Apr 5, 2012

Happy Easter!

Have a Happy Easter, everyone!

I must apologize for this being a repost of my past Easter stuff. I'm in a bit of a family medical crisis and not have much time nor enthusiasm (and "glowing" at the same time) to cook or bake or write much ... definitely not good company. And to top it all off, I have the flu. Yup, a case of over-glowing. Why do they say "catch a cold" when it's the heat that causes it? Why not catch the hots? :D
English is so strange, it's no wonder us Asians (some non Asians too) find it so confusing and keep getting the wrong message all the time ... not too good when it comes to business ... I suppose it could get worse during world peace negotiations .... Hooboy!
I remember my late uncle who couldn't even get his tongue around the simplest English word and had to deal with an overseas call when all the English-speaking staff were out to lunch ... he told the poor confused guy, "I am Missy Lao" ... actually meaning to say "I am busy now". Luckily they didn't lose that business contract.
My train is going off-track again, isn't it? I tend to do that a lot.

Easter ... that's right.
Just sharing some stuff I'd made last year. Easter isn't celebrated in a huge way here (perhaps in the expat community and the good Christians going to church).

Here ya go:

Hot Cross Buns for breakfast

and a bit of variation

Something for tea

For dessert

or maybe I should call them "first-aid" macs?

Cocktail hour!

What do folks eat for a meal at Easter? Educate me, please.

There will be a bit of a slow down here as well as blog love and visits but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about you. Will be back full blast once this medical crisis bit (and I don't mean my itty-bitty flu) gets settled (might take a while tho). ♥♥♥


  1. Happy Easter!
    I've never had hot cross buns, but suddenly I see them everywhere! I didn't grow up with them here, and haven't really celebrated Easter much in the U.S.
    Looks like a great treat, though! :)

    1. Happy Easter, Kiri! Really? You haven't? Actually it's just the occasion that makes it special. No biggie, it's a spiced fruit bun, with a cross on top. :D Pretty ordinary, really. Have a good weekend!

  2. Ham and lamb are quite traditional entrees, but I'd be quite pleased to eat only your fabulous breads and cocktails! Feel better soon, my friend...and hope the medical crisis is resolved sooner than you think. Speciall thoughts for you during this tough time~

    1. Ham and lambeau ... I mean lamb. Ok, that sounds pretty festive. I might try out an Easter meal next year. Is there a traditional way to cook those?
      Thanks for the kind thoughts. I do hope that this crisis CAN blow over without much incident. I'm keeping my hopes up and maybe a glass, or two, or four of that cocktail with extra rum :)
      Thanks Lizzy. You're a wonderful friend. And looking at Lambeau's sweet face calms me to no end :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Small Kuching and Mamarazzi :)
      You have a great weekend!

  4. Happy Easter, Ping! Love the round up and I would be happy eating just these treats for dinner :) I hope you feel better soon, and that the crisis is resolved quickly! Thinking of you & saying a prayer for you at this time... Big bear hugs!

    1. Happy Easter to you! Glad you enjoyed the roundup.
      Thanks, my flu is nearly gone, that's the least of my worries. I'm just praying that this crisis will resolve quickly too. But unfortunately, it'll take at least another month before we'll know for sure. Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayer. Big hugs back!

  5. Hi Ping, Happy Easter. Please take care and come back soon with your baking/cooking storm. We miss you. Wish you speedy recovery.

    Your previous year Easter buns all look so nice and very well baked. Love the first-aid macs, so cute and the lovely glass of cocktail. So refreshing.

    big hugs & warm regards

    1. Hi Amelia. Happy Easter! Thank you for the support. I'll be around, just a little down. I'm doing fine too, just the flu, it's someone close to me who isn't too well.
      Haha! I'm glad you like the "first-aid" macs.
      Hug back :)

  6. Nothing special here for Easter - no egg, no bunny, nothing! Fasting and abstinence on Good Friday though - and that's tomorrow.

    1. Can tahan ka? Kidding. A strong faith will prevail.
      Happy Easter!

  7. I remember your post being really early last year - you were over enthusiastic. No harm recycling posts, people eat the same (or similar) things each year anyway.
    How can you catch a cold in hot weather - there is no cold there to catch, unless it comes out of the freezer? And I heard that you cannot catch cold is really cold weather.
    Hope the family medical crisis is fixed soon.

    1. You sure have a great memory (unless you took a peek). What extremes eh? Last year I was over enthusiastic and this year a total no go. Yeah, thank goodness for traditions and their foods. I get to recycle the recipes :)
      You know, I've never ever caught a cold when I was abroad in the cold climates ... only back here.
      Thanks for the concern. Everyone's been so kind. Sniff.

