Jun 25, 2012

Mango Coconut Cream Agar

Mangoes galore!
And from all over the world!
We are seeing a great variety from Thailand, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Australia and a whole lot of local ones... cheap too!
I've made the juices, cheesecakes, toppings, jams, relish, salads, chutneys, froyos .... and still looking for new things to make with them.

Then I remembered this deliciously easy and refreshing dessert ... Sissi's recipe for Light Coconut Cream with Canned Peaches. Go check it out.
I suppose I could label this under the "Revamped" category. I'd wanted to make this in the original form (really, I did) and got distracted by this bunch of ripening mangoes in the basket and thought .... why not put them out of their misery... it's a very humane process called "fruitanasia". They won't last too long in this weather and stuffing them in my stuffed up fridge isn't doing the fridge any good. So, stuff it! We're having Mango Coconut Cream Agar for dessert!

Agar makes a different texture from gelatine so I wouldn't suggest that as a substitute. Of course it might turn out an interesting dessert all on its own. I might experiment a little and let you know in a later post .... maybe.

Meanwhile ....


200 ml milk
200 ml coconut milk
4 tbs sugar
1/2 tsp agar powder
1 medium-sized ripe mango (about 250 g uncut weight)


Remove peel and seed of mango. Puree 3/4 of the flesh in a food processor with a little milk until smooth. (I had about 1/2 cup pureed flesh). Cut remaining flesh into slivers or cubes ... your preference. Set that aside.

Place milk, coconut milk, sugar and agar powder into a pot.
Stir over medium heat until sugar and agar have dissolved.
Stir in pureed mango and turn the heat off. Mix well.
Pour into moulds or cups.
Refrigerate until firm, about 1 - 2 hours, depending on how big your moulds are.
Serve with mango slivers or cubes.


  1. Just stunning, my friend...and a perfect remedy for the heat :)

    1. Hi Lizzy! Thank you so much and yes, it's so nice to have this in our blistering heat!

  2. This is just beautiful. You know I seldom see agar being used, it is so much better than gelatin. LOvely recipe.

    1. Hello Suzi. Yes, I agree. I notice a lot of gelatin usage abroad but I'm starting to see that agar is getting more popular these days. Thanks for the visit :)

  3. Beautiful dessert - lovely and tangy and light. I have just bought some agar powder as I don't like the background flavour of geletine so this is the perfect dish to try.

    1. Thanks, Hester. Do give this a go. I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed. :)

  4. Hi Ping, Your mango coconut cream agar look so refreshing.
    I would love to have some..:p Thanks for sharing this recipe..^^

    1. Hi mui mui! It is very good to have in our weather, a less heavy dessert. And easy too! Try some!

  5. I made a mango cheesecake once and it was the best one I'd so far. Wow, this dessert in a glass looks just so nice. My husband likes dessert made with agar and he would love this!

    1. Mangoes are so versatile, aren't they? And they have such a wonderful flavor and fragrance. Let me know if you like this when you do make it. Thanks!

  6. Ping, this looks so eleagant and the perfect way to celebrate the mangoes! I have just picked up a bunch from under my tree, a storm we are having a tropical storm go through. If it's not the squirrels, it's the wind. I am strarting on recipes for green mangoes! :)

    1. Hi Lyndsey! Thank you! Haha! There's a family of squirrels and civet cats, not forgetting the birds in my garden and from around. We seem to be on the losing end tho :(
      Oooo, I remember a picked green mango recipe my mum used to make. Looking forward to see yours. My cheeks are puckering just thinking about them LOL!!

  7. Hi Ping...this is just nice for our hot and humid weather :) Yea, the mango season is here...saw the wide range of mangoes from Thailand to India selling in Jusco :) Would like to try this out for sure :)

    1. Hi Elin. Yes it is! I wish it would rain some and not those 2 second splatters either ... sigh. I'd just bought another bunch of mangoes from jusco. So lovely and cheap!

  8. Ping, I love mangoes and anything jelly, so this one is a hit for me. By the way, the photo is simple and classy. Very elegant.

    1. Hi Phong Hong. Thank you very much! I hope you enjoy this!

  9. Ping-this simple, easy, and elegant mango dessert is just the right dessert for right now with the mango season in, all the areas that are growing. So far, I've only been making smoothies out of mine, and waiting for my daughter to come home so we can make jams, and can the rest of it for later use!

    Love the recipe, the stunning photo with the reflection...always, simple elegance, and right to the POINT!

    1. Thanks, Elisabeth. It's mango season over there too? How super! A smoothie sounds really good right now. It's blistering!

  10. Ping, what a gorgeous color and a lovely simple recipe. This looks so refreshing.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes it is very refreshing! Gonna make some more soon!

  11. Fruitanasia :D You crack me up Ping :D

    I remember Sissi's post and did think how good it looked. I love your mango version - it looks so beautiful (beautiful photo too). Doesn't mango give a fantastic colour to dishes? So creamy!

