Sep 24, 2014

Nectarine Ginger Cake

Just trying to save some nectarines ....
Have already put a couple out of their misery. This weather just isn't good for fruits like these. 
They were reasonably priced for a change .... I couldn't resist. 
It's a good excuse to bake and to get myself going again. 

It isn't fun having tennis elbow. It isn't fun not getting to play tennis. It isn't fun not being able to even lift a cup .... gah.
(Can I use that as song lyrics?)

I don't have much to say these days. Forgive me. 
I just eat. 
No, I'm way past my depression days .... not worth it. I'm just grumpy. Lacking in exercise, you know, lacking happy chemicals: endorphins (for the inquiring minds ... "endogenous morphine"), oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine and all.

Messing about in the kitchen, retail therapy ...oh yes... a friend advised me to jog. No elbow use (except flapping it around as you jog ...that hurts too, you know), cheaper than retail therapy and I get my happy chemicals. So I figured I'd get a big, quick fix and jog from store to store. Good, eh?

This is good too. It was experimental. Portion is small. I'm gonna double up for the next one. Add more ginger. Flavors are lovely and subtle. You don't have to take my word for it. Make it and find out.

(So much for having not much to say....)

(Recipe adapted from 手のひらサイズのベイクドケーキ)


72g butter, softened
50g castor sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
72g self raising flour
1/8 tsp baking powder
1 tbs yogurt
1 nectarine, pitted and sliced
60g crystalised ginger, chopped or cubed


1. Preheat oven to 170°C. Grease a small loaf pan or line with baking paper. (I used a silicon loaf pan. Didn't have to grease nor line)
2. Whip butter and sugar until pale and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla. 
3. Stir in yogurt, followed by flour and baking powder. 
4. Transfer batter into loaf pan. Arrange nectarine slices on top and sprinkle chopped crystalised ginger along the sides. 
5. Bake in preheated oven for about 40 mins. 
6. Cool and serve.


  1. Looks great, Ping. Happy to see you baking again :)

  2. Hey and glad to see you baking and posting again! And I love nectarine cake, so I hope you really enjoyed this! :D And yes, make a bigger one next time!

    All the best wishes and *hugs*!

    1. Hey V! Gotta start small's like learning to walk again :P

  3. Hallo, stranger :-) You have been missed, Ping. The nectarine cake looks fantastic!

  4. Ping, the cake looks pretty. I am not a fan of ginger in cakes though but who knows? I might like this :)

    1. Thanks, PH.
      You can try...and let me know if you become a convert :)
      Besides, it isn't fresh's candied ginger...real yum! There's none of that gingery tang you get from fresh ones.

  5. I'm glad to hear you feel better and am so happy to see you blogging again! I love this cake. It looks beautiful and the combination of ginger and nectarines sounds very enticing. Pity we no longer have nectarines here...

    1. Thank you Sissi!
      Slowly getting my stiff and rusty gears into shift :)

  6. I have forgotten to ask. Does it mean you speak Japanese???

    1. Hehe ... I only know swear words :P
      Google translate does a weird English translation ...
      Naw...that's where it originated from it from another site who linked it there

  7. Welcome back. I like your thinking - shopping as a form of exercise. The more you shop the more you exercise:)
    Cake looks unusual, in a good way.

    1. In what way?'s heavy work carrying armloads of clothes to and from the fitting rooms...all that walking, lifting, pulling, wriggling ....

    2. Welcome back to the blogging world, where you once again share your culinary delights with the whole world.
