May 31, 2012

Simple Shrimp Pasta

Another quickie dish with a quickie pic.

Normally I'd add in some squid rings and some mussels if I can find some fresh ones in the market .... a seafood pasta. But not this time.
This could get all hoity-toity if you dress it up a little and do the pasta twirl on a fancy plate and call it "Pasta al Frutti di Mare" or "Spaghetti Aglio Olio e Frutti di Mare" or something of the sort, but I've unhoity-toity it to save some time.
Today, it's got to be quick. So, today, it's plain ol' Shrimp Pasta, or in all hoity-toityness ... "Pasta Piccante di Gamberetti". (Italian speaking folks ... did I get that right?)

(I am a little behind in my postings as well as visits to all your lovely posts. I shall slowly, but surely, make my way through them all. Also, I usually make it a point to reply to every single comment made on all of my posts, guest posts included. I definitely will reply to everyone soon once I'm fully recovered from my bleary state and have tuned my very tired being to regular mode. Oh, and in case anyone is interested, things are better now. Thank you all for your well wishes and concern and of course, all the help with the guest posts.)

So, in the meantime, you find out what a half-zonked person eats.
Pasta is actually one of my many comfort foods. Hey, I need the carbs for energy.
I can't think straight, I can't write straight, I can't spell stagriht (eek), I'm gonna shut up and eat.

(Note: This recipe is for 2 - 3 people. Adjust amounts to suit your taste.)

half a garlic bulb (not clove, bulb), finely chopped
10 - 12 medium prawns / shrimp, shelled
1 medium-sized fennel bulb, sliced (I looove fennel, don't you just love fennel?)
chilly flakes (I used about 1 tbs)

2 - 3 tbs grapeseed / olive oil

1 small bunch of coriander, chopped
salt, to taste

prepared spaghetti for 2 - 3 people (al dente)


Heat oil in a wok or deep frying pan.
Stir in garlic, chilly flakes and shrimp.
Give it a quick stir (you don't want to burn the chilly flakes, otherwise you'll get a slight bitter flavor and also to not overcook the shrimp) and add in the fennel. Stir fry until fennel is lightly translucent.
(If you want to be a little more refined, remove the shrimp when it's just cooked and set aside. I couldn't be bothered.)
Toss in the prepared pasta and chopped coriander.
Turn off the heat and mix well.
Add in salt to taste.
Add more chilly flakes if you like it spicy.


  1. Hi Ping, good to see you again. Hope everything goes well at your side. Sending you a big cyber hugs, with my warm regards.

    Your pasta sure look delicious with the shrimp so inviting. I'm hungry now..... hehehe can exchange with my ice cream?

    Have a nice day. with love. Amelia

    1. Thank you, Amelia. Everything's is going very well.
      I'd love to have your ice cream in exchange for this pasta! It's so terribly hot everyday! Your fabulous ice cream would make the perfect dessert!

  2. Ping, your quicky pic and your quicky shrimp dish is amazing, light, colorful, and just perfectly dee-licious!
    Pinning your shrimp pasta, since I'm on the Pinterest "kick" It certainly keeps me occupied and taking my mind off of other things to think about!
    So glad to see you posted a fab dish:DDD

    1. Hi Elisabeth. Thank you for the lovely compliments and for pinning this on Pinterest. I'm very flattered you think this simple pasta is worthy.
      It's good that you have things to occupy your mind, I understand your situation fully.
      Take care, my dear. Hugs.

  3. Hi Ping, your pasta looks so colorful and I am sure it tastes really gooooooodd.......Take good care of yourself.

    1. Thank you, Phong Hong. It's pretty good for such a simple "whip up" dish. Great for lazy days!

  4. Can't go wrong with shrimp in any food !! this looks amazingly tempting my eyes and my appetite :p

    1. Hi Citra! It's so nice to see you again. How have you been?
      Thanks for the visit. Missed you!

  5. Ping, I'm so glad things are better...hope you can break out of your zonked feeling (been there, done that), but I'm glad you could still share this non hoity toity pasta dish. It looks fantastic (plus, my picky family wouldn't eat squid rings or mussels, so this is just perfect).

    1. Hi Lizzy. Yeah, it's a great relief for everyone, dad especially. I seem to be taking a longer time than usual to recover this time around ... must be lacking in something. Time to pop some vitamins! :D
      Have a good holiday!

  6. Hi Ping, I've been thinking of you lately, I thought I misread your posting but looks like I didn't not! It's good to "See" you again!

    1. Hey Jessie! Thank you for the thought. I've been slacking in my blog, so, no, you haven't missed much. Nice to "see" you too! :D

  7. Ping, you still make me smile...even in this state!! ;D

    Sometimes simple is best, and nothing wrong with that! I am so behind in my blogging and blog reading, and commenting too. I didn't get a guest poster though, you are so good! But I have 2 days left, (well 3, one is without the students) of school. I hope I'll get a chance to catch up this summer.

    1. Aww ... thanks!
      Looking forward to the summer break. There's gonna be a flurry of activity once everyone's free-ed up ... meaning lots of food posts! :D

  8. Hi Lucy! Are we twins in our past life? Did young realize we both write a post about our "mong cha cha" (blur) moments at the same time? I am glad you use prawns and not crab for this seafood pasta. Since now that you can't do anything straight and eat crabs some more, i am afraid you might not even walk like them. Hehe. I love the good news that you dad is recovering well and it is time that you get plenty of rest. Take care my friend and when I get back, let's catch up over a cuppa. Hugs

    1. Aiyoh why so many typo errors. Oh well Lucy, you will known what mean. Lol!

    2. LOL!!!! You're so smart! Crab! and walk like it .... hahahahahaha!! I hadn't thought of that at all!
      Looking forward to meeting up with you again. And hearing all your fab stories of your holiday!