  8. Ooooo dear! Hope you feel better soon! Meanwhile, glad you reposted or I would have missed that glorious Easter tea ring, not to mention that amazing cocktail.

    1. I am feeling better with so many well wishes, thank you.
      Have a great Easter weekend!

  9. Happy Easter to you Ping! Many of my relatives in Malaysia are having bad flu, too. Hope you feel better soon. At Easter, we have fish on Easter Friday and Easter Bunny comes on Sunday. We have 2 weeks school holiday. It is also a busy time for the church to have mass.

    1. Thanks, Veronica. Ah yes, I've heard of having fish on Good Friday. Thanks for the info. I've just met with my friend's kid back for the 2 week hols.
      Have a blessed weekend!

  10. Never celebrated easter, but ate a lot of easter eggs and hot cross buns during uni days in Sydney! the story of your uncle really cracked me up! hope you recover soon, i was also down with one after another "whatever" bug out there possible.
    love you first aid macs.. have to get my hands to try making those macs one day! can you believe i have not tasted one yet? :P

    1. Haha, yeah, considering I'd just read your post about "cheng beng", I gathered you don't celebrate Easter. Enjoy all those eggs and buns tho :)
      Glad you like the story of my uncle. There are many more like those ... will tell you when we meet up.
      You haven't tasted a mac? Better pay a little for the good ones for the first try. A friend bought one at what she thought was a bargain, compared to the usual prices out there, tasted it and spat it out and now is totally anti macs. Or better yet, wait til you try QPC's, you'll probably never get store bought ones again.

  11. Happy Easter my friend - hope you feel better with easter egg overflow :D
    You are going hot cross bun crazy though - I love it!

    Happy Easter!
    Choc Chip Uru

  12. For someone suffering from the flu, you sure have a pretty impressive sense of humour! "I am Missy Lao" that's just great :). I am never disappointed with post redos, in fact, I need to 'redo' many of mine... ;-). Love all the bun variations and especially the delightful cocktail! We'll have to find a way to fit that in over the weekend. I hope you feel better soon. Keep glowing just not over-glowing :0).

    1. Heddo Keddy, I'b feeding buch bedder already. I was condemplading doing a post like dis bud everyone would have givend ub reading halfway thru.
      See that glow in the horizon? That's me ... today's another one of those days :P

  13. Ping, I'm so sorry for your medical family issues and your flu. Not the best time for massive baking, so luckily you don't celebrate Easter in such a crazy way as some people in Western countries. Your previous baked delights look fantastic and, just like Kelly, I love when bloggers remind us of their previous recipes which are too easily forgotten.
    I think I have missed the macs which for me look like genuine macarons! I'm very happy you have reminded me of the carrot cocktail I still haven't made.
    I wish you a very Happy Easter, a quick recovery and a very quick and positive resolution of the medical problems.

    1. Thanks, Sissi. So far so good, no frantic phone calls means good news. Things will hopefully be more settled by the end of the month ... tests and more tests. My flu is the least of my worries. Maybe I'll make something small to keep occupied, hopefully not too distracted and maybe churn out a so-called revamp instead :)
      Thanks again for the thoughts and wishes. Have a blessed weekend.

  14. I am in awe of that tea ring and the fun macarons. I'm sorry to hear you're going through a difficult time--sending good wishes your way.

    1. Aww ... thanks so much! I'm so very comforted with so much support from so far away.

  15. Hi Ping - I hope your family health issues, and your flu will be swiftly resolved - happy easter, and it's lovely to see your hot cross buns. I made some last year - if I may offer a tip - just before I piped (or laid) in the "cross" I made a small cut and piped into the groove. The X stays more firmly cemented to the bun and fills the groove as it cooks, but they look delicious in any case!

    As for "catching" a cold - I've never heard of "heat" causing it, after all, it's just a transmission of a virus from person to person, which mutates over time, hence the never-ending cycle. It was believed many years ago that being cold caused a cold, hence advice to not go out with wet hair and so forth. This has since been proved false - being cold does not cause colds, however being cold does lower the efficiency of the body's immune system, thus making us more susceptible to succumb to the virus.

