Jun 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Father: (Fat-her ... whoops, I mean, Fa-ther): n

~ The physically strong, silent or not-so silent male person in the family. I'm saying physically strong since I believe women are mentally and emotionally stronger. Ok, so I'm biased. I'm a woman (in case you don't know by now), I'm allowed to take the side of my own gender.

~ It doesn't matter whether you're the biological father, surprise father, posthumous father (not that you'll care much about this post anyway), non-biological father (inlaw, adoptive, foster, cuckolded, etc). As long as at some point in your life, you've been one and have taken the responsibility of being a good one at that ... umm, except for the surprised and posthumous ones of course ... hehe.

Have a happy day!
I understand that this may not be celebrated on the same day in other parts of the world. So to those that had it earlier, Happy Belated Fathers' Day, the ones celebrating later, Happy Fathers' Day in advance!
To those who have lost their fathers, cherish those lovely memories of the times you've had together.

Have a great weekend!

(And a not-so-private message to dear ol' dad)

I love you, Dad!
I know I'm a difficult daughter and terribly stubborn but these genes are from you and mum. Not my fault. :D


  1. Hi Ping, love your "not so private message" to your dad. You're so cute always full of wit and humor, so this humor is from your parent genes?

    Have a beautiful weekend.

    1. Hehe .... hope he loves it too.
      I guess you're right. I can't blame my parents for just the bad stuff. Gotta give them the credit for the wit and humor part :)
      Hope your weekend was good!

  2. I saw a poem online: You're my father, not my dad...and it made me think. How many fathers are the man about the house, the sole-breadwinner...but never a "dad" to his children? Traditionally, all the upbringing of the children was left to the mums - they just forked out the dough.

    Times have changed, I guess and hopefully, the roles have changed too. I guess I can happily say that I am a "dad" dad...

    1. What a sad line. But that's so true about so many dads.
      And I'm happy you're a "dad" dad. I can see that just by reading from your blog. Your daughter is one lucky girl.

  3. love that not so private message of yours :) we celebrated a week earlier for Wild Boar when we were in KL sending my boy off to UK :) Wishing your family , a Happy Father's Day too !

    1. A happy belated Father's Day to Wild Boar then! Thanks for the wishes. We had a quiet one as everyone's avoiding the haze.

  4. Happy father's Day to all the fathers. Australia is celebrating in Sep & I don't know why, hehehe!

    1. Hi Jessie. Happy Father's Day to the fathers in your family. Father's Day celebrated in June is actually an American thing so I guess the Aussies decided to have their own in September.

  5. Yeah, I see those "unique" traits of my dad appearing in me at times, too :) Such a nice Father's Day post, Ping!

  6. Oh Ping, you always make me smile! And amidst all this humour lays a heart of gold. Beautiful post.

    1. Aww ... thanks, Kelly. Glad to brighten up your day!

  7. This is a beautiful psot dedicated to Father's Day! Made me smile!

    1. Hi Katerina. Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it :)

  8. Hi Ping, happy belated father's day to you! Even my dad is not around, he has so much influence on me and he is still my favourite person.
    Your "Food for the Gods" was a success and I have posted it in my blog. Pls view at http://veronicasjourneytothewest.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/food-for-gods.html

    1. Thank you Veronica. I'm happy you have great memories of your dad.
      I'm glad the cake turned out well. Will come by shortly.

  9. Hi, Ping. I'm so sorry for commenting only now. I have no idea how I have missed this beautiful, moving post. (By the way, men have more muscles, but they are weaker also physically: if two babies are born, male and female, in the same critical state and one of them dies, it will statistically be the male...).

    1. No worries. Glad you're here anyway :)
      Hah! I was right! Thanks for the stats, Sissi!

  10. Nice (& funny) post Ping! Hope you had a great time with your dad last Father's Day!
    Sorry for my being MIA and not being able to visit. My girls are on summer vacation and I'm sooo busy keeping them busy!
    Hope you're having a great week!

    1. Hi Tina! So nice to see you. Don't apologize. We all have our spurts of visits and what with a family and kids etc. I'm just as guilty myself.
      Have a great summer!

  11. Here I am, trailing after everyone's message and excusing myself why haven't I commented yet?!
    No excuses, just at the age where I'm starting to forget things...ha, ha, or blaming it on a 'Lucy moment' ...or blaming my Lucy moment on you Ping...ha, ha, I included Veronica as well, which I actually meant to do in the first place.

    Your cute and funny message to your dad put a big smile on my face, as all your funny comment have.

    Just look how I celebrated...with my 'newly divorced' son, and little granddaughters, and my ex-hubby (dad of my son)...didn't want to start crying how I miss my dad and could only wish him a Happy Father's Day in 'heaven'...and write a 'sappy' post about how I miss him...so 'you gotta do what's right, and that's what my heart dictated!

    1. Welcome to the club!
      Aww ... don't feel sad,feel happy that we can still have something to celebrate and an excuse to make cake! :)
      Hopefully the kids aren't too affected by the divorce. They have a great grandma for support, that, I know.

  12. i used to be very short tempered too when i was much younger and whenever my parents scolded me on that, i said the same thing..got it from them..especially my mum..she still is!!hehe..

    1. Haha! Same here, Lena. And my mum still is as well!
      I think I've mellowed due to things I've experienced in my life and decided to calm down for my (and others) own good.

  13. I am late, late, late to wish you Dad Happy Father's Day but late is better than never. You are so clever to blame your "stubborness" on your Dad. Now I am cracking my head who to blame on my "Lucyness". LOL! Hey, after I get over my jet lag, lets meet up. Miss ya!

    1. You were on holiday, you're excused for being late :)
      Thank you, Lucy. And yes, we have to meet up. Can't wait to hear your travel tales!
      (Think we just have to blame our Lucy-ness on age)

  14. What a lovely tribute to your dad--as (ahem) a difficult daughter, I really should give my dad the same kind of praise.

    1. Haha! Isn't it? :D
      Yeah you should too! He'll love you for it .... I think.

  15. Hi Ping, I love you post it funny..and nice of course.
    I only have memories of my dad and like your said I can only cherish what I have ..:)
    Happy Father's Day to you and family..:)

    1. Thank you, mui mui. Memories are good, better than not having any, I suppose :)

  16. What a sweet post! We tends to appreciate our parents more when we are parents ourselves...

  17. i love your celebration posts! they are so sweet!

  18. Happy Father's Day to your dad...
