Apr 12, 2012

Guest Post: Cannelés by Sissi

I'm so blessed with so many blogger friends who are so willing to help me out during this period.
I mentioned earlier of a family medical crisis which will be causing me some time away from blogging. I won't bore you about it.
Just be assured that there will be some very interesting guest posts for you while I'm away. I will slot in some of my spur-of-the-moment type dishes during some lull moments as well. Oh, how I treasure those lull moments these days ...

Anyway, here's Sissi. One very special lady with a penchant for the exotic stuff. Take this Cannelés recipe for instance, it's oh-so-complicated (I like the part about "big amount of rum" tho) and so delicate ... and she made these for me! I'm very flattered Sissi, that you've gone to so much trouble to help me out. I love this! How I wish I could actually taste it.
You'll need to check out her space at With a Glass to see all the fantastic, Korean, Japanese, French .... and she says I have wide-ranging culinary interests?

Nuff said ....
Here she is!

Hello, my name is Sissi and I am honoured to guest blog today on Ping's wonderful blog. Ping is one of my dearest blogging friends and one of the rare people who always make me laugh with her writing style and unique sense of humour. Thanks to Ping's wide-ranging culinary interests, her posts are always surprising and often result in an amazing discovery, such as the excellent Coconut Pie, which has become a staple in my house. Since Ping is particularly fond of unusual patterns and originally shaped pastry (I still get hypnotised looking at these spirals), I have decided to write about Cannelés de Bordeaux, hoping their cute shape brings a smile to her face. Thank you, Ping for inviting me to your blog!

Cannelés (or canelés) de Bordeaux are one of my favourite sweet treats and it would be difficult to say which aspect I appreciate the most. Their taste, aroma, texture and even the beautiful shape are all irresistible. I still remember the first time I tasted them. I loved their rich flavours and was totally blown away by their extraordinary, springy softness. As their name suggests, cannelés come from Bordeaux in France, but they are very popular all around the country and also become famous abroad. Different sources quote different origins, but all agree that the characteristic shape, as well as the obligatory vanilla and rum presence are quite recent and date back to the beginning of the XXth century.

Cannelés are not really difficult, but they require patience, close attention during the long baking process, they do not accept shortcuts and every modification is a big risk. French websites, forums and blogs are full of cannelé recipes and related tips, but I must admit that I had to go through several failed experiments before I found a method that works with my oven and my silicone moulds. From my experience a big amount of rum as well as 24 hours refrigeration are necessary to obtain the optimum taste and texture. Apparently old-fashioned copper moulds guarantee the best results, but they are not easy to use and I am perfectly happy with the cannelés I obtain with very convenient silicone moulds. I have adapted my recipe from the one featured on Marmiton.

Preparation: 15 min + 24 hours in the fridge + about 1h30

INGREDIENTS (makes 18-20 cannelés):

500 ml (2 cups) milk
25 g (a bit less than 1 oz) butter
pinch of salt
200 g (1 cup) sugar
100 g (about 3/4 cup) flour
100 ml (about 0,4 cup) white rum
1 vanilla pod (sliced in two, lengthwise)
2 eggs
2 egg yolks


In a big bowl combine the flour, the eggs, the yolks, the sugar and the salt.
Pour the milk into a pot, add the butter and the vanilla pod.
Bring to boil.
Pour the boiling milk mixture into the bowl and combine with the remaining ingredients, constantly stirring.
When the batter has cooled down, take out the vanilla pods and scrape off the grains into the bowl, discarding the empty pods.
Add the rum, give the batter a stir and put into the fridge (covered) for 24 hours.

The following day preheat the oven to 250°C.
Fill the baking moulds up with the cold batter to the 2/3 of the height.
(If you make several batches put the remaining batter back to the fridge).
Put the moulds to the oven immediately and bake at 250°C (480°F) for 10 minutes.
Lower the temperature to 180°C (350°F) and bake for 50-60 minutes (in the case of my oven it's only 50 minutes).
Take the cannelés out of the oven and let them cool completely before removing from the mould.
They should be browned outside, but still soft inside.

Cannelés keep fresh for three days (or maybe more but I have never had a chance to check...).


