Feb 16, 2012

Carrot Cocktail

A toast to all the bunnies out there! Those who were famous during my time and now almost forgotten for the new characters that have taken over the world of classic fairy tales, classic book characters and toons. Now when I see any rabbit featured in a movie or a book, it'll inevitably transform into some gadget wielding, alien fighting machine or sprout wings and fangs, flying off into the midnight hour looking for some luscious neck to sink their teeth into. Sigh .... Where have all the cute cuddly creatures gone? And people wonder why our society is getting more violent. Duh.

What brought this on?
Hmm .. well, let's see ...

~ It was supposed to be something with carrots and ginger for the Improv Challenge organised by Kristen.
~ There were so many ideas going on in my head and then I realised I don't have many beverage posts on this blog of mine.
~ I'm up to my eyeballs in mandarin oranges from Chinese New Year and getting tired of making marmalade.
~ I've some lovely ginger syrup from making Candied Ginger .
~ I have some very good apple juice from Vom Fass.
~ Oh, and a new bottle of Jamaican Rum that needs to be opened and used.
~ And to top it all off, my mother told me to eat more vegetables. I figured I'll drink mine.

[ I guess this post would be more appropriate on Easter, especially for the adults having to run after little kids during Easter egg hunt parties. Right, I shall repost this at Easter. ]

Meanwhile ...


150 ml mandarin orange juice
150 ml carrot juice
150 ml spiced apple juice (see recipe below)
50 ml rum


Combine all ingredients.
Refrigerate or put in cocktail shaker with ice. Shake, baby, shake!
Strain into cocktail glass and garnish with ginger and carrot slices.
Or float a piece of candied ginger in it.



1 cup apple juice ( I used Vom Fass apple juice)
3 - 4 allspice pods
1/2 cinnamon stick


Combine all ingredients and refrigerate overnight.
(Personally, I prefer a stronger spiced flavor, so I left mine for 2 days before adding to the cocktail or alternatively, just double up the amount of spices if you can't wait).


  1. I think there will be a lot of very clever entries this month. I love how you garnished each glass...very fun!

    1. I'm happily going nuts trying to see every single one posted :) Yes, there are certainly some very interesting ones. Very clever indeed!

  2. OMG, this is a winner! Beautiful and tasty. Omit the rum, and kids can have it too.

    1. Thank you! Yes! Alcohol-free is also delicious altho I must say that the rum gives it a very nice oomph :)

  3. What an awesome idea. I have been completely blown away by peoples choices for the carrot and ginger challenge...making a drink really takes this a whole new level.

    1. Thanks, Rachel! Everyone's doing so great! Such a lovely variety of creativity.

  4. You know who I used to love when I was a kid - speaking of rabbits... Brer Rabbit - I had a big book of all his stories... I used to love reading that, even if he was a bit mischievous :D

    Lovely looking cocktail - it's a new one for me! I never saw carrot in cocktails before! Beautiful rich colour Ping! :)

    1. Uncle Remus! And the briar patch! Wait ... did I mix my rabbits up? Is that correct? I remember Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby story :)
      Thanks, Charles, for the compliments and for bringing back lovely memories of one of my favorite characters.

  5. Cheers! Love the idea of a cocktail with the Improv Challenge ingredients!

  6. This is awesome and creative. Seen carrot juice but never cocktails. These are the kinds of innovations that are needed to encourage people to eat/drink more vegetables. And they can even do it at their favourite bars. I wonder if drinking too much vege's is bad for your health?
    Is the amount of booze negotiable? 50ml in 600ml juice is probably more suitable for babies:)

    1. Thanks, Mr T. Hmm .. I wonder why carrot juice isn't used in cocktails. It tasted pretty good in this. Even one of my husband's alchy friend asked for several refills. Or maybe it's the baby measures that's not enough for him? Feel free to turn the ratio around and then if it's possible for you to find the keys on your keyboard, tell me how it tastes :D

  7. Your drink is beautiful and creative, great ICC recipe.

    If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out my Improv Cooking Challenge entry: Shrimp & Avocado Salad with Carrot Ginger Dressing

    Cook Lisa Cook

    1. Totally YUMMY


    2. Hi Lisa. Thanks for dropping by. Yes, I have checked out your entry. Good stuff! I'm trying to check out everyone's :D

  8. I've a container of ginger syrup in my frig! I've been promising my youngest we'll get some club soda to make some ginger ale; but maybe I'll just skip that & utilize the rum on my shelf...
    Thanks for the recipe!

    1. Haha! Poor kid ... maybe I can help you out there. Ginger syrup for mommy's cocktail and this for the little one:


  9. Ping, you have beaten all the most original cocktail recipes I have ever seen! You do realise you might be the first to put carrot juice with rum in a cocktail?? This looks gorgeous and is so healthy (a small dose of rum from time to time is not unhealthy, am I right?)! I have always loved freshly juiced carrot, but unfortunately haven't had a juicer for ages, so I stopped drinking carrot juice. I think I will go and buy some tomorrow because I love your idea and simply know it will be delightful!
    Actually I think it's a perfect timing. It's getting warmer, we have all white faces tired by Winter (at least we in Europe) and nothing improves better the complexion than carrot juice!

    1. From all the comments I've received so far, I'm beginning to believe the combination of carrot juice and rum is a rarity. Or maybe someone's discovered the combination is lethal! I'm still standing, so it must be ok :D
      Haha! Yes, get some orange faces in!

