Mar 1, 2012

Easy as Coconut Pie

You know those days when you see a recipe that you like and don't have nice pieces of paper at hand and so you just grab the nearest teeny piece of what's available and scribble down as much as you can in that teeny space? Thank goodness for computers today so that we can clip, cut, copy, bookmark, print ...

Well, I'd found this very yellowed piece of paper .... hang on, ... oh, it's a Post It, it's supposed to be yellow! Anyway, it's old, wrinkly and crumpled. Scrawled on it was this recipe for I-have-no-idea-what-the-name-is cake. I don't know where I'd copied it from, or maybe someone told me about it and I wrote it down or I'd hurriedly copied it from a cooking show on tv .... and no picture reference to know if this turned out right.

BUT ... I can tell you this .... it is delicious! The fragrance and richness of the coconut cream really works here.

I'd call this a cake/pudding/custard pie. The magical part about this, other than being incredibly easy to whip up (no whipping required, actually), is that the cake sorts itself out into separate layers of coconut at the top and the custardy cake below.

Don't believe me? Try it out for yourself.
Oh, this is a reduced sugar recipe. All sweet toothed folks can add another 1/4 cup sugar to the mix.


1/4 cup plain flour
1/2 cup (scant) sugar
1/2 cup dessicated coconut
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract
60 g butter, melted
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup coconut cream


Preheat oven to 180˚C.
Lightly grease pie dish. (I used a 6 1/2" square pie dish)

Sift flour into mixing bowl.
Stir in everything else. Mix until combined.
Pour into pie dish.
Bake for about 40 - 45 mins or until the top is golden.
Serve warm or cold, with ice cream, custard or on its own.

* Didn't I tell you it was incredibly easy?

PS: I've finally got Ping's Pickings onto facebook and Google+. In case google friend connect really goes away, you're always welcome to visit and follow me here and here.
See you there!

PPS: I've had some good reviews about this and seen them (beautifully made) at these places ... go visit, ogle at their pics and check out their verdict. I'm soooo happy! (If you'd made this and posted about it and would like to join the fun here, please let me know and I'll link you up. Thanks for trying it out!) ... who'd have thunk a teeny, crumply piece of paper could produce so much happiness? :D


  1. Love the photos of this luscious pie - also love how it has gone from wrinkly old Post It to delicious reality!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad I found that little piece of paper :)

  2. Hi Ping, looks so delicious and it's easy to bake too. I must give it a try soon. Love your picture, it's beautiful. Have a nice day.

    1. Hi Amelia! Thanks! It is super easy and it's really good with ice cream! Let me know if you like it :)

  3. This looks and sounds awesome, the crusty bits are like the icing on the cake:) I will certainly try it. Sounds like a cross between a custard and a cake.
    Amazed that you managed to keep that piece of paper for so long

    1. Thanks, Mr T! I'd wanted to bake it a little longer for it to be more crusty but was afraid the inside might dry out and become too gritty because of the coconut ... oh, I could have used a kitchen torch. Aha!
      Actually that piece of paper was used as a bookmark for a cookbook and it fell out when I was looking for a quick dessert. Glad I found it!

  4. Whoa! So, is this kind of like coconut pie...but sounds heavenly!

    1. Yeah ... best of both worlds .... or should I say, best of both cakes? :D

  5. I went to find your facebook page and almost forgot to comment :/ I LOVE this coconut cake...the texture looks amazing. So enticing...I want a slice right now :)

    1. Haha ... it's quite alright ... quite, I said :)
      So happy you visited me on my facebook page. I'm still figuring out the new timeline format. Just when I'm about getting used to the old one :(

  6. You pretty much covered it all with your cake/pudding/custard pie =)
    I'm glad you've found the post it and wrote the recipe down for us. The cake/pudding/custard pie looks great!!

    1. Hey, Lilly! Yup, all 3 covered. Now I'm going to be digging for all those lost bits of paper ... I know I have tons of them running around :D
      This was definitely a great find!

  7. YOu got some serious height on that pie--it looks great! I love finding those old recipes I've tucked away in the oddest places.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I'm glad this dropped out from between the pages of a cookbook I was flipping through. Needless to say, I forgot about the book after finding this. :)

  8. I love this cake! I have experimented a bit with cocunut cream last spring, but I always failed miserably... I'll try your recipe!

    1. Thanks! Do try this out. I can safely say it's failproof ... I mean, if I can make this, anyone can ... seriously :) Let me know if you like it. Enjoy!

  9. Lovely looking pie!I have to try this one Ping :)

    1. Hi Soni. Thanks! Please do give it a try. Hope you like it!

  10. Wow, that certainly is easy - it reminds me of a coconut pie they serve at a restaurant I like - I'll be making this soon. Thanks Ping :)

    1. Yes it was! I must say this is the easiest cake I've made thus far. And I know I'll be making this many more times ... probably with a few variations. I still can't get over how simple this was. Let me know if you like it if and when you make it. Enjoy!

