Mar 6, 2012

Revamped: Coconut Banana Pudding Pie

This is going to be a very popular category in my list real soon ... Revamps.
I love taking a basic recipe and revamping it with all sorts of variations and this one seemed the perfect candidate for it.

The Coconut Pie was certainly one of the most easy recipes I've come across in my years of baking (which isn't many ... I was a late learner and still learning). It is definitely a very good recipe on its own already. It isn't fussy and I doubt anything can go wrong with it so I figured it would be good to use as a base recipe for my kitchen "adventures".

I had some bananas ripening faster than I know what to do with. So I had decided to try adding them in here knowing that bananas and coconut go very well together since many of our local cakes and desserts have that combination. What turned out was more of a pudding since the added mashed bananas changed the texture and the level of moisture in this. You can omit the dessicated coconut since the coconut cream is enough to compliment the bananas... unless you prefer the gritty texture of it. The magical separation of the custard and dessicated coconut in the basic recipe doesn't happen here since the filling is way too dense.

The amounts for this is small since it was an experiment so feel free to double up the recipe if you like. The suggested baking time is just perfect for this size so you may have to adjust for a larger pie.

Oh, and I've discovered that this tastes great when it's cold! Well, that's just my tastebuds talking ... you decide for yourself which you prefer.


1 medium / 2 small ripe bananas, mashed ... mushed would be better, unless you prefer it slightly chunky


Serve warm or cold with ice cream, custard, milk ...


  1. I like this revamp approach. I keep thinking of the original unrevamped post it note recipe - which I hope to make in the coming days, unrevamped. The magical separation is most appealing.

    1. Thanks! If you want to see more separation, perhaps you can add a little more coconut flakes ... not sure if that'll work. I'll need to experiment on that myself. Hope you enjoy this!

  2. hahahha, YEZZZ! BINGO!!!!! I have some ripen bananas and didn't know what I want to do with it and it is not nice to eat when it is too riped. Tired of making banana balls, bread or cake. No wonder I like you so much, you read my mind!

    1. Haha! Reading minds could get a little weird ... but this one's good! Glad I could help (even if I didn't know it). Hope you enjoy this as much as we did. It's nice when it's cold ... like a pudding.

  3. Love how you're getting creative! I should start doing revamps too :) Thanks for sharing! The banana-coconut combo sounds yum! Great job, Ping!

    1. Thanks, Marsha! Revamps are fun ... altho it can go weird sometimes :) .. speaking from many experiences. LOL!!

  4. You are killing em over here! Two of my favorite flavors in a gorgeous pudding pie? I'd inhale this.

    1. Haha! Thanks! They do go very well together ... phew.

  5. That sounds like a very good dessert!

  6. looks like an experiment that turned out great!

    1. Yes, thank goodness :)
      There's gonna be more experiments with this base. I love the texture!

  7. Great idea to add bananas ! I think I will try this one too when I will have some bananas left :)

    1. Thank you. Both have very different textures ... almost like 2 different desserts.

  8. Like Mr. Three-Cookies, I think I will be making the original version, but mostly because I am a coconut freak and need it in its unadulterated form if possible. I might even buy a fresh coconut to go with it and shave and toast some flakes to decorate with whipped cream... so it's, you know, coconutier!

    - Veronika

    1. Hi V! I like your idea .... and need to see it! I can already imagine this gourmet looking pie all dolled up with the topping etc .... mmmm. Send me a pick if you don't post it.

  9. I am liking your revamped series :) And a pie/pudding with no crust is just my style...and anything with coconut as an ingredient goes into my mouth lickety split! Love this one and the original!!!!

    1. Hi Lizzy! Yeah, it sounds like this revamp thingy could get popular.... there are some similar things going on already in the blogging world so I guess this isn't something special. But I'm enjoying it tho and have a few more in mind for this basic recipe ... very versatile.

