Nov 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Roasted Duck & Sundried Tomatoes Pasta

Okay, so I cheated, and used a store bought roasted duck. 
Hey, Thanksgiving isn't even celebrated big time here. It should, if not just to remind everyone to be thankful and doesn't have to be about any country's traditions and shmaditions if you don't want it to be. Gratitude is the keyword, not stuffing, yams or turkeys .... or even pasta ... well, it can be, but gratitude comes first, and then stuffing, yams and turkeys ... even pasta.

I'm thankful, even after several months of sadness, mishaps and not-nice whatnots, I still have some sanity and strength left in me. Thankful that I still have some time to make and post this. Thankful that you are reading this. Thankful to be here. 
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

I've never had to roast a duck (I'm thankful for that too, altho I'd like to try do so one fine day). People seem to like giving me roast duck. I get this quite often. I love roast duck ... any which way. I'm happy.
I was given this, I said thanks. Thanks-given. Thanksgiving ... get it? Oh well ...
This one was roasted in the Cantonese style, with a strong flavor of five spice. You can use any kind of roasted duck meat.
The usual way we enjoy this is with fluffy steamed rice and perhaps some vegetable side dish. 
I like teasing off the meat and using them in all sorts of concoctions. This is one of our favorites.

Notice I don't have any measurements. It's up to you how much you stuff you want in your pasta. Just toss everything in.


Roasted duck meat, sliced
Garlic, finely chopped
Sun-dried tomatoes, sliced (if not using those already packed in oil, soak dried ones in hot water until soft)
sweet basil leaves
salt, to taste
chilly flakes, optional

prepared pasta (I used Vermicelli, the finer spaghetti)


Saute chopped garlic in a little oil until fragrant but not burnt. (If you have duck fat, it would be awesome!)
Stir in chilly flakes, if using.
Add in duck meat. 
And then the tomatoes.
Stir fry for a couple of minutes.
Toss the prepared pasta to mix evenly with everything.
Season with salt to taste.
Finally add in the sweet basil leaves just before serving.

Sounds simple? I can tell you, the sun-dried tomatoes, basil and the roasted duck goes perfect with each other! 
This is actually similar in method to the shrimp/seafood pasta recipe, just a twist to the ingredients.

                         ~ Thank you for being you ~


  1. Ours was back in October, [Canadian] :-)
    What an unusual pairing and how inviting! I love it!

    1. Thanks, Zsuzsa. A belated wish to you then :)

  2. Nice message. I've never celebrated this day, we give thanks everyday:) I wonder how many people understand the purpose of this day, perhaps roast turkeys get priority over fellow human beings???
    Really nice meal, thanks! Just few ingredients to fully appreciate/highlight the ducks flavour

    1. Thank you, Mr T. Yeah, you're right, we should celebrate this everyday. But since people are too busy to remember, they have to make a big hoohah on one day to catch their attention :) and what better way than with food!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Ping!

    I adore roast duck, but no one gives me any - so, quite coincidentally, I roasted one last night for us and made some plum dipping sauce from homemade plum jam, and it was glorious.

    And, obviously, being busy and a bit ill, I forgot to photograph it, and now it's eaten - but do prod me if you want the (very easy) recipe that I found on the back of the duck package! Or, you could just keep getting ducks, you lucky bird!

    All the best,

    1. Hey V! Happy thanksgiving to you too!
      Oh wow! What you made sounds delicious. Yum! And yes, I'm prodding you for the recipe. "Very easy" sounds good to me. I might not need to make this ... yet ... but, who knows, people might get tired of giving me roast ducks one fine day :)
      You're ill? What happened? Too much swotting? I thought that was over and done with? Take good care of yourself, you hear?

  4. I wonder if it's possible in two posts in a row to go as far as you did from the sago pearls dessert to this duck and pasta dish! You surprise me and amaze me, as always. I have never had a duck roast Chinese way (not to mention being offered it!), but I love duck especially cooked for hours in duck fat, like my Duck Confit ;-) ). This sounds very creative, but it most of all it looks particularly luscious. Luckily we don't have Thanksgiving because I will feel guilty enough with what I will have for Christmas meals ;-) Thank you so much for this inspiring, extraordinary recipe! I will remember it next time I'm offered a roast duck ;-)

    1. Aww ... thanks Sissi. That's very sweet of you to say that. I've always liked roast duck. And I do love duck confit too!.. or anything duck. Now I wish someone would give me some of that... *wink*?