  11. Coconut is my biggest weakness when it comes to sweets, so I would adore this, I am sure. :) It looks perfect!

    1. Thanks, Kiri! Since you're such a fan of coconut, you might want to use more coconut cream in place of the milk for a more fragrant pie ... if you do make this. I'd use less as I didn't want it to be too overwhelming. Some brands of coconut cream are more fragrant than others.

  12. Looks delicious and super easy, Ping! I am not a huge fan of coconut in desserts, but I can think of several people would be very happy to receive a tray of this! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thank you! I'm not a great fan of coconut either.... esp dessicated coconut. I'm surprised I actually enjoyed this. I made it coz it was so easy! And I'm glad I did and am now a convert :)

  13. Super yummy and easy. Gotta love that combination.

  14. From the 1st photo, it look really tempting. I must put this recipe in to-do-list and hopefully i can make it soon. Have a lovely weeekend ahead.

    1. Hope you like it. My to-do list is super long. So many recipes, so little time :)
      Have a good weekend yourself.

  15. Ping-it's not only incredibly easy, but incredibly light, and super moist! I would love to pair this lovely cake with fresh berries...yumm!

    1. Ooo, yeah, fresh berries would work. I'm thinking a nice piece of grilled pineapple will turn this into a pina colada-ish combo. Yum!

  16. Reduced sugar recipe sounds good to me! That looks great - whatever it might be called! :)

    1. Haha! Coconut something-or-other pie sounds about right :)
      I'm not into overly sweet stuff so this was good for me, also good that it can be paired with other sweet things like ice cream, custard, etc, withuout being overly cloying. Yum!

  17. It looks delicious! I believe it and I want to try it so.. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Ping, your coconut pie looks gorgeous! Light and airy with a layer of extra deliciousness at the top. It reminds me of sponge cake which I love... so pretty too. I think I will have to try indeed...

    1. Hi Kelly! Thank you! It's not really a sponge nor is it too airy ... sort of in between with a little bit of pudding-ness :)
      Hope you enjoy it!

  19. Looks delicious! I'm also not a big fan of coconut cake but your easy recipe have changed my mind.

    1. Good to know! Coz it sure changed mine :)

  20. This coconut cake looks absolutely gorgeous and the self-division into layers is magical. It also seems very soft, not too sweet, in short perfect for me (or my husband who likes coconut too). I bookmark your recipe and hope I will not forget about it next time I want to try a new cake.
    You have just reminded me I need to go through my hand-written and printed recipes. Maybe I will find a jewel too ;-)

    1. Thanks, Sissi. Haha! Yes, I'm also now digging in between books to see if any gems drop out ... did I mention this piece of paper was used as a bookmark? :)

    2. Excellent! I'm really thinking of making your coconut cake...

  21. Ooooh that is evil! Evil! And good! I love coconut, and this looks like precisely the sort of thing which can have the egg whites easily removed because it does not depend on them for structure that much!

    I need to try this, soon, after the next trip to the Oriental supermarket for coconut cream! :D

    - Veronika

    1. For once, evil is good :)
      Yes, I suppose the egg whites don't matter much here. Yay!

  22. So easy to put together and so delicious, must get ingredients when I go to the food market.

    1. Hello, Norma. Easiest thing I've ever made! This is my fav go to recipe now for a quick dessert :D

  23. That looks and sounds familiar. I remember having a coconut cake/pudding once, but dont ask me what its called. anyway... its a great treat and I d say whoever hasnt tried it before should have it cause it will leave u stunning.

    1. Thank you, Helene. Yeah, never knock a simple recipe :)
      Everyone enjoyed this very much!

  24. I'm thinking of something different to serve on Sunday for the Rosary Crusade, and this sounds perfect. I have all the ingredients so I gonna bake this tomorrow!
    Glad you found that old, crumpled post it! This coconut cake looks really good!
    Happy weekend, Ping!

    1. Oooh ... I'll be so honored if you made this for Sunday. Let me know how it turns out and if you enjoyed it as much as I did. Have a great weekend!

  25. P.S.
    I've followed you on both FB & Google+! xoxo

  26. I agree that copy & paste has saved us by writing recipes everywhere as my bookshelf for cookbook has reached its full capacity. I am doing homebake for school next week and this sound good for it!

    1. Hi Veronica! Oh yes, my shelf is bending in the middle ... no, make that shelves :)
      I would be so happy if you tried this out. Hope it turns out well! Enjoy!
      PS: You might want to double the amount since this makes only about 10 cut up bars.

  27. Ping, this is easier than making a pie! Love one-pot batter cakes...for sure one must-try!
    Have a relaxing weekend!

    1. Yes, it is! This one's a keeper for me :)
      Have a good weekend too!

  28. I am not surprise that you hung that piece of wrinkly and crumpled piece of yellow paper after so long! So you have forgotten about it, lucky you to find it again so we all get to try this wonderful recipe! ELLO! next time, use your handphone app to copy down notes if no pen and paper but remember to save it after that! hehe Enjoy your Sunday! HUGS!!