  9. It might be a quickie with a "quickie pic" but it looks absolutely delicious, and beautiful! Pasta and shrimp - it doesn't get much better than that!

    Hope everything is well with you Ping :)

    1. Thanks, Charles! Yes, things are looking much better now. Recuperating, hence the quickie stuff. Glad you like it :)

  10. Really simple, but I can imagine that it is very flavorful.

    1. Hello! Thank you. Yes, it is flavorful from the sweetness of the shrimp. Would be even better with some other seafood too! Thanks for coming by :)

  11. Sounds fantastic! Congrats on the Top 9!

  12. Congratulations on making the foodbuzz Top 9!

    1. Hi DB. Thanks so much! And thanks for coming by.

  13. Ping, that pasta looks absolutely amazing--no need to get hoity-toity about it! Congratulations on your top 9.

  14. Ping, I'm so happy everything is better now!
    This pasta is so simple and yet seems so delicious! Maybe not so simple for me because imagine that I have never cooked fennel! Never in my life. Yet, it's available everywhere here... You have convinced me to buy it and start experimenting.

    1. Yes, thank you, so am I. :)
      Fennel is like a milder celery, less fibrous and sweeter once it's cooked. I love the texture and the flavor. It's great roasted too! Not too interesting when raw tho. I hope you'll like it too when you get to try it.

  15. Hi Ping,
    I am new here, I came from Amelia's home (blog). I was attracted by your profile picture, so I drop by to say 'hello, Ping'
    At first I thought it was one of Winnie the pooh character 'tigger', cos the picture is small then. But when I widen my screen then I realize it a piece of ginger and an I right??..hehe
    Wow! You simple shrimp pasta is so tempting with pink prawn all over.
    I didnt know what happen before but I like to wish you all the best. I like your sense of humor very much and am enjoying reading your blog a lot.

    mui mui..^^

    1. Hi mui mui! It's always nice to meet someone new. Welcome to my humble blog. I'm glad you like it, made my day! Oh, the head of my gingerman is a kumquat. An orange would be way too big ... big-headed! LOL!!
      Thanks so much for the lovely comment and for dropping by. Hope to see you often :)

  16. Hi ping,
    Hehe ..oh! It's a kumquat..should have thought of that...:)
    The big headed ginger will be really
    Have a nice week ahead.

  17. You know I'm all about quick and simple (although I'd love to see you spin the pasta into doves ;-)). The fennel is wonderful in this dish!

    1. Doves? Is that what they're called? Those nicely twirled thingies? Or you meant some crazy shape? You're pulling my leg, aren't you? LOL!!

  18. Pasta is everyones comfort food... Which means I need a lot of comforting... >.> It's shameful.

    Im glad to read things are getting better :)

    I love shrimp paired with pasta, hoity-toity or not. Its clean and simple and tasty.

    1. Hi Keets. Haha! Yeah, I guess pasta IS everyone's comfort food! I think I'm over-comforted ... I eat too much pasta ... not complaining :D

  19. Ping...Congrats ....a winner alright...pasta with shrimps I like :) Glad that things are getting better . Take care and looking forward for you to come back full swing :) Hugs !

  20. oh yum! and it's simple too! can't wait to try this out as a quick summer lunch :D

    1. Hi Amanda! Oh yes, this is very nice for a quick and easy lunch! Hope you enjoy it!

  21. a half zoned person can still write with much humour..i like!! haha! congrats on getting to the FB top9!

    1. Haha! I'm happy you enjoyed it :) Thanks, Lena.

  22. Hi Ping! I just popped by to check in (I have not been out 'reading' much just recovering from a 10 day viurs) and I see you have not been well? Will have to read back to see if I can learn more but I hope you are recovered and all is well! Love your dish.

  23. Hi Toni! Gosh, hope you're feeling better. 10 days is a long time to feel awful. It's not me who had been unwell, it was dad. I was just tired and exhausted from having to travel back and forth for the last 2 months. All is well and happy now, thanks!

  24. I love easy pasta dishes and this one looks amazing for busy working days.

    1. Hi Lilly. Yes it is! Quick and easy, the way I like it :)

  25. My kind of pasta dish..easy and quick to prepare and with lots of seafood! Well done!

  26. My kind of meal! Love how easy it is to put together! Perfect for a mid week dinner. Great recipe, totally top 9 worthy! :)

    1. Thank you so much! It certainly is easy :)

  27. how come i missed this nice post ! wish to have a plate right now, after eating 2 Bak Chung since morning, stomach feel so full till see your delicious pasta, yummy!

    1. Haha! Thanks, Sonia. You were probably having a great time in Japan!

  28. Hello Ping! I have been enjoying your blog and perusing many posts and had to sop here to comment as this dish looks so delicious! What a sweet place you have here and I like your humor and remarks. They make me smile :)

    Kindly, Lorraine

    1. Hi Lorraine! Nice to meet you. I'm so happy you're enjoying my blog. Thanks for coming by!