  5. (Sorry, I was so impressed by the duck that I have forgotten to say something else). I have made sago pearls yesterday! The green ones look like science fiction food, but they are fabulous! I love the texture and since I am lazy I just tried it with some syrup and coconut milk and it was fantastic! Unfortunately I have made a huge mess out of the whole presentation so the photos will have to wait, but I will make it once more soon (I still have two small portions in the fridge to make some tests :-) ). Thank you so much for this amazing discovery and for your kindness! I am very grateful for this recipe.

    1. You did?! Yay! Haha! Science fiction :D That's funny!
      You might like to try it with some molasses or caramel too.
      I'm so happy you've tried this and enjoyed it. And you're most welcome!

  6. I like duck! But usually it is for Christmas for me, as I don't celebrate Thanksgiving.. :)

    1. Well then, you might like to try this with the leftovers at Christmas ... if they are any :)

  7. I love duck! Wish I could have that to savour... My missus doesn't touch it so we never have duck at home. Sobssss!!!!!

    1. Awww ... she doesn't? That's too bad. Some folks don't like the "smell" ... I don't smell anything bad. But perhaps if done right, there should be any bad "smell". Guess it's just like beef and lamb ...

  8. Thanksgiving also isn't a big celebration here! I like roasted duck & on big Chinese festival, my parents-in-laws will surely buy this, oops, they didn't roast the duck themselves too.So convenient to buy.

    1. You're right, it's so convenient to just buy. I've never learnt to roast one myself either. There's a stall at every corner, it's just finding the better ones. But I'd probably try to make it at least once, just to know ... one day :)

  9. That look great, Ping! I have only recently acquired the love for roast duck. I used to hate it, more of a chicken person. And sundried tomatoes is something I haven't eaten yet. See it a lot at Cold Storage so this might be a good time to try it. Good to hear all is well, or getting better. Be of good cheer!

    1. Thanks PH. Ah, people can change ... that's great!
      We use to love snacking on the sun dried tomatoes (the dried ones, not the ones in oil)... it gets expensive. It's like eating jerky but healthier ... not that I'm much into healthy :) It just tastes good.

  10. Ping, THANKS for sharing this! I love pasta cooked Aglio Olio style - with lots of garlic!

    Agree with you that this is a simple but very flavourful dish. THANK YOU again. :)

    1. Me too!
      And you're welcome! Have a great weekend!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving Ping! I am glad & thankful to find a new friend..Thanks for being my friend, Ping!

    1. And to you, Yee Ling. You're very sweet. Thank you for being my friend too. Hug.

  12. Excellent!!! Followed recipe exactly and it was absolutely delicious. Hope it inspires my wife as she is by birth a horrible cook!!

    1. LOL!!! I'm hoping the wife doesn't read this!
      I'm happy you enjoyed this.

  13. Hi Ping, happy thanksgiving :) yes, i totally agree that we need more reminders to be thankful for what we have, not hankering for what we don't have. I like this combination, like a east meets west combo. chinese roast duck with sun dried tomatoes - so stylo mylo fusion! am gonna try one day. thanks!

    1. Hi Esther. Thank you. Haha! Stylo mylo ... haven't heard that for awhile :)
      Hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to try it. Do let me know if you do.

  14. hello ping, so lucky that you always get free roasted ducks! i will always look for teh duck thighs first! such interesting combo with sundried tomatoes and yes, thanks for being my friend too. Keep in touch, yo!

    1. Hi Lena. Hehe ... yeah, I am a lucky girl.
      And lucky to have all of you here as well. Happy thanksgiving!

  15. I'm not great with duck, so I like that you used a short cut! Happy Thanksgiving,'s been a rough year for you, but I wish you peace and happiness as we head into 2013. xoxo

    1. Glad we agree :)
      Yeah, it hadn't been the best ... but, it could have been worse, I guess.
      Thank you, Lizzy, for being such a great support and good friend. I really appreciate you ... and of course, Lambeau!