  1. HI Ping, I've got a bad memory, I can't recall about your family medical crisis b4 what I do hope that everything will be back to normal & everyone in your family will be ok soon! Will be missing you & I will help you keeping your "blog house" clean while you are away. Let me do the dusting as I hate mopping, ok. It is my hubby who cleans the toilet & mop the floor at home!Take care!

    1. Hi Jessie. I did make just a small mention on top of the part where I said I had the flu :)
      Haha! Thanks for offering to dust. I'm sure you'll be better at it than I. I'm totally hopeless at housekeeping!

  2. Ping, thank you once more for inviting me! It's a big honour to guest post for you! Thank you so much for all the kind words and so many compliments! I am happy you like the rum content (I somehow felt you would ;-) and I only wish I could serve you a plate of cannelés not only virtually... I hope these difficult moments will be over soon and your whole family will be in good health.

    1. Thank YOU, Sissi. You're a life-saver. Yup, can't wait for this dark cloud to pass so that I can get to making these! I'm a little intimidated by it tho.

    2. As I said it was a huge honour and I will never thank you enough. I am also very happy to help you, so do not hesitate if you need anything that can be done by your blogging friend who thinks about you and wishes you the best!
      PS As I told Mr. Three-Cookies, they would be a piece of cake for such a baker like you :-)

    3. They sound pretty scary to make especially after Charles mentioned they could turn out like car tires! Wouldn't want that. Guess I'll have to make them to find out, right?

  3. Hi Sissi...it is great to have you guest post for Ping and I have never tried my hands at making Canneles and thanks for sharing your recipe here with us after many attempts at making it to perfection....mmmm looks delicious :) this is a great post and I have bookmarked it and shall adhere to all your tips when I make this !

    Ping...hope these difficult moments will be over soon and your family will be in good health . Will keep you in my prayers.

    1. Thanks, Elin, for all the the good wishes and prayers.

    2. Thank you so much, Elin, for so many compliments! I hope you try making them one day.

  4. Hi Ping, hope everything will be back to normal very soon. Wish you and all at home in best of health. We miss you.... hope to see you back in action again with your delicious cooking or baking.
    Congratulation on your guest post.

    Hi Sissi,nice to see you here. Thanks for sharing the recipe, I have not try Canneles but it sure look good with the combo of rum and vanilla.

    Have a nice week ahead. A big cyber hugs for both of you.

    1. Thank you, Amelia. I'm looking forward to that day. Hug back :)

    2. Thank you so much, Amelia/

  5. Ping, wishing you the best during this difficult time. Sissi, these are gorgeous! I have been seeing these in the food magazines lately and I really need to make them.

  6. Mmmmm, what a delicious treat! I would utterly love one of these. Thanks for introducing me to Sissi!

    And I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thank you and you're welcome! You'll love her site!

  7. This looks really good. It seems to be crispy outside - is that correct? And was the rum flavour mild or strong? Have you tried with regular rum? Hahaha, sorry, had to do this to you, I am jealous/unhappy that I can see but not touch:)

    1. You're cruel. But I'll be making this as soon as I have some time. This one intimidates me a little and I'd probably need a clear head before I attempt it.

    2. Thank you so much, Mr. Three-Cookies. It's not nice to be so cruel! I wish I could bring them on a plate personally to Ping's house....
      I'm sure there will be just a piece of cake for Ping ;-)

  8. I found your blog through Sissi's. I'm sorry to hear about your family medical crisis, and hope that everything turns out okay.

    1. Hello, Beth. Nice to meet you and thanks for coming by and for the good wishes.

  9. Hi Ping-a "family medical crisis" does not say enough for people who care about you and love you!
    You are not boring any of us...to say the "least"...I would be more than happy to guest post for you, but you are keeping all of us in the "dark" not mentioning who, and what the medical crisis is about!
    It really puzzles' one's mind as to what this is referring to, which you my friend knows the answer but not revealing even ONE CLUE!
    I am really sorry for what you are going through, and especially your health, as well...since you last posted about "your glowing"
    I'm sure Sissy is a wonderful blogger friend who is gracious enough to guest post for you, but you must remember you have countless of blogger friends out there that care about you, and love you...among them...myself!