  10. Ping, it sounds as fantastic as the coconut pie! I totally agree coconut and bananas go together perfectly well. (I don't know why, but they sound like ideal pairing).
    In fact I have just come to your blog to say I made you coconut pie yesterday! It was extraordinary!!! Very simple but very unusual at the same time. The texture was really original. It was soft, soooo coconutty and the sugar amount you have advised was perfect and didn't feel low-sugar at all. It was even better after a couple of hours in the fridge. The worst part is that it disappeared in no time at all (I have no idea when and how ;-) ) and I didn't have time to take photos.
    I am planning to make another one very soon (I already miss it), so I hope to post your recipe very soon too! Thank you for this wonderful recipe!

    1. Ooooohhhhhh!!!!! I'm so thrilled!!!
      It's a real happy moment for me when I received your comment. I'm so happy you tried it and loved it! Looks like our sugar-tolerance level is similar too ... am smiling from ear to ear! And yes, I do prefer it cold. I'd be so honored if you do post it ... looking forward to that :D
      You've just made my day!

  11. I'm a big fan of revamping too! And this combo... banana and coconut? I say this is the revamp of the month! :D

    1. Thank you, Tiffany! More revamps coming! Hope they turn out as well as this tho ... keeping my fingers crossed :)

  12. I love the combination of coconut and banana. Great revamp!

    1. Hello. Thank you and thanks for dropping by :)

  13. Hi Ping - I love revamps. It's great because it allows one to revisit something you've already blogged about, but improve it and share your changes with us which is always nice. My mother used to serve us banana and coconut pudding - never in pie form though, it sounds well worth a try - thanks for sharing!

    1. Hey ya, that's right! .. banana and coconut pudding ... it is similar! Now you've brought me back to my childhood and banana/coconut rice pudding .. mmmm.

  14. Well done! Last time I tried to marry 2 recipes together the whole thing ended up in a divorce. I'm looking forward seeing more!

  15. Hi Ping:
    That's how great chef coming out new dishes, daring to try :-)
    Love the idea of marrying the two ingredients. Will certainly give it a try since banana recipe to me either muffin and cake, now I have new ideas to use it. Thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Yin! So nice to see you!
      Yeah, I was a little tired of the usual banana cakes. This texture is indeed different and interesting ... a little like our local kueh flavors.
      Thanks for dropping by!

  16. That looks delicious--and what a gorgeous golden color you got on top!

  17. Oh, my...oh, my, Coconut, Banana, and Pudding in a pie?'s calling out for me for sure!
    Love, love how you combined these wonderful combined additions into a gorgeous, mouthwatering, and super delicious pie!
    Ping, you are so creative with whatever you decide to make, and come out as a huge WINNER!

    1. Now, now, remember your diet, my dear. Resist, you must. Altho I'm sure you could whip up a diet version of this since the ingredients (banana and coconut, not the cream tho) are pretty healthy stuff.
      Thanks for the lovely words, Elisabeth. xxoo

  18. Ping-Do check back to my blog, I replied back to you, regarding your favorite color, blue: I think you will be pleased as to what it has to say. I also love blue, but I still have the color "green" on top of my list!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to do that. That perked me up more than you know. Hugs!

  19. Coconut and banana is a combination that is really hard to say no! This looks simply fantastic Ping!

    1. Thanks :)
      Yes, it did make a good combination and a very satisfying dessert.

  20. Too funny... spring always makes me think of banana cream pie for some reason (no firm idea why) so seeing your gorgeous version of coconut banana pie is thrilling me. I like the idea of revamping recipes too (including photos from my earlier blogging days - lol)- I'd take a piece of your delicious pie hot or cold right about now! :).

    1. Thanks, Kelly! Revamps are fun and I suppose a good way to bring back some old and forgotten, once favorite recipe. I have a funny feeling this one's going to have a few more revamps to it :)

  21. wow, coconut banana pudding is such an amazing dessert. love the texture and the whole flavoure combination. Would u mind if I come by for a bite or 2? ;)

    1. I'd be happy to have you over for a bite or 2 or 3 or 10!
      Thanks, Helene! :D

  22. I like that catagory...I often revamp recipes, and like to see what others like to do. So many recipes are so versitile. Yummy!

    1. Hi Lyndsey! Oh yes, this recipe is certainly very versatile. That's why I'm brave enough to attempt the revamp :) Definitely going to be trying out more since it's so foolproof.