    1. Hi Charles. Yeah, me too. Thanks.
      Thanks for the tip, that's a good idea. Will do the slit in my next batch. The first pic was actually an icing that was piped after baking.
      I guess the heat makes us sweat/glow/perspire and then we run into an AC place to cool off without drying off ... then back out again, then AC ... not good. I've never ever caught a cold during my times abroad in colder climates. Must be getting weaker in my old age :(

  16. Ping, I'm so sorry about all the health and the medical issues you and your family are having. I hope it will all get resolved soon, and for you...glowing with vibrant health colors.
    I do remember your fantastic Easter wreath, and your various hot cross buns. I was even thinking about it...glad you posted it again!
    Feel better soon, my dear friend. Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you, Elisabeth. I hope so too and I am glowing but not too vibrantly ... yet :)
      Have a blessed weekend!
      Hugs back!

  17. My dear Ping!! I sure hope you are feeling better and that the medic crisis has subsided. You buns are spectacular and bring back memories of my childhood. I've. Ever actually made them myself and now that I think of it I don't think my kids have ever had them. I think I need to change that!
    Thanks for the post for the strawberry bars!! I would be honored if you would make them and post!! Feel better.

    1. Hey Kim! Thanks for coming by. The crisis will take awhile to subside. In the meantime, no news is good news.
      Oh super! I'm going to make your strawberry bars this weekend. That'll be a great distraction from all this negativities in my head. Feel good bars ... definitely!
      Have a lovely weekend!

  18. Happy Easter ping ! Get well soon my fren n may you tide over the family medical crisis. I'm also caught with the bug, this virus is so potent that makes me real sick now. Feeling weak n listless.

    Luv all your postings, the hot cross buns, macarons, cocktails just simply delicious to have.

    1. Hi Lucy! So nice to hear from you. Aww ... I'm so sorry that you're also down with the flu. I guess I can say that I'm better off than you considering I'm not feeling too sick, just a stuffed nose and a headache, and running around still.
      Get "someone" to pamper you a little :)
      Have a blessed weekend.

  19. So sorry to hear that you are going to be absent for sometimes, just pray and hope that it's not something too serious, and you can at least put your feet up to have a well earned rest. will be thinking of you!!

    Thank you for giving us all these yummy recipes, no doubt they will keep us occupied till you're back in action :)

    Have a lovely Easter, take good care and hope to see you again soon :D

  20. Thank you for your kind thoughts. Yes, I'm wishing for things to settle down so that I can have some peace of mind.
    Will definitely be visiting soon ... thanks again.
    Have a happy weekend!

  21. Sorry life is crazy for you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Kristen. Happy Easter! My weekend was quiet, which is good thing at this point. Thanks for coming by.

  22. Happy Easter Ping! Hope your health improves soon. Your hot cross buns look too good not to repost. I had to laugh at the 'missi lao', English is not my first language and I always had trouble pronouncing washing machine. I still have to slow down to pronounce it, otherwise it comes out as 'mashing washine'.

    1. Hi Zsuzsa! I trust your Easter was happy. Glad you liked the story .... no myth there, really happened :) Hahahaha!! I love that! Mashing Washine! I had to say it out loud and it sounded even funnier! :D

  23. Everything is nicely baked and my fav is the first aid mac :)

    1. Hi Wendy. Thank you! Glad you like them :)
      Thanks for coming by.

  24. Hi Ping, how are you? Hope everything is okay. I got an award for you, please drop by to collect when you're free.

    Have a nice day.

    1. Awww, thanks Amelia. You're sweet. I'm doing ok. Will come by to collect soon, thanks so much. *Hug*.

  25. the first aid mac is so so cute!everything look so good too.Hope all things will get smooth with you, take care..

    1. Hi Sonia. Thank you :) and also for the good wishes.

  26. I hope things start to perk up for you. I am sorry to hear that your family is going through a rough moment and that you have the flu. :(

    1. Flu's all gone .... well, I think it's all gone, altho this stuffed nose voice is still with me :)
      Yeah, I'm trying to keep sane by "trying" to bake some and not worry too much. Thanks for coming by.

  27. Just know I am thinking of you and hope all is well soon. I will miss you and your posts and I will be right here waiting. HUGS! XOXO

    1. Awww .... sniffle .... you're so sweet.
      Thank you. Hugs xx

  28. Hope you feel better now...and I am glad that you haven't lost your sense of humour while suffering from the flu.

    Get well SOON!

    1. Haha! I am better ... I think. Some remnants still refusing to go away. Thanks, Angie.

  29. You never fail to crack me up! :)
    So how are you now, Ping? Hope you had a wonderful Easter and hope you're feeling a lot better! Take care, my dear!

    1. Hi Tina! Glad you liked it :)
      I'm a little better, still some bits of the flu left ... but ok. Thank you so much.
      I gathered your Easter was super, with all those cute bunny pics etc :D
