Now that I'm just baking for a family of three, with my two bottomless pit sons out of the house, I can't whip up round after round of decadent desserts...but a delicious breakfast treat is A-OK.There are still plenty of fantastic peaches available, so I made my version of brown butter scones which I saw on the blog of another friend, Laura (see her blog name listed with the recipe). 

These were moist and full of bites of sensational ripe peaches. The brown butter added another layer of definitely worth the extra time and effort.  I brought these to my knitting group (no, I don't knit. In fact, I stink at most crafty stuff...but they are such fun ladies and they tolerate me because I bring snacks ;)). Armed with freshly baked scones, jam and clotted cream, I saw delight in their faces as I set them on the table. At least one friend, a self proclaimed anglophile, had seconds. Guess they were as sensational as I thought.

I did err by using salted butter for the brown butter (laziness more than mistake as it would have required another trip to the market!), so I thought these were a wee bit salty. If you use salted butter, you'll need to decrease the salt to 1/4 teaspoon. But, to tell the truth, no one seemed to notice this but me.

Brown Butter Peach Scones...adapted from America's Test Kitchen with inspiration from Tutti Dolci-All Sweets~

2 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
4 tablespoons sugar, divided
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
5 tablespoons brown butter (see instructions below)*
1 cup diced peaches, excess moisture dried with paper towels
1 cup heavy cream plus more for glazing
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Turbinado sugar, for finishing

*A few hours or the day before baking, cook butter (unsalted preferred) in a saucepan over medium heat till brown with a nutty frangrance...this should take 5-6 minutes. Cool, then refrigerate till solid.

Preheat oven to 425ยบ.

Combine flour, baking powder, 3 tablespoons of sugar and salt in mixing bowl.  Whisk to combine.  Cut butter into 1/2 inch pieces, then scatter over flour mixture. Cut in butter with pastry blender until it looks like coarse corn meal with a few slightly larger lumps. Mix peaches with the remaining 1 tablespoon of sugar and the cinnamon. Gently stir peaches into dry ingredients.  Add vanilla to heavy cream, add to bowl, and stir in with spatula or fork till dough begins to form.

Pour out onto flour dusted counter top and knead by hand till comes together into a slightly sticky mass...only about 5-10 seconds.  Pat into a round about 1 inch tall.  Cut into 8 wedges or use cookie cutter to cut rounds

Place onto ungreased or Silpat/parchment lined baking sheet.  May brush with cream and sprinkle with turbinado sugar if desired.  Bake 10-15 minutes (depending on size of your scones) till light brown.  Cool on rack 10 minutes before serving.  May serve warm or at room temperature.  These freeze well.

You may also make these in the food processor.  Be careful not to over process.

Makes 8. 

These are best on the day made.  Freeze leftovers and just pop in the microwave for a delicious treat or freeze unbaked scones and bake a little longer than directed.  

Thanks, Ping, for inviting me into your lovely home. Ping's Pickings is one of my favorite places to stop and visit each week!!! 


  1. Oh, aren't you the sweetest, Ping!!! It was my pleasure to guest post for you today. And, as usual, you gave me reason to giggle my way through your introduction :) xo

  2. I love Lizzy!! and these scones look amazing!!!

  3. What a perfectly delightful post :) They are magical Lizzy...seriously delicious!

  4. Hi Ping, and Lizzy, as much as I love both of you dear friends...this is a wonderful post, well written; but there's something missing!

    No link back to your blog, Lizzy. Nice that you linked back to Tutti the Brown Butter Peach Scones...the photos are beautiful; unless I'm mistaken but I would like to click back to you on a link!

  5. Lovely scones! I have an orange scone recipe on hand but yet to try out. So lazy me.ehehhehehe

  6. I just came from Lizzy's blog. These scones look amazing. I love making scone, I would have never of thought of using peaches scones.

  7. Nice to meet you, Ping! Liz, your scones look fantastic!

  8. Oooo....peaches, it must be good then! So I see that I'm not the only evil one (Ahem!). I do a little mantra learned from an equally evil cousin. When eating with company say this silently under your breath "May the fats go to other people". So there!

  9. Guys! I am joining you for the cup of tea with these scones! :)))

  10. Lizzy is the best!! These scones are amazing. Great guest post. :)

  11. Oh, you ALL are so sweet! Thanks for making me smile this morning! It's so wonderful to see so many of our mutual friends commenting...and some new ones, too!