    1. Oh ya, I forgot the handphone does that. But this must have been a moment that I needed to scramble for something to write on and not have my hp with me ... I'm guessing... not sure what, where, who, how it happened :D
      Hug back! :)

  29. Your post sounds familiar! I too have some recipes that I copied years back on a small piece of paper. A few of them don't even have the amount ingredients...just the procedure!
    The cake looks delicious and I have bookmarked it. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks! I usually just throw out old pieces of paper like this but somehow this one caught my attention at its simplicity. I must have written it down for a good reason :) I'm glad I tried it out. I'll never throw out anything again so quickly again!

  30. love your title - easy as COCONUT pie... harharhar....

  31. I'm living in a world of little pieces of paper with notes scribbled on them. It was bad enough before I started blogging but now it is worse. I don't know if the notes are some recipe that I had started to create or if it was someone's recipe that intrigued me. Just wanted to let you know that I'm happy that you saved that little piece of crumpled paper because the coconut pie sounds simple to prepare and delicious.

    1. Hehe ... you too, eh? I'm now on a "pieces of paper with recipes" finding mission, believing another gem might turn out. Thanks for coming by.

  32. Well at least you still kept the post-it. I think most of mine are either faded or toss out the bin :(. Whether it's cake/pudding/custard tart, I am liking this recipe to bits. Plus it's reduced level of sweetness is just perfect. I can imagine myself serving it with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream with some berry compote. Delish!! xoxo

    1. Hi Jo! I now have good faith in Post-its as having good quality color ... since this didn't fade too much ... just very wrinkled :)
      Yeah, the reduced sugar part allows you to add more sugar elsewhere :D

  33. Yes, I know exactly what you mean...I have many little scraps of paper with recipes yet to try...and why don't we put the title on it? We probably think we can figure it out from the recipe, but I often wonder why I never title it. :)

    This looks perfect! I have been wanting to make a coconut dessert. I will be making this soon! I will write it down right now! ;D

    1. You said it! I really should just title it.
      Hope you enjoy this!

    2. Don't know why ... it's so simple to just write the title down. :P
      Hope you enjoy this. Remember to write the title! :D

  34. Holy wow Ping! I want to try this.... A lot... when I can chew again I need to make this. And I won't even tell you what my recipe collection area looks like (its a hot mess).

    1. Thanks, Keets! Haha! I think most foodies have a crazy collection of pieces of paper. Now to find more good pieces like this one :)

  35. I love coconut but never had a coconut pie, shame! I added you to my G+ circles also ;)
    Take care and thanks for stopping by Foodness Gracious!

    1. Hey, Gerry. Thanks for coming by. Thanks for the add as well :)

  36. Dear ping,thank you for mentioning about my blog. Your pie was wounderful. Please visit me anytime you please.

    1. You're most welcome, Kati. I'm very happy you tried it and liked it.

  37. Hello! Your recipe for easy as coconut pie...does it include the mashed bananas? The pics look like there's no bananas in it. Also, would an 8" x 8" pan work for this recipe? Thanks so much! Lisa G.

  38. Hello, Lisa. Thanks for stopping by.
    As you can see in the list of ingredients, there are no bananas used here. The revamped version however, does. That's in the post after this one.

    1. And yes, an 8" X 8" pan will work except you might get a flatter pie , which isn't too bad either.

  39. Ping, I was reminded of this outstanding cake recipe on Sissi's blog. I made it last night!!

    The boys and I had planned a cozy doubleheader tv night - yup, these things requires planning in our house - anyway, the first thing I'll say is that it smelled of heavenly goodness while it was baking (wafts of vanilla and coconut filling the air). It tasted DELICIOUS - like seriously delicious and dangerously so ;-0). I tried it with 1/2 cup (2% fat) milk and 1/2 cup coconut milk. I also reduced the sugar to 1/3 cup (that's just a weirdism of mine - I like just a touch of sweet). The taste was outstanding. The texture was more like a pudding than a cake which I was fine with but.... being the curious type, and having devoured the first round last night, I decided to make it again today with 1/3 cup flour, 1/4 cup 2 % milk and 1/2 cup coconut milk - it was slightly firmer and equally delicious. Interesting was that in both cases, the top of the cake was warped (not flat). I'll have to try the cream version to compare - I simply must ;-). Now here's a question, you call for a square pie dish - I don't actually know what that is... (I only have round pie dishes and they are much bigger) - what would you recommend in place of a square pan - maybe a loaf/bread pan?

    Thank you for this delightful recipe Ping (I think ;-) - hopefully I won't gain 20 lbs by the end of the month at the rate I'm enjoying it!!) :).

    1. Hi KellY! Yeah, I saw Sissi's feel-good version ... it's just awesome! I'm so happy she loves this so much. And now I'm happy you do too!
      Yes, it isn't really a cake, much more custardy but I couldn't label it as a pudding either ... such a dilemma :)
      The top isn't perfectly flat for me either. It rises in the oven and once out, it sinks some. So, warped is a good word, I guess. Haha!
      There's a pic of the pie dish at the end of this post:
      Hope that helps. You can use any casserole dish. This recipe isn't fussy at all. Can't go really wrong with it.
      20 lb?! LOL!! With all the healthy stuff you make, you'll be fine. If I haven't gained 20lbs yet, you won't :)

  40. Here a message from Holland...I just made it, it really taste good! Thanks for this delicious but real easy recipe!
