Sep 14, 2012

Balsamic Onions Quinoa Patties & Quinoa Salad

(Guest post at Just As Delish)

Whoo! My first time doing a guest post!
Thank you Shannon, for asking. I'm excited! I'm nervous! I'm panicking!

Shannon asked. I'd said ok. I'd be honored. I asked Shannon if there is anything specific she'd like. She'd said no, no specific recipe. I asked if there are any special requests. And she'd said yes! It needs to be simple and healthy (ie. no deep frying, no loads of sugar/butter/cream). All of the above is what I am ... unhealthy. Now you see why I'm panicking? I'm doomed!
Ok, ok, I'm calm, I'm calm. I just need to see this as a challenge to my high-fat-cream-infused brain. 

Wait. What's this packet of healthy looking thing doing in my pantry? It stuck out like a sore thumb. The mother of all grains, Quinoa! (Well, according to the Incas, anyway).
How healthy is that? 
And when I told Shannon it's going to be quinoa, she said, "Quinoa? Isn't that too healthy for you?". Does she know me or what?

Like what you see? Want to find out more? Head over to Just As Delish and say hi to Shannon.

Thanks again, Shannon, for making me come up with something healthy. It's not as difficult as I thought it would be.


  1. Oooh, quinoa! I love that stuff!

    This looks great and right up my alley - and hey, who said cream and butter aren't healthy? They are, they're for mental health! :D

    Glad to have you back to posting! *hugs*

    - Veronika

    1. Hey V. Good to be back. Keeping busy to keep sane. Did you say cream and butter are good for mental health? Yesss .... cream and butter, here I come! *Hugs back*

  2. Thanks again for your lovely post. I'll eat all the unhealthy food in Penang on your behalf.. hahaha

    1. Thank YOU, Shannon. You've made me one meal healthier. Sometimes I need a big nudge to get going on something and this was it for the health food chapter. Guess you'll have to do a big detox when you get back :)

  3. Mmmmmm....your quinoa cakes look marvelous!!! You rocked this guest post, my friend!!!

  4. Quinoa? What's that? Grain, healthy stuff? Hmmmm...I call those things horse food - no worries, you'll be tough and strong like horses. Muahahahahahaha!!!!! Wouldn't mind trying though...if somebody else is cooking. Hehehehehe!!!!

  5. Whoa! Quinoa.....I have read so much about it and actually held a packet of it at the organic shop a few weeks ago. Then I saw a muffin recipe using quinoa. And now this. Ping, your quinoa patties and salad look absolutely delish! I am going back to that shop to get my quinoa :)

    1. Hey! That rhymes! Haha! I'm glad I actually managed to convince someone who's not a health nut to try it. But it really has a very nice texture. Of course, you'll get that in the salad more than in the patties. I'm already thinking of other things to make with it. Am excited to see what you're gonna make!

  6. I was just thinking... your awesome looking quinoa patty could be called a knödel. a flat version. =D

    1. Hey! You're so right! A flattened meatless knödel. Thank you, Helene ... gave me a good giggle!

  7. Ping, this will definitely fit in with "healthy" food! I can see quinoa is getting popular in Australia too! Nice shot!

    1. Thanks, Jessie. I'm really liking quinoa ... more so for the texture than for the health part :)

  8. So healthy, and delicious. Congratulations on your first guest post, Ping...heading over to Shannon's to say 'hi'!

  9. You nailed your first guest post, Ping! I'm pretty sure there'll be more coming your way!

    1. Thank you, Tina! *phew* that was a scary one :)

  10. it looks delish! i've never tried quinoa before! i think i will soon, especially after looking at your beautiful patty!

  11. i think i got to hide my potato croquettes after seeing your delectable patties. So healthy especially infused with grains. I hope my kids will appreciate grains more.

    1. I love your croquettes, Yee Ling! If you haven't noticed already, this is my first healthy recipe :)
      Honestly, I'd go for the croquettes before these! LOL!! But the quinoa salad is a great accompaniment for anything. I'd do that one more often.

  12. Hi Ping, this look delicious and healthy. Can eat without guilt and no need look at weighing scale. :)
    Excellent click.

    Have a nice week a head. Regards.

    1. Thank you, Amelia. Haha! I'll bet anyone will still need a weighing scale if they ate a lot of it! :) ... but less guilt for sure.
      You have a great weekend!

  13. This is definitely healthful food -- well, at least in my standard but what do I know about health? :) I just came back from Shannon's and I would say you are definitely entertaining and I love your sense of humor. Thank you! :)

    1. Hi Ray! I'm happy to find another who's as into health food as I am :)
      I'm glad you've enjoyed the post. Thank you for the lovely comment!

  14. very 2 healthy indeed! i'm going over to chk your post now!

  15. Ping, when you do a guest post, you really outdo yourself: two recipes with this wonder food. I must admit I am not a big fan of quinoa. I don't hate it and find it tasty, but I could perfectly live without it. Nevertheless, your patties look so tempting.... almost as appetising as a good hamburger. You have done a wonderful job!

    1. Thank you so much, Sissi! I must admit I wasn't tempted to try it out until now ... thanks to Shannon, this really is something I could use in my salads often. Sometimes I just want a light meal and salads without proteins somehow just doesn't keep me filled quite as long and with quinoa, I don't have to raid the fridge afterwards! :)

  16. These are some of the prettiest quinoa patties I've ever seen!!!!!

  17. Nice guest post, nice recipe, nice picture. When are you going to doing one for me?

    1. Thank you. All you have to do is ask and I'm all yours! :)

  18. Congrats on your first guest post! Those quinoa cakes sure look good :)

  19. Hi Ping - congratulations on your guest post, and what a lovely dish too! We made something similar just before our baby was born. Quinoa patties, but we added red kidney beans too just to bulk them out a bit, so I totally know how awesome these would be! Beautiful photo too :)

    1. Hello New Daddy-O! :)
      Thank you! Great idea, adding beans. But boy, was this heavy already!

  20. Congratulations on your first guest post! I'm headed over to Shannon's now to check out this recipe. The food and the picture are scrumptious!

    1. Hi MJ! Thank you. I hope you'll enjoy the recipe and Shannon's place!

  21. That almost looks like kobi beef burger patties. Sell it to a drunkard in the dark and he/she will never know. Just don't mention it is healthy.
    Quinoa is a full protein so I understand your logic.Put a couple of slices of cheese and you may put McD's our of business

    1. LOL!! What an idea!
      I sort of remember MacD in India had a Vege Burger of sorts. Didn't go too well in a community that's very much vegetarian and practically everyone can turn out a much better vegetarian meal than what they sell for.
      I think I'll have better luck with the kobe cows ... they'll love this for sure! :)

  22. Wow your quinoa patties look amazing! As do your photos. I love the colors and depth of field. The recipe sounds great too.

  23. Hi Ping, as I too have a high-fat cream-infused brain I never thought I'd put the following words together in the same sentences - here goes "Wow - those quinoa patties look amazing" Bravo! You rose to the healthy challenge with aplomb!

    1. Hi Hester. LOL!! I'm happy to know there's another HFCI brain out there :)
      Thank you!

  24. hey Ping, Really thanks for the awesome post.
    Balsamic Onions Quinoa is preeti good food for lunch .