    1. Good word, isn't it? :) Thanks, Charles!
      I am going to make Sissi's version next. Must have some discipline to follow a recipe, tsk.

  12. I love the combination! Perfect!

    Btw, I've nominated you for "The Versatile blogger" badge/award.

    I've always enjoyed your posts. More power!

    1. Hi! So nice to see you!
      Wow! Really? Gosh, thanks. Will come by soon.

  13. Replies
    1. Yes, it is! You really have to try it out for yourself. I'm sure your little kuching will love it as well :)

  14. your photo is awesome! perfect for hot weather like now.

    1. Thanks, Sonia! Yes, it's really nice for this awful weather we're having.

  15. Hi Ping, lovely mango agar. So refreshing for our super hot weather.. need one right now, anymore left?

    Love your picture, very classy. *hugs*

    Have a nice day.

    1. Hi Amelia. Thank you. I agree, it's very refreshing and very nice for our crazy weather. Haha! No more left I'm afraid. It was extremely popular and this recipe didn't make a lot either. I'd just gone to get some more mangoes this morning to make another batch.

  16. Ping, I don't know how to express my happiness and joy! I am so glad you have tested my recipe and, most of all, apparently liked it. I love your mango version and frankly the photo is breathtaking. You really have a very original style. It's a real pleasure to admire your photos.
    Thank you so much for mentioning me and for the link.
    The situation you describe happens at least once a week in my kitchen. Do I use up the dying fruit/vegetable or do I stuff it into the over-stuffed fridge? You talk about it in such a hilarious way!
    I don't know what has improved my mood today: your sense of humour or this beautiful mango version of agar cream... I guess both! Thank you so much!

    1. Awww .... I should be the one to thank you, Sissi, for giving me the idea for this and all the lovely compliments. It's such a favorite now that I've made it several times already and with different fruits as well! Also in it's original form with the peaches.
      I'm glad I've made your day good :) Now that, made my day happy!

  17. Ping, I love fuss-free and delicious dessert recipes like this. Wish I could find some quality mangoes over here..guess I need to visit some Indian stores in the city.

    1. Hi Angie. Hmm ... I've never thought about people in places with no mangoes. It is the mango season now so you may find some nice ones at the asian stores. Hope you find some and get to try this out. It really is so easy.

  18. That looks very beautiful. Would be good on hot days like what we're experiencing right now.

    1. Thanks Arthur. Yeah, it's perfect for this crazy weather.

  19. these are agar2, right? how did you manage to make it so elegant, huh? i really like the photo, the glass, the reflection and of course the agar2 too :D

  20. Ah, love the combination of mango and coconut milk - gorgeous! Thank you for reminding me of Sissi's agar creations...Your version looks so refreshing and delicious. I've been making blended drinks almost daily lately so I think I have to venture out and pick up the ingredients for this delight. My sons would love it too! Thanks Ping.

    1. Hi Kelly. Thank you! And you're welcome. Hope you enjoy this!

  21. Mangos are my HANDS DOWN favorite fruit! I would love this dessert! Mmmmmmmmmmmm, hellllllooooo summer!:D

    1. LOL!! I'm wishing for a freak winter over here! Heatwave!

  22. Ping, I'm back again...just remembered that I have agar powder, that Amelia sent me from Malaysia back in last December,and I haven't used it yet...all I need is coconut milk,and I have tons of mangoes. I did ask for suggestion for mango recipes, on my latest post, and remembered yours. Now, I'm copying and printing this yummy easy recipe...thanks for the idea!

  23. Ping this is gorgeous and I'm completely mad for the photo! It sounds so simple and refreshing. We too love mango but usually only think to eat it raw as an occasional treat. I assume the agar serves to gel it? Perfect for our beastly hot weather right now, thank you!

    1. Hi Toni! Thank you so much! Not only does it sound simple, it really IS simple. Yes, the agar does the gelling bit. Our weather's just as crazy lately too. World's going wonkers.
      Hope you'll enjoy this when you do make it. Keep cool :)

  24. Would you believe me when I tell you that I am afraid to make agar agar? Way back before I was interested in cooking, I made agar agar once in a while but it never turn out the same each time. Either too soft or too hard. This is such a beautiful way to serve agar agar. I love that photo. Will definitely try your recipe to see if the result will remove my fear.

    1. You must be kidding! Probably because you never used a recipe and the measurements always differ. Besides, I believe we only had agar in those strips and not in the powdered form, therefore a little difficult to measure unless weighed, so not really your fault. I can assure you this'll work perfectly. Just don't use too much puree. A small (about) 240g fruit would be enough for pureeing and some left to decorate. (I've added the weight to the recipe). Thanks for the useful prompt.
      Hope it works out for you. The only way to conquer your fear is to face it. :D

  25. Hi Ping,
    Looks refreshing! My friend Thom (from Hong Kong) has a great recipe for mango agar minus the coconut on The Produce Savant blog.