  23. Oh! this is wonderful I checked your other recipe.The name is perfect it seems really easy.

    1. Hi Balvinder. Yes, it is super easy! And so good ... that's why I wanted to share this.

  24. Both your previous post of the original pie and this variation are wonderful. I love how thick and solid that filling is. It's something you can really sink your teeth into and feel like you are Eating!

    1. Hi Kristen! Thank you. Haha, yes, this one's quite dense compared to the other ... both are nice in their own way.

  25. Love this combination. Must get some bananas tomorrow :)

  26. Hi Ping! I'm here to tell you abt how much we loved the coconut pie. I actually wasn't able to serve it for the Rosary Crusade coz my daughters really loved it! I doubled the ingredients and I thought it would be enough. Well, was enough for my girls, but not for our guests. hehe. I'll be making it again and I'll definitely be trying this version too. Hubby loves bananas! I promise to take pictures next time. Was so busy last weekend that I didn't get the chance.

    1. I'm so happy, Tina! (Not sure to be happy or sad for the guests who didn't get any). And so glad that everyone liked it. I'd received several bloggers telling me the same good news and I'm thinking that I'd like to link their posts to mine. So, if you do put it up, and if you don't mind, I'd like to attach your link to the Coconut Pie post.
      Hope you like this one too!

  27. And then you added bananas.... I love bananas in baked goods. I would totally make this work right now. Tiny tiny bites... but I would have to have it!

    1. Haha! Yeah, this'll be perfect for you right now .... and a good blob of vanilla ice cream with it ... no burgers for awhile (unless you blend it up ... eww).
      Hope you're not in too much discomfort.

  28. Though I may not be the biggest fan of coconut in my desserts, strangely enough I still eat them. LOL.. it's either my taste buds have a mind of it's own or I don't know myself very well. I love coconut water though.. LOL.. I will definitely give this a try.. to expand the boundaries of my own senses ;p. I definitely would serve it with warm custard sauce. Enjoy your weekend!!

    1. Hiya Jo! Me neither but I'm glad I tried this tho ... normally I wouldn't even bother if it has coconut but it was so simple, I was hooked! and now I'm definitely hooked :D

  29. I got excited with the variation of Jeno's coconut bars, even more excited when I saw it at Sissi's site and now yours.. my oh my I have to make this soon! I'm totally sold with this cake/pie especially it uses very little flour and super easy! I'm wondering if I can replace butter with coconut oil since the butter is melted.. then it can be low fat? :P

    1. Hi Shannon. Yes, I believe you can substitute the butter but I think it's mainly for the flavor. There's enough oil from the coconut cream already actually. Let me know how it turns out without the butter.

    2. What's the difference between coconut cream & coconut milk? I usually buy santan from the market. Is that cream or milk? planning to get some tomorrow morning

    3. I usually get santan from the market. is that cream or milk? plan to get some tomorrow morning

    4. Coconut cream is the thicker milk ... 1st press. I actually used the packaged santan, much thicker. But if you go to Sissi's post, you can see she'd used coconut milk instead and turned out well. You can't go wrong with this, Shannon, go crazy!

  30. I simply adore the combination of coconut and banana...a delightful tropical dream.

  31. Your revamped version sounds equally delicious! Bananas and coconut - awesome!

  32. sounds amazing ! I've bookmarked it. I've got bananas in the kitchen at the moment and there are always a couple that ripen too fast :-)

    1. Thanks! This is a nice change indeed. Hope you like it.

  33. Your revamped version sounds really good. Love this tropical combination!

    1. Thanks, Zoe! Coconut and bananas work very well ... yum!

  34. Hi Ping, wow! banana with coconut... awesome combo. It look extremely delicious. Adding this recipe to my list.... my to do list getting longer......LOL

    Have a nice day.

  35. I love your revamp series , share more please.. Next time if i have rip bananas and nobody at home even want to take a look, then I know what fo do, hehehe .. In fact , I seem can't wait for leftover bananas, must go and buy some and do this straightaway .. Thanks for sharing this great recipe .
