Apr 25, 2014


What do you do with cockles?

Just curious ......
I haven't seen many posts on cockles and am wondering if it's eaten anywhere else besides asia. 

Here in Malaysia, we like it 
~1. just scalded, the flesh dug out with a pick and dunked in a sweet chilly dip. 
~2. Fried with koay teow (flat rice noodles)
~3. Cooked in a curry

Anyone has recipes other than the measly 3 I have?


  1. Hi Ping.. I miss these cockles also..back in my hometown we love to cook them in yellow curry (without "santan"/ coconut milk) but mix grated coconut in it..gravy and spicy.
    Here in Turkey, so difficult to find it..but if I get it I'd like to cook it just with garlic and sesame oil, spread over spaghetti .. I think simply yummy :)

    1. Hi Citra. Ooohhh...what a great idea! Replacing it with clams to go with pasta....now why didn't I think of that? The yellow curry sounds yummy as well. Haven't seen it anywhere tho...

  2. Hi there!

    Yummy, long time I didnt eat cockle. I never cook it too, but what my mum do is just cook in dark soy sauce, some chili and leeks. Very tasty. Mix of sweet and spicy.

    1. Dark soy, chilli and leeks .... interesting! Stir fried? Or with a lot of gravy? U hv a recipe for that? I would be most happy to link it here. I'm really curious ...

  3. Dear Ping, I'm so sorry... I should have visited more often... (or like modern people do, subscribe to your feed). I had no idea you have started blogging again! I'm thrilled to see you back! You are one of my favourite bloggers ever! I'm still eating your coconut moist cake practically every month (which is a lot because I don't bake often) and every time I do it, I think of you... and yet don't come back thinking you have stopped blogging. Anyway, I hope you will forgive me.
    I'm sorry to say I have never cooked cockles. Mussels yes, but I had cockles only in a restaurant.

  4. Please don't apologise, Sissi. It is I who should be apologising to everyone who still come peeking and poking around my very inactive blog. Yes, I'm back but only sort of.
    You've made my day, Sissi, knowing you're still enjoying the coconut cake.
    I won't get into how bad I am in giving blog love these days. But I do pop by every now and then ... just keeping quiet. Not my usual chatty self. A lot has happened and I'm slowly getting back into gear....slooowly.

  5. I don't think I've ever seen cockles around here! They always seemed so British to me, but I haven't a clue where they really come from! So good to see a post from you, my friend. I hope you're doing well! xo

    1. Hi Lizzy. Thanks for coming by.
      Yeah ... that's what I thought ... cockles don't seem too popular in the states. I wonder why?

  6. Hi Ping! If I remember correctly, cockles can also be cooked in sambal - the type of sambal that goes with nasi lemak. I do like them in fried koay teow (and curry mee) but have been warned not to eat because the hawkers half cook them (the way it should be) and the bacteria is bad. I haven't eaten cockles in a long, long time.

    1. Hey, how are you?
      Yeah, that's right...in sambal. Forgot that one.
      I believe it's hepatitis that most folks are concerned about. I guess that's why it's taken me close to 20 years to have this again. Guess my antibodies are kicking in .... I'm still, um, kickin' :)