  10. Oh, how yummy! You are genius to add alcohol to carrot juice...so much more appealing! And your carrot and ginger garnishes are just stunning. You are one of the shining stars of this challenge :)

    1. Hi Lizzy! Awww ... so nice of you to say that. *HIC*

  11. Totally pumped to see you in the improve challenge as well. I love the little cutouts of fruit on your glass rims and your new spin on the carrots and ginger. If you need any help with that bottle of rum, ;)

    1. My 2nd time! Nice to have you here too! And yes, that last comment took ... :D

  12. Please tell me that last comment took >.>

  13. Ping...what a GORGEOUS cocktail...I can only imagine how fabulous it tastes. Thanks for reminding me that I need more vitamin A in my diet. And this is the way I'm going to get it! Spectacular! : )

    1. Hello, Anne! Haha! Good one! Good excuse to take more Vit A ... this way!

  14. How interesting! I think I would like this! Check out my Carrot Cake Ice Cream! Happy Cooking!

    1. Hi Chandra. Why not try it out? Had some difficulty getting into your blog this morning.
      Will try again soon.

  15. Sorry I'm late to read this post. I love this combination and I'm going to try it soon :)
    Can't wait to see your next post♥

    1. No hurry, Ann. I'm always here, not going anywhere :)
      Haha! I have several posts lined up, can't decide which to put up yet.
      Meanwhile, have a glass, or 2, of this.

  16. After clicking a hundred times "pingspickings.blogspot.com" and almost killed my mouse, I am here finally! PHEW!! I deserve a glass of your lovely carrot cocktail or not?

    1. LOL!!! So sorry, my dear but really not my fault. Google's been giving me some problems the whole of today. I too, couldn't access your blog and many others. Made some comments that didn't seem to appear either. Weird. Poor mouse.
      Definitely deserve several glasses of this. Enjoy! :D

    2. We can't blame either Lucies on such things, right? Comments posted and not published in some blogs seemed to be another common problem. Well, can't complain when the hosting is free. Oh well, no need to sweat the small stuff. Mouse dead, good excuse to get a new one.. hehe

    3. Nope, definitely not either Lucies' doings this time. Unless there's a whole bunch of Lucies out there. Whoa! Can always blame the dead mouse on Ranger :)

  17. This looks luscious! and tasty, and very creative!!

  18. This is such an inspiring recipe! The deco and the balance of ingredients are perfect! Wish you can send me one to taste for this hot weather!

    1. Thanks, Veronica! This one'll be easy for you to whip up I'm sure. Try it out, I assure you you'll be happy after a few and not notice the weather too much. :D

  19. Yum! Now that's thinking outside the box :) Well done, and the decoration is so cute!

    1. Thanks, Kiri! I love your contribution as well! I've just managed to get to see everyone's. Google's been out of sorts the whole of yesterday! So frustrating!

  20. Ping-if you add ice to the amazing carrot-ginger cocktail, it would result in a carrot-ginger Daquiri. I think I will try that. Such an unusual and healthy way to have your vegetables.
    a genius, and pretty cocktail that would work well for Halloween, as well! See how many good ideas I can promote for you? LOL

    1. OOoohhh ... yesss! Now why didn't I think of a Daquiri? Great idea, Elisabeth!

  21. interesting... carrot + ginger. never thought about that flavor combo. maybe i could adapt it to an autumn-y cake?

    1. Sure! I'm positive it'll work. Check out all the above yummies, there's such a lot of cake choices to make. And from what I've checked out, they all sound really yummy!

  22. Beautiful presentation and your drink sound refreshing .

    1. Thanks, Sonia! It is so great for our weather!

  23. What a clever person you are to have created such a pretty and delicious cocktail. I must agree with you about your opening statement...cuddly isn't popular anymore. Such a shame.

    1. Thanks, Karen. Yeah, sad, isn't it? The most violent scenes during my kiddy years were of Elmer Fudd shooting Bugs Bunny and the Road Runner flattening Wiley Coyote with a boulder :D

  24. This makes such an interesting drink, one I think, I would love to have. Great choice.

    1. Thanks, Chaya. Do try it out ... it's really good, I promise :)
      Thanks for coming by.

  25. That's a very pretty drink. Great ingredients too. I'd like one of those but maybe a bit later in the day like after I've finished work!

  26. This is so sweet and innovative!

  27. You have never ceased to amaze me with your creativity! This carrot cocktail looks amazing.

  28. You know... I can't stand carrot juice, but skipping that and doubling up on orange or mandarin juice, and this sounds heavenly!

    *eyes shopping list* Should I add more citrus to this...?

    - Veronika

    1. Really? Hmm ... why? You can't really taste carrot after it's all mixed together anyway. So, who knows, you might like it this way. But if you do decide to omit it, I think something non-citrus would be good ... say an apricot nectar or peach.

  29. Hi ping!

    yeah.. where are all the bunnies gonne!

    I love carrot juice its so refreshing and a cocktail of it is even more yumm! thx for sharing! =)

    1. Hi Helene! Not too many cuddly characters these days ...
      Thanks for coming by.

  30. Beautiful combination of all the juices and Rum!Yum Yum :)

  31. Ping, this cocktail looks absolutely gorgeous! The combination of carrot and ginger is one of my favourites and I can just imagine how well the flavours come together in this colourful, vibrant glass.

    1. Hi Kelly! Thank you! Yes, the flavors went really well ... glad you like it :)

  32. This is so cute. Is it okay to call a cocktail cute? Omg it is so cute. I love it. You really did an outstanding job. The photo blew my mind.

    1. I'm pretty sure calling a cocktail cute is ok :)
      Thanks, Kim. Can't wait for your new site to be completed!

  33. Woah! Never had a carrot cocktail! This looks so good! Your pictures are stunning.
