May 21, 2012

Guest Post: Elisabeth's Chocolate-Peanut Butter Pudding

Two of my very favorite ingredients! Hmm ... come to think of it, I have not many that I dislike. Maybe it might be easier to just say that FOOD is my favorite ingredient! ... as long as there's no durian in it. Yup, must always put that clause in, in case someone accidently slips in some. :D
I'll definitely be making this soon. It sounds simple enough for me not to mess up and sooooo delicious!

Here's introducing Elisabeth of Food and Thrift Finds ... wait a minute, what am I saying?! There really isn't a need to introduce Elisabeth. She's well known in the food blog world. She's the one who's always the first to give her support to a newbie blogger and have continued to be a great friend. Yeah, that's the one ... you know her. She's blog-sitting for me while I run off again for a short while. Thank you, dear friend.
A pro in her field with a big heart. Need I say more?
Here she is with such sweet words .........*blush*

I am so thrilled and honored to guest post for my dear friend Ping, whom I had the pleasure of meeting since we both started our food blogs, nearly two years ago... and have been supporting each other throughout the entire time. Ping has a meticulous food blog, and is very specific about her more than one, or two, and always a specific size...unlike my photos, which vary in sizes, and step-by-step directions when time permits. Ping has an amazing sense of humor, and always has the right thing to say, on any subject given...only in a "lighthearted" way! Her photos are always perfect, and immaculate, her choice of dishes, desserts, and baked goods are "drop dead" gorgeous, and makes you want to see, and get more! She is kind, and caring, and you will feel blessed to have her as a friend...a beautiful friend, indeed!

Thank you Ping for asking me to guest post..."the second time around!"

(* In case anyone's wondering about the "second time around" .... Elisabeth so kindly did a post for me earlier but was coincidentally the same recipe as QuayPoCooks Macaroons. You can see it here and here. How lucky am I?)

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Pudding
created by: Elisabeth


3 cups whole milk
yolks of 5 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2/3 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
5 oz semisweet chocolate
1/3 cup creamy peanut butter
Sweetened Whipped Cream, for garnish


Whisk sugar and cornstarch in a medium saucepan, to blend. Gradually, whisk in milk, then egg yolks.
Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to low and stirring gently, cook for 2 minutes.
Remove from heat, stir in vanilla.

Pour mixture, into a bowl. Add chocolate by breaking it into chunks; add peanut butter. Let stand for a minute, and stir gently together, to combine until well blended.
Carefully spoon pudding into glass goblets, or parfait glasses, smoothing surface of pudding after each

Place plastic wrap directly over pudding, to keep skin from forming. Refrigerate for at least 2 hrs. or longer.
Garnish with whipped cream, and enjoy!


  1. Drooling ! Elisabeth ...glad you are here to share with us this really mouth-watering dessert. I can imagine how good this is ...mmm rich with chocolate and peanut butter, two of my favorite ingredients ! Thank you Elisabeth for taking the time to help Ping out in her time of need :) JHave a nice day Liz and Ping, take care.

    1. Oh,'re a sweetheart! I would help you out at your time of need, as well. That's what friends are for!

  2. I love both of you guys!! It is always a pleasure to read what you say and so happy to see these wonderful recipes that you share with us. I am pleased with the photos too, JUST STUNNING!!!

  3. Looks absolutely delicious! It is so what I feel like right now.

  4. Hallo....hope everything is fine over there :)

  5. Lovely guest post! Love this simple and lovely dessert.
    Great to know you Elisabeth :)

    1. Thank you, great to know you as well, and follow your blog as well!

  6. nice post Elisabeth. Ping - you have some great friends !

    Love those pink flowers. They are beautiful !

  7. Yes, Lizzie is a gem! And she described you perfectly, Ping!! What a delicious and beautiful pudding! It would disappear quickly around here :) Thanks to you both!!! xo

    1. Thank you Lizzy! I do agree that Ping is every bit just as I described her!

  8. Hi Ping-I was in a "pickle" myself about the time I posted the guest post for you...I was trying to get the future guest post for Veronica, since she is leaving for her vacation Tuesday!
    I totally forgot to comment back on your blog, last nite!

    Thanks so much for having the pleasure of guest posting for you. I certainly feel honored, and also feel comfortable on your blog...since I know how you like to have everything "neat, and proper" non-sense, but plenty of good stuff, and lighthearted humor from you!

  9. I just started following Elisabeth and in doing so, I was led to your site Ping. Love that about blogging :) Elisabeth, your pudding must be delicious, how could it not be with chocolate and peanut butter in it?!

    1. Thank you, Paula. I know I followed you back; will double check to make sure that I did! For some reason, adding the peanut butter in such a small amount did not overpower the a matter of fact, it even made it creamier!

  10. Beautiful guest post! Well done, Ping & Elisabeth! Chocolate and peanut butter are one of the few things that can make me this pudding is definitely for me!

    1. Tina, thank you so much! I'm sure your little ones would enjoy it as well, my grandchildren loved it...even though the older one is partial to peanut butter, she did not complain, because its barely detectable!

  11. Hi Ping, both you and Elisabeth are very nice blogger friends. Glad to meet both of you. Always enjoy dropping by here and love your humor too.

    I sure love this dessert, look awesome. Can I take one....;)

    Hope everything goes well at your side. Have a nice day.