    1. You're the best, Elisabeth! I know I can count on you. You're always so very supportive. I, myself, am fine and recovering well from the flu, altho too slow for my liking.
      Love you lots for being you! Hugs!

  10. Hope everything is working out fine at your side.

  11. Oh? They look like caramel custard to me. Looks yummy...

    Whatever your crisis may be, hope everything irons itself out sooner or later. Hang on in there, God bless.

    1. Thanks, Arthur.
      Yes, they are quite similar but these are definitely more sophisticated.

  12. Sissi, fabulous post and the canneles look so elegant and gorgeous. Too bad can only see and cannot taste but it sure makes me want to try making them to indulge. Will hope over to you blog and check out all our other yummy bakes.

  13. Hi Ping - first and foremost, I do hope the problems will be resolved soon. I don't know the situation but I hope it's nothing too bad - keep strong :)

    Thanks to Sissi for this wonderful guest post - as I mentioned on her site, I've had bad experiences with these from bakeries in France... they've been tough and chewy like car tyres, but when I had my first home-made cannelé the difference was incredible. It's wonderful to see these because they're not very common on the English-speaking web!

    1. Thank you so much, Charles! I hope you can make them soon too!

    2. Thanks, Charles. I hope so too.
      Car tyres?! Oh good grief, now I'm not sure if I should dare to attempt this.

  14. Sissi, I could not get my comments published on your blog:(

    1. I'm so sorry, maybe there was something wrong with the server... I will check if everything is ok, but I hope you will try again.

    2. Sissi, I tried and tried but each time it said I entered the wrong captcha phrase. Anyway this is the comment i wanted to leave on your post.

      Sissi, It is so nice to have a friend who will jump in to help when help is needed. Ping is blessed to have many such friends and you are one of them. I believe in action and reaction. I like Ping a lot. I like that she is humorous and witty and she is such a good company. I can't wait to hang out with her again.
      To me, she is a rare find and I can see that to her, you are her rare find as well:D I have a hard time pronouncing these French desserts. When I ask my Quay Lo to look at the lovely photo of your Cannelés de Bordeaux, my tongue got twisted and he asked me why am I slurring. LOL! BTW, thanks very much for dropping by my blog and leave your kind words. Hugs.

    3. Thank you, Quay Po, for such kinds words. I also like Ping a lot and think she is a precious person.
      I am really sorry the comments didn't work for you...
      I think you were really unlucky with my comments (I have tried commenting several times since and it always works...). I do hope you will visit me some day in spite of the the technical problem!
      Do not hesitate to write me an email if you have any pronunciation problems ;-)

  15. Hope all is ok and thinking of you, Ping. Courage! Take good care xo
    Sissi, great to see you here and especially since Cannelés are on my real fav list. Great looking recipe - and love how you've never tried testing if they're still ok after 3 days. Who would want to wait? You're too right! Sheer deliciousness!

    1. Thank you, Jill. I have so much support here, it's amazing and so comforting.

    2. Thank you so much, Jill. I am really flattered by your compliments.

  16. Ping, thank you for bringing us Sissi's gorgeous Cannelés de Bordeaux. Although I generally exercise every shortcut possible in the kitchen, this recipe may well be worth following!

    I hope you're feeling better Ping - have a great weekend!

    1. Hehe... I love shortcuts too! But I doubt this'll work with anything but precision. I'm a little scared to try make them.
      I'm good, Kelly, thanks. It's my dad who isn't too well. Will update everyone once things are more settled.
      Have a good weekend too!

  17. Sissi is the sweetest, isn't she? I'm so glad to see her helping you out, Ping. Thinking of you~

    Sissi, these canneles look amazing! So elegant...and I'm certain delicious, too! Ping cracks me up as well. You're a good friend to help her out!

    1. Yes, she is! Love her to bits for this
      Thank you, Lizzy!

    2. Thank you so much, Liz, for the kind words and compliments.
      Ping, it was a huge pleasure and remember I'm there whenever you need me!

  18. I love the presentation - so simple, yet so elegant. And Ping - I hope everything goes well. I'm sure things will get better soon.

