Feb 14, 2012

A Valentine's Day Gift

I don't do mushy. I can't even pretend coz then it'll sound so hokey.
But I do want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day. So what better time than today (it is Valentine's Day already in this part of the world) to give out these two awards that I've been given by Veronica and Christina. Thank you both so much!

Here's to all my friends and followers (yes, every single one of you), please accept this with loads of love and appreciation for being so supportive.
I know I should put out a list in case anyone feels too shy to receive this but it's going to be a reeeeeaaallly long one, and all the linking?! I wanted to give out to not just 5 or 10 people but to everyone, so I guess this is it!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I wuv you all to bits!
(That's as mushy as I get)


  1. Ping...congrats on your awards :) Happy Valentine's Day to you and have a sweet one with your loved ones :))))

    1. Thanks, Elin! It's for you too! Have a good day!

  2. Congrats on the awards, Ping! How sweet of you to share it with all of us!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Thanks, Tina, and I mean thanks, Tina :D The Circle of Friends award is from you. It's been quite some time you might have forgotten already.... me bad. I just thought today was very appropriate for "heart" thingies :) Happy to share!

  3. Congrats on your awards, Ping! :) Have a wonderful week :)

    1. Thanks! They're yours too! Have a great Valentine's!

  4. You deserved to have the awards:) Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. So do you, Ann. Please accept them and pass them on if you like. Have a great day!

  5. Hi Ping, Happy valentine day to you. And congrat on your awards, the purple heart is so cute and sweet.
    So I "thick skin" take the purple heart award, ok.

    Have a nice day with hugs to you. Thanks in advance for the beautiful awards.

    1. Hi Amelia! Thank you and please take both. I would also love for you to be in my circle of friends :)

  6. Hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day.
    Two awards - you are really popular, don't deny:) God put as much work into you as a fine piece of artisan cheese (lame one, I know, but at least I tried:))
    Awards accepted with pleasure, thank you.

    1. Hope you have a great one as well, thank you.
      Awww ... thanks. Actually there are more to give away, I just thought it apt to give out some hearts today :)
      Oh my! You sure know which pick up line to use ... I love cheese! Just hope you didn't mean the smell of it tho ;P
      Very happy you've accepted the awards. Actually I have one other for you but that'll have to wait.

  7. Congratulations for the well merited awards. Thank you you for such a heartwarming, kind post and the awards! Have a wonderful St Valentine's Day!

    1. Hi Sissi! Thank you and you deserve them both as much as I do. Have a great Valentine's Day yourself!

  8. Aw, how lovely!!! You are one of my favorite bloggers...and always come away from here with a smile. Happy Valentines day, my friend~

    1. *Blush* you're sweet, Lizzy. I'm so very happy to have you as a great friend. Always happy to make anyone happy :)
      Please accept these awards as a gesture of a lovely friendship.
      Have a wonderful Valentine's Day! xxoo

  9. Hi Ping, I took both the awards already and will post in my next posting. Thank you so much and nice to meet you.Love to be in your circle of friends. *hugs*

  10. Ping, Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

  11. Hi Ping-Congratulations on your well deserved awards, and also for offering it to all of us...so generous, and kind hearted from you, on Valentine's Day, which I will accept, and appreciate.

    Thank you, and I will pay it forward to some friends across the Atlantic Ocean from us, to link back to you, my dear friend!

    Nice of you to get "mushy"...which is a nice gesture; especially on this Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day, Ping!

    1. Hi Elisabeth! I still have a couple to give out ... the ones I'd got from generous you.
      Thanks for accepting these.
      Here's a mushy hug to you and please give another to Prince as well.

  12. Aw, thanks Ping - you're so sweet, and Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

    1. Hope you're feeling better and had (having) a great Valentine's Day!

  13. What a lovely idea for the non-mushy of us (I'm in the same boat).

  14. Happy Valentine's Day! What a great way to give out these awards on this sweet occasion!

    1. Thanks, Veronica! I'm sure you've had yourself a great Valentine's Day. :)

  15. Well that looks mushy enough to me! ;) Happy belated Valentine's Day. Hope you had a good one.

    1. Haha! Really? A Happy Belated one to you too! :)

  16. Congrats on the award Ping and hope you had a great Valentine's Day!

    1. Hi Soni. Thanks. I hope you've taken them as an appreciation for being here :)

  17. Ping, I am your follower, your reader, your FB friend, your blogger friend, your lover, OOPS! better not say "lover", after people get the wrong idea. Shall I say someone who loves you then? Can I get more corny than that? LOL! So I am way beyond qualified to received both the awards from you. Thanks!!

    1. Awww .... I love you too! Hehe .... definitely over qualified! Yay!

  18. Aw, thanks for the nudge to accept these sweet awards, my friend!! And I knew I'd get another giggle coming back...had to laugh at the above exchange! xoxo

  19. Replies
    1. Just drag the award onto your desktop. Award to anyone you like. Happy friendship day.