  16. Ping...Happy Thanksgiving :) yea we have to be thankful for all things and gratitude is the first thing I teach my kids when they were young :) For me, everyday is thanksgiving day :)Have a great weekend !


    1. Hi Elin! Yes, everyday is thanksgiving. Blessings and have a great weekend too!

  17. Happy late thanksgiving! I was actually thisss close to cooking duck for Thanksgiving!

    1. Choices, choices :) .... too many of them. We are lucky, aren't we?

  18. Wow, I don't think I ever had duck and pasta before - but with the garlic and the sundried tomatoes (which I ADORE!) - what a killer combination! I wish we had a thanksgiving day in Europe - I suppose I could go and befriend some random Americans but I wouldn't really feel the day as it's not something I've ever known in my life. I'm fully in favour of being thankful though!

    1. Hahaha! Don't shock that random American!
      I guess we all do celebrate thanksgiving in our own way each time we're thankful for something.
      Have a great weekend!

  19. Fusion style! I like. I will have the roast duck and my Quay Lo can have the pasta! LOL! We had such good luck this year, no water on Thanksgiving day so have to defer the celebration to today. We are going to celebrate with a vengeance. Yesterday, it was QPC tsunami in my kitchen and today it will be QLC tornado. LOL! Did you get that duck for a buck? Have you heard of this duck joke before? Will tell you when I see you next Tuesday. I am thankful for everything I have and have not and this year I am thankful I got to know you and I will say this to you also. Thanks for being my friend and being you. Hugzz!!

    1. No wonder there was such a storm in the area yesterday! I was wondering what caused it. Now I know! :)
      Can't wait to read about your feast. Have a great one! And thank you for your friendship and big heart. <3
      (uh, no, I don't believe I've heard that joke).

  20. Not surprising that Thanksgiving is not celebrated much in Malaysia, or anywhere else, except the U.S. and Canada. I don't know much about Canada's history re: the Pilgrims, which landed here in Plymouth, in 1621, only 53 survivors out of 103, and celebrated the Harvest with the Native Americans (Indians)...that has become a National holiday declared in the 18th Thanksgiving, and has carried on since~

    It's not about the turkey, the sweet potato, or the pumpkin pie...although it sounds great, but being thankful for even the smallest things in our lives, and to be thankful that we have each other. I know that we should all of us in the world should have something to be thankful for, but once a year, it does bring families, and friends together, and to care about other people that do not have a decent meal to eat, which is a special day even for them that we Americans provide for; No one should go hungry in this country...and we are responsible for that by making sure of that!

    Ping, you are a truly wonderful and caring friend to all, and a loving daughter that has gone through a lot this year...always know that you have done all you can for your folks, and friends, and you are being appreciated, and loved by all! I am thankful to have you as my friend! xoxo

    1. Hi Elisabeth. Thank you for that. It means a lot. In the midst of another sad moment. What a year it's been. I certainly hope it's much better for you. Here's to a quick recovery from your eye surgery.

  21. We don't get roast duck ever. This dish looks stunning and sounds delicious. And Im glad that you have some sanity left in you to create these beautiful treats too.

    1. Why not? I'm sure you can whip up a mean one :)
      Yeah, still sane. Thanks, Keets.

  22. Wow, that's gorgeous! I adore duck...and it's a nice break from the ubiquitous turkey right now.

    1. Thank you so much! Yup, a nice change indeed :)

  23. Hi Ping, You're very innovative roast duck with pasta, it sure look delicious. Very nice click.

    Have a nice day.

  24. Hi Ping, I'm back again to let you know how much I love your innovation on this delicious roast duck, pared with pasta...which I never would have thought of making. We also have ready roast duck in our supermarkets, and will for sure will be making this as soon as I get my 'eyesight' back to normal!

    1. Thanks again, Elisabeth. It's great to have ready cooked roasts. They are so versatile.

  25. Nice meeting you Ping! Your version of pasta with roast duck, sound like a good combo!

  26. Thank you. Will be dropping by soon!