  19. Hi ping!

    Just hopped over from Sissis blog.
    Its nice to see u girls work together. The Cannelés looks so tempting right now, that would satisfy my food needs!=D

    1. Yeah ... you can say that again! Thanks for coming by.

    2. Thank you so much, Helene.
      It was certainly very nice to work with Ping :-)

  20. I have heard of cannele but never try it, I know this is good and one day I will make this with copper cannele that I wanted to buy for longer time..

    1. I'll bet you're going to do great with this recipe, Sonia. You can make anything!

  21. Hi Ping! I came from Sissi's site and it's very nice to meet you! I had canneles in Japan, but I realized that I haven't tried any in the US yet. It's very delicate dessert and I know that Sissi made it perfectly. She takes cooking and baking very seriously and I hope to make this (or eat hers) one day!

    1. You are very kind, Nami :-) Thank you for saying I take baking and cooking seriously (it will maybe motivate me to be really serious one day!)

    2. Hi Nami. Nice to meet you too! Thanks so much for coming by. I will be poking around your blog soon once I'm all settled.

  22. Hi Ping! Hope all is well with you. Thanks for introducing us to Sissi too. I have never had Cannelles before and will like to give it a try no doubt. Will head on over to Sissi's blog to give her a buzz. You take care now and like what Elisabeth said, we are all here for you too my friend, in a virtual manner ;). Cheers and chat soon.. Jo

    1. Hey, Jo. I'm hoping things will get better from here on... fingers and toes crossed.
      Thanks for the support!

  23. Hi Ping! I hope things are slowly getting resolved with the medical crisis! My prayers and with your and your family... the guest post is gorgeous! I have never tried cannelles but now I want to!!! Looks gorgeous... Thanks for sharing, Sissi! Can't wait to visit your site soon :)

    1. Thank you so much for the compliments!

    2. Hi Marsha! I hoping for that too, thanks. I doubt you'll have any problems making these. Thanks for the good wishes.

  24. These canneles look fabulous. I really would love to try one now!

    1. Make some! :D ... and then pass a couple over! Pleez ....

  25. Hi Ping, nice to meet you, and so sorry to hear of you family crisis. Hope all is well soon!
    Sissi,as expected these are just amazing!

    1. Thanks you so much once more!

    2. Hello, nice to meet you too. Things are ok ... for now. Thanks for the good wishes. Will drop by to visit once I'm more settled.

  26. I hope this crisis will pass with as less trouble and damage as possible! The canneles look so pretty and tasty and congrats to Sissi for being such a good blogfriend!

    1. Hi Katerina. Thanks for coming by and for the good wishes. Yes, thank goodness for Sissi and some other great blogger friends. They have helped a lot more than they know :)

  27. Hi Ping! I know I'm kinda late but I want to let you know that I'm praying for you and your family in this time of crisis. I hope everyone's getting well and everything will be back to normal soon! You take care, my dear!
    And thanks for introducing me to Sissi! I'm heading to her blog...

    1. Hey, Tina. Thanks for the good wishes and prayers. So sorry for the late reply.

  28. What a beautiful and delicious look guest post - and talent too. I haven't even considered trying canneles yet! I am happy to hear you have people for you Ping, please know we all care (though some of us may not get here enough to remind you so - pointing at myself T.T). I hope all is getting better.

    1. It is, isn't it? Sissi's one for elegant and sophisticated foods.
      I'm almost afraid to try this ... eating isn't the problem, it's the making :)
      Haha! No worries, Keets, I'm guilty of the same myself.

  29. Ah, Ping, my thoughts and prayers are with you during this trying time. How fortunate that you have such a great community of friends to help out here at the blog. And what gorgeous canneles!!!

    Be well!

    1. Hi Kristen. Thank you. Yes, I'm very grateful to my very supportive friends... even those that don't guest post. All these heart warming wishes are like rays of sunshine to an otherwise grey period.

  30. I made canneles again last week - and this time cooked the batter after only 6 hours to see the difference. It's huge - they simply are not the same.

    The 24 > 48 rest time in the fridge really is essential !

    1. Hi Sarah-Jane. Gosh, now I'm even more intimidated by this recipe. Firstly, I don't have the patience and most important, I never have enough space in the fridge! :D