    PS...Ping is away from her computer for a bit, so she didn't get a chance to link back to me. Till she gets back to her pc, here's my link:

  12. Hi Ping! Hi Liz! Looks like a party is happening over here, lol...I can see why this is a favorite stop of yours Liz. Just looking around is making me hungry. And yes, there is definitely room for some Peach Scones in this gal's tummy!!!

    Thanks for sharing you two...

  13. Ping,
    These peach Scones with brown butter are perfect for my breakfast. they sound so good, and I 'm drooling already!
    thanks for having my friend Lizzy, as your guest blogger today!
    Nice to meet you!

    A great guest Post!

  14. Lizzy you are one of the coolest chicks on the planet! Thanks for sharing this recipe. Thank you for inviting her here Ping and it's a pleasure to meet you.

  15. I love scones and peaches, so this recipe is bookmarked! Can't wait to make them.

  16. Great recipe posted from my good friend, Liz. Nice to meet you and now following you. I welcome you to stop over to my blog too someday if you have a moment. ALways nice to meet like-minded foodies!

  17. It's the first time I see peach scones and am astounded by their beauty! They look particularly appetising. How can anyone be skinny and have such gorgeous tempting sweets just within reach??? Liz, I'm envious too ;-)
    Ping, I am sure these scones would be great with mango, which not only is cheap in your country, but I'm sure excellent.

  18. Ping, Love your blog…and your sense of humor! Lizzy, wonderful looking scones…can’t wait to give them a try!

  19. I am a fan of Lizzy and yes she definitely can bake and doesn't gain an ounce. She and her baked goodies are amazing. Thank Liz and thank you Ping for having her at your blog. This is my first time visiting and nice meeting you, Ping! You have a new fan! :)

  20. I just love the idea, I have to try them while peaches are around!

  21. peaches - my favorite fruit and brown butter, one of my favorite flavors. what an delicious combination! Over the top scones Liz! Great post! Ping - very nice to meet you! I use to have Liz's figure once. I was 11 years old and 4 foot 3 inches tall. :) Love the look of your blog. Headed to explore more of it.

  22. Hi folks. I'm sorry for not being able to make any replies for now. Will be back soon, I promise. In the meantime, make some of these!

  23. I'm a a fan of both of you - and finally stopping by for these scones. Still laughing at that joke. Yes, I met Liz in Paris recently and she really IS skinny, plus agree that she is such a support - don't know how she gets around everyone so well! I also met both of you via Foodbuzz but now it has changed, I'm lost!
    Peach scones are a wonderful idea.
    Good luck with college to your son.

  24. Hi, Ping, hi Lizzy! Ping, I came across with a similar joke before which is "God, if you can't make me thin, please make my friends fat!"

    I haven't had scones for such a long time. Thanks for sharing such a great scone recipe. Peach will be in season by end of the year in Australia, when summer starts. Now, we can only find canned peaches.

  25. Lizzy, a great guest post. Love your scones. Absolutely mouth watering worthy!

  26. What a lovely recipe, I wonder if you could substitute buttermilk for the cream to try to make it a little less heavy? Very nice guest post Liz!
    Hi Ping, I'm over from Liz's blog, now I'm going to cruise around and see what you've been up to.

  27. oh yum! I love scones! And ping - I love how you introduced her with the pink picture! Thanks for the laugh!

  28. Hi Ping & Lizzy, beautiful and delicious scones. One of my favorite... but have not try with peach. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Have a nice weekend, regards.

  29. Ping, this is a yummy recipe and a thoroughly enlightening post. Now I know why I feed people the moment they step through my door and send them on their way with goodies. The more they look like me the better I feel about myself. Aha!

  30. Peaches are a gorgeous choice for these scones - so fresh and juicy this time of year! Love your flavourings too Lizzy - cinnamon is the perfect hint (and I do mean "hint" - I'm not fully committing here :) of fall.

  31. I love scones...with clotted cream & fruit jam! Would love to try these.

  32. Peach scones sound like a wonderful tea treat! Would love to try some of these.

  33. Wonderful guest post! These scones sound amazing Liz! The fresh peaches must be so flavorful in these!

  34. would really love to try brown butter one day! thanks! i think it brings brings a new dimension to its buttery taste!

  35. Hi Ping & Lizzy! What a wonderful guest post, and I can't resist reaching out to the wonderful brown butter peach scones. They are just so hearty and fruity too. Delish! Have a great week ahead ladies.xoxo