  12. Elisabeth, even though I'm not a big fan of peanut butter in desserts, your puddings look so irresistible I cannot imagine I wouldn't love them! Beautiful presentation.
    Ping, thank you for introducing Elisabeth. You are lucky to have such a good friend!

    1. Sissy-You may recognize me as Zsuzsa's friend, on her blog...and also Nami's blog! Both of them are a huge fans of mine, not to mention what great friends, as well!
      I will check out your blog, and be sure to follow you!

    2. Hi Sissi, thank you for your kind comment...not everyone likes peanut butter in desserts, but of course you can omit the peanut butter, and it will just be a regular chocolate pudding. Ping and I are both very lucky to be such good friends!

    3. Hi, Elisabeth. I have already answered on your blog (sorry for such a late answer here) that I do remember you of course from Zsuzsa's blog! I have been meaning to visit your blog so many times, so now was the perfect occasion. I'm very happy I did! In Europe many people cannot get used to peanut taste in sweets, but I love them in savoury Asian dishes.

  13. Hi Ping, so glad to have found you through Elizabeth. Can't go wrong with Chocolate and Peanut Butter anything.

  14. Lovely dessert, Elisabeth! Thanks Ping for the beautiful post!

    1. Hi Marina, thanks for stopping by...we appreciate your kind comment!

  15. Elisabeth- Nice to meet you. What a great recipe.
    Ping- Hope all is well. xx

    1. Thank you Kim, nice to meet you as well! I must stop by to check out your blog!

  16. Ping and Elisbeth, thankss for this wonderful post. Love peanut butter in anything that too with chocolate it is yumm.

    1. Thank you Swathi, for your kind nice to see you here on Ping's blog!

  17. Wonderfull pudding! I haven’t come across Elisabeth’s blog yet so thank you for introducing her. One of the things I love about having a blog…is visiting other people’s blog!

    1. Hi Lily, thanks stopping by; I will come to you blog to visit. It sure is fun to visit other people's blogs, and comment!

  18. Is there any great combination than chocolate and peanut butter? Beautiful looking dessert Elisabeth - thank you for this delicious guest post!

    1. Thank you Charles! I must visit your blog to join. I heard so many good things about you from my good friend, Ping!

  19. This pudding looks delicious. Chocolate and peanut butter, two of my favorite things.

  20. well said, elisabeth truly needs no introduction - she's a star, and very well known in the foodie world...what a privilege it has been getting to know her - this recipe looks SO good, I can't wait to try it!!!!

    1. Bella, thank you for your sweet, and kind nice to see you here on Pings blog. The pudding did not last a matter of fact, I put the whipped topping on it while it was still almost warm. Just barely cooled down, and everyone gobbled it up!

  21. Elisabeth and Ping, you guys are great friends. Will not trade you both for all the BLING BLING in the world. Elisabeth, I was thinking for a word to describe your pudding but can't other than WOW! How I wish I get to taste it. Hugs to you both. Xoxo

    1. Thank you, Veronica! I'm really looking forward to guest post on your blog next month, as well! Such a sweet thing to say..."will not trade you both for all the BLING BLING in the world."...Wow, so original and so nice!
      Hugs to you, Veronica!

  22. Oh my... look at the deliciousness I missed while we were away! Chocolate and peanut butter goes down as one of the best pairings ever...right up there with Romeo and Juliet - don't you think? ;-). I'm with you Ping... there are very few ingredients I don't like! :). Great looking pudding Elizabeth.

  23. hi elisabeth and ping, i was supposed to come here to comment the other day when i first read about this guest post in elisabeth's blog but somehow i was lead from one blog to another, 'travelled around the world' and forgot to come back here! LOL! I dont think i can find anything not delicious with peanut butter in it, this pudding sounds very delicious , i guess it wont stay long in my house if i make this, now can i take one pudding of yours and 'go round the world again'?

  24. Sorry I just realized that i missed to left a comment for this guest post. Thanks for sharing such wonderful dessert with us. How nice if I can taste it now after I just had a bowl of Japanese noodles soup. Happy weekend to both of you .

  25. Peanut butter? I guess that would be a mixture of savoury and sweet then?

    1. Actually, they are all sweet...the peanut butter we have is not really savory, just a natural sweetness of its own!

  26. I love the glasses you've put the puddings in, very cute! Anything with peanut butter and chocolate can't go wrong, I'd totally love to eat this pudding...I'm sure I'd be licking my spoon and finishing every last bit! :D

    1. Thank you Jenny, the glasses are actually a "thrift find" purchase. It came in the set of 4 for for less than $10. and what I loved about them is that they have pinkish-greenish hue to them and they sparkle when the light hits them!

  27. Popped over from your blog Elisabeth! Ping is absolutely right. You are the first one to have given us support through out the food blogging journey. A great friend whom I was happy to tell everyone that I had a wonderful time with. Wonder if they are jealous yet? LOL.. PB and Choc are match made in heaven. Love them in my ice-cream or even in my cupcakes. Obviously this is in my love list too..who doesn't love pudding? I know I do.. and can never get enough of it. Have a good rest Ping, and hope all is well too. Hugs, Jo

    1. Hi Jo-you are such a sweetheart and a great friend, I still remember when I first met you through your new blog and you featured your amazing and beautiful pink swirl frosted cupcakes and I used it for the "breast cancer awareness month."
      I came up with this chocolate pudding recipe by using my old recipe from "way back when" and decide to add peanut butter to it, but not too much. It made it creamier with just a hint of the peanutty flavor!
      Big hugs, to you!
