Jul 19, 2012

Easy 2 Potato Salad

On a less dramatic note ... (see previous post)

My diet have recently been kicked out the window BUT I'm totally ok with it. Was off for a weekend of food and relaxation .... mainly food. That episode might get turned into a "Just for Reads" post soon.
But for now ....

It looks like I have a "Quickie" series going here.

Quick doesn't have to be boring, even if it's just using the fewest ingredients.
In fact, some of my quickie meals turn out to be quite the favorite at home, with friends and even on Foodbuzz  (now known as DailyBuzz), to the point of getting Top 9!
I am so thrilled and encouraged by it, knowing that I don't have to slog over a hot stove for hours, have fancy gadgets or have a fancy camera with fancy lighting to turn out a dish that looks and tastes good. Fancy that!

We had a pretty heavy and late lunch today and just didn't feel up to another heavy meal for dinner. But we still needed to eat something otherwise it's gonna be a rather unhealthy midnight, raid-the-fridge type moment.

I wouldn't call this a proper meal. It makes a great side dish. We just love potatoes around here. And I had a bunch of sweet potatoes and chats lying around. Also, I'd had this salad at one of our regular hangouts and I thought it was such a lovely salad to have even on its own. So, I'm doing a copycat here. Shhh ... I'm trying to save my arm and my leg, if you know what I mean.


Sweet potatoes / yams, peeled and cut into chunks
Chat potatoes or any waxy potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
a little oil (I used grapeseed)
a good amount of finely chopped parsley (I used the curly leafed ones)
toasted pine nuts
salt to taste


Preheat oven to 200C.
Toss the potato chunks evenly to coat with the oil. (Just a light coat will do, definitely not dripping).
Place potatoes on a parchment lined baking tray and roast for about 30 - 40 mins, depending  on the size of your chunks. (When it's nice and lightly browned, it's done, or just poke a fork through a piece to check).
Remove from tray and toss with salt, chopped parsley and toasted pine nuts.

So simple. So tasty. So satisfying!
And to think they charged me both my limbs for that at the eaterie. Huh. 


  1. Sweet potato in salad? Never tried. Maybe I should sometime... I prefer ordinary mashed potatoes to the one made with sweet potatoes though.

    1. It's very nice this way, Arthur. But I don't like mashed sweet potatoes either ... kinda weird.

  2. Ping, that's great! Congratulations on top 9! I love these simple meals or dishes. I think I would be happy with this for a dinner. I do believe good ingredients make a difference too!

    1. Oh haha! Thanks Lyndsey! This one isn't on Top 9. I meant my previous "quickie" posts. But I'm crossing my fingers :)
      Oh yes, good ingredients is a must. And at least at home we're guaranteed good and better ingredients.

  3. Hi Ping, just as I was about to restart my Atkins diet, you have to tempt me with a potato salad. Talk about sabotage, hah! hah! I love potatoes and sweet potatoes but haven't tried sweet potatoes in this salad. I usually put salad cream or mayo. I should try your lighter version. BTW when I first looked at the pic, I thought it was greenery draped over pebbles and rocks. LOL!

    1. Nyahaha!! Since my diet is shot, I may as well spoil everyone else's! *evil laughter*
      The sweet potatoes add a nice flavor without having to use mayo. So, less fat there ... not that it helps very much :) Sorry.
      I took another look and you're right! It does look like some rock garden :D Haha! Talk about food porn!

  4. Hi Ping, wow... so simple yet so delicious. I love sweet potatoes regardless bake or boil. Yours look appetizing.
    Thanks for sharing the quickie recipe.

    Have a nice day.

    1. Hi Amelia! Yeah, I love sweet potatoes too! But somehow not mashed (as I was just saying to Arthur in the above comment).
      Thanks for coming by. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi Ping - roasted potatoes in a salad... what a delightful idea. I bet they give a wonderful bit of crispiness and the sweet potatoes no doubt give some fantastic colour and an edge of sweetness. Looks so tasty!

    1. Hi Charles. You're absolutely right about the textures and flavors!

  6. Sounds easy enough for me to try making this

  7. Love this salad - and I completely agree, quick has nothing to do with flavour and enjoyment! The sweet potato is gorgeous here - and the toasted pine nuts... oh, yum... add in some fresh herbs and you're all set. We have family coming to stay with us up at the lake next month, I'm going to steal this one for sure! ;-).

    1. Thanks Kelly! Hope your family enjoys this!

  8. Ping, a potato salad is never boring! Everyone makes it in a different way and there exist so many local, regional versions... Your two potato salad looks excellent and so creative. I would never think of putting both potatoes together (ok, I never cook sweet potatoes, it's one of the vegetables I still have to start exploring). I also try to avoid too much potatoes because they are one of these addictive carbs I would have all the time if I could... One has to live though!
    As for quick meals, I also am surprised how my husband likes the quick "what-I-find-in-the fridge" meals I sometimes prepare. No recipe, no special shopping and they end up really great.

    1. Hi Sissi. Thank you! I do love potato salads too!
      "Quickies" are surprising, aren't they? And it brings out one's creative side that you never knew you had :D

  9. I am a big fan of your 'Quickie' series :D

  10. This looks easy, colorful and delicious...just what I need right now.

  11. Ping, you always come up with some really colorful, and tasty dishes, and most of all this potato salad is healthy, and so simple to make. Never would have thought to ad pine nuts, but they do add crunchiness, and flavor!
    Lovely looking salad:D

    1. Thank you Elisabeth. I seem to add pine nuts in any salad :) Love them to bits!

  12. oh, i just finished reading your previous post.. now no longer in a diet mood? so are these still 'small' potatoes??

    1. Haha! I still am ... feeling the "mood" but not able to keep at it too well. And no, these aren't small anymore ... whatever size and as much as you can eat! Yummers!

  13. Simple AND yummy! Love that combo...and love your potato salad!

  14. Ping this is brilliant. My husband's favourite potato [after fries] and I am always looking for new ways of preparing it. Thanks for posting this.

    1. Hi Zsuzsa. Glad I could help :) Hope you both enjoy this!

  15. Ping, I can have this EVERYDAY!!! Seriously, EVERYDAY! Looks healthy, filling and delicious.

    1. Gosh, really? You'll grow sideways, you know. Although I'll agree with you full heartedly ... I love this as well! I've just gone and got myself more sweet potatoes!

  16. I love quick and tasty meals and this looks right up my alley!

    1. Hi Katerina. Hope this becomes a favorite for you too! :)

  17. Before I was into cooking or baking, I sometimes make salad for my Quay Lo and I love to used pine nuts. I used so much of them that one day my Quay Lo finally told that he is sick of it. hahaha I stop using pine nuts for a long long time. I can't understand he eats potatoes so often, how come he is not sick of potatoes?? DUH!!! This salad looks lipsmacking delicious. I am going to serve him this soon and see if he says.

    1. Haha! Americans are all about their meat and potatoes! Fries, mash, crisps, chips, baked, fried, you name it. There's always a potato salad somewhere. But I'll have to say I've never noticed sweet potatoes being too popular then. Perhaps it is now, I don't know. I hope you both enjoy this simple salad.
      Oh, I doubt I'll ever get sick of pine nuts. I love them to bits!

  18. This looks like a very sophisticated oven roasted potato salad with carefully selected varieties of potatoes. Very fancy for some of us, simple for others:) Yes, haven't given you a hard time for ages, now its catch up time:)
