Oct 9, 2014

Pumpkin Rice

~Pumpkin, Pumpkin,
Round and fat.
Harvest time is coming.
Yum, yum, yum.
That is that!~

I have the sniffles and I think it’s pumpkin fever. Incurable. I die happy.
I found this recipe on a fellow blogger’s site. It caught my eye. And why not? It’s got pumpkin in it.
Hers is a loaded version. You can check it out here.
I just made a simpler one since I’ll be having kung pao chicken on the side. Altho this turned out scrumplicious, basmati rice would be a better choice as it's less fluffy and with a springier bite. 
It’s so appetising! Good even on its own. Thanks Phong Hong!
I’m gonna be making this very often and with different variations.


1 cup jasmine rice, rinsed and drained
1 Chinese sausage, thinly sliced (or substitute with any meat of your choice)
1 cup diced pumpkin
2 tbs dried shrimp, soaked, drained and coarsely chopped
1 small onion, coarsely chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
2 cups chicken / vegetable stock
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tbs oil
Chopped scallions


Heat oil. Sauté the garlic and the dried shrimp.
When it’s fragrant, toss in chopped onion, pumpkin, sliced Chinese sausage and ground cinnamon. Stir it around until onions are soft.
Turn off the heat and mix in the rice. Coat evenly.
Transfer into a microwave safe bowl and add in the stock.
(Same method as how I cooked rice before. Alternatively, you can also plonk it into a rice cooker if you have one).
Cook uncovered on high for 10 mins.
Sprinkle chopped scallions just before serving.


  1. Hi Ping! Hey, who are you calling round and fat? hee..hee... Glad that you tried this pumpkin rice and are happy with it. Thanks for the mention!

    1. Boy, you're fast! Not you of course...the pumpkin...yeah...the pumpkin. I don't even know what you look like :) *phew*

  2. Pumpkin..my absolute favourite. The rice stirfry looks delightful!

  3. Very interesting. This looks like a more elaborate version of Kyrgyz plov, and with carrots substituted for pumpkin: http://easilygoodeats.blogspot.se/2011/01/kyrgyz-plov.html
    And your recipe has meat, seafood, carbs, greens, spices...just about everything you can think of. One serving of this ticks all the boxes under UN's daily recommended meat/vege/vitamin intake.

    1. Oh my, yes it does! I remember that ... pilau, pilaf and tons of carrots.
      I guess each nation will have its own version of pilau and their many variations as well.

  4. You will end up by converting me to pumpkin fan ;-) It looks so delicious and original, I wish I had a piece of pumpkin to test it. You could call it also Autumn Fried Rice :-)

    1. I hope I can :)
      I love that name ... Autumn Fried Rice .... it's so much more classy and romantic (even for rice).
