Jul 8, 2012


It's hopeless!!
I'm hopeless!!
I can't stand it anymore!!
It's not possible!!
I can't do this!!

Drama ..... in the 1st degree.
I'm sure some of you might agree with me when it comes to dieting. I've read several blogs about people going on diets and losing 2 - 3 kgs in a week. I hate you.
Dieting makes one (me) crabby, negative, depressed (not really), dramatic for sure.
I've been given several suggestions from eating for my blood type to having just fruits for breakfast. I've tried the Atkins diet .... that worked, really it did, but coming from a society and upbringing of having rice or noodles at least 5 times a week, it finally turned into a raging crave of carbs that had me bingeing on an equivalent to 4 cups of rice in one sitting ... not good.
I do the exercises, mainly tennis about 3 times a week, less now having been afflicted with rotator cuff tendonitis.
Cut the sugar. Yup, doing that as well. (I am so craving for a cheesecake right now.)
I can't last. My will power is weak .... especially when it comes to food. Being a food blogger doesn't help, unless I start blogging about healthy stuff. Yeah, right.
Forgive me if I don't visit as regularly as before. This is a compliment to you. You know your food posts make me drool and this really is not helping.
So, while I still have some semblance of will power left in me, I'm trying to cut the carbs, come up with some energy food, enough to get a good tennis game going and not get thrashed by my fellow players.
This one is freakin' easy and it has enough stuff in it to satisfy my cravings for a while ..... until the next meal? Sigh ....

*Note: Not recommended for dieters.


3 eggs beaten
1/2 cup milk
pinch of salt
ground black pepper
coarsely chopped bacon (lean bacon if you must)
2 small waxy potatoes, sliced thinly (I know, I know, potatoes are hi-carb. Cheez, lighten up, will ya? I did say "small")
a handful of coarsely chopped rocket leaves


Preheat oven to 200˚C.
Line a 7" X 7" non-stick baking tin with parchment. You don't have to do this. I just thought it would be easier to lift out when it's done.
Line the bottom with the sliced poatoes, overlapping them.
Place the chopped bacon and rocket over that.
In a separate bowl, beat together the eggs, milk and salt.
Pour that into baking tin over the bacon and rocket.
Bake for about 25 mins.
Serve hot.


  1. Fantastic photo, it looks so bright and fresh.

    1. Hi there! Thank you so much! And thanks for dropping by!

  2. Oh yummy! It can be a treat for those who are dieting for weekend or something :D I wish I knew how to loose 2-3 kgs in a week too.. :D

    1. Hahaha! Sigh ... wish I had the will power to ignore food.

  3. Grrrr...I think blogger ate my response!!! I have faith you can drop that weight, my friend! You're off to a great start with this gorgeous and healthy frittata!!!

    1. Really? Well, guess it's not on a diet then :) Thank you for doint this a second time.
      Ever since posting this, I've already broken the diet and had rice for 3 meals. I'm blaming it on my brother inlaw who's visiting us from abroad. He wanted Chinese food. What's Chinese food without rice? Grrr ...

  4. Wahahahahahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have the same problem lah! I tanked my Atkins diet when preparing for my future blog posts (you will see soon) for the last couple of weeks, tasting all those carb loaded stuff which put me in a state of happy delirium and left me some pounds heavier. Sigh.....

    1. You're laughing at my predicament?! Sniff. You're right. All those carbs make us happy and happy can't be bad, right? RIGHT??!!

    2. Yeah, awright! Which explains the layer of "sam chan bak" around my waist.

  5. Finally something I feel like I can make, that doesn't take a ton of time! My hubby would love this! Thanks for the recipe!

    colorissue.blogspot.com (come on over and follow along...I think you'll enjoy the colorful inspiration!)

    1. Hello. Thank you for the visit.
      I did pop over to your blog earlier and really was impressed with all those wonderful things you've created out of simple stuff/food. I will be back for a longer visit soon.

  6. Ok, your title just about had me busting a gut... you're too freakin' funny! I love simplicity dah'ling, and the freakin' easier the better... plus, this looks delish! I'm in :). Diets are no fun and ultimately almost always 'fail' - changing our lifestyles, our we of being, seeing, experiencing food, over the long run, seems to be a more nourishing and successful route. Hugs to you!

    1. Hehe ... Hi Kelly! Thank you! And I mean, Thank You! Coz I'm looking and making at quite a bit of your stuff since starting/trying to diet. Things that I can do without too much fuss. Altho I've been a little naughty and have gone off a little from my path (as explained to Lizzy above). I'm going to have to name my diet "The Freakin' Tomorrow Diet".

  7. Hi Ping, this look super easy and delicious. Lovely photo. But how to diet when we are blogging about food and BW each other blog to feast on each other cooking or baking. ;)

    Drink lime or lemon juice every morning before breakfast then drink green tea for the rest of the day while we enjoy the dessert. Off course with some exercise. aiyoh... but can we keep up our will power. LOL

    Have a nice day, regards.

    1. Hi Amelia! Thank you!
      Yes, I will try your suggestion for sure. Sounds like something I can do easily. Let's hope it works .... fast, coz I can never stick to any diet for long before the next dessert tempts me ... like your bars. I drink green tea most of the time. Yeah, will power .... easier said than done :)

  8. Ping, what a gorgeous frittata! It makes me crave for a big egg dish (at least three eggs and lots of bacon!). The photo is perfect. I don't know how you have managed to make the baking paper look so beautiful. Actually apart from the bacon, I don't think this is a "forbidden" or unhealthy dish! You bake your frittata it in the oven, just like me. Eggs are healthy, potatoes too and lean bacon too!
    I also struggle... After a certain age most women do (unless they don't care for food: then dieting is easy). How could I live without bacon, tempura or chocolate? On the other hand I cannot imagine myself taking on five sizes ;-) Good luck with cutting your carbs (do not cut all of them!). I often mix a bowl of rice with frozen green peas (of course I defrost them) or canned corn. This way I feel as if I had more rice ;-)
    My "glass" desserts also help me a lot. They make me crave less floury cakes.

    1. Hi Sissi! You like my dirty burnt baking paper?! Hahaha! I'm glad! I was debating whether to have it in or to throw it away.
      I used to be so skinny when in my 20s, when I turn sideways, you can't see me! :D
      And then I learnt to cook ... oh, that's bad!
      Yeah, cutting carbs totally was a bad idea .... the crave ... oh! the crave!
      Yes, your glass desserts help ... more than you know! I'm still fiddling with the agar base thingy. Love it!

    2. I don't know if you remember, but when I wrote the first post about the agar dessert I was saying that I read somewhere that Japanese women use agar to suppress hunger. Apparently they dissolve some in their green tea and they feel full. My Japanese friend confirmed the popularity of this method (although she hasn't tried it). I am very curious if it works. I promise myself I will test it, but forget all the time... I don't know if the agar desserts are more filling than for example the ones I make with gelatin. I have to make two identical to check. (By the way, you know what I do when I crave carbs in the evening or at night? I drink a glass of wine! It stops my cravings and calorie-wise is better than a bowl of rice, a sandwich or a cake...).

    3. That is very interesting! Don't think I've heard that before. It's something to think about. Thanks for that tip.
      The feeling full part isn't really the problem. It's the crave for a certain something that satisfies. Most times I am full but still look for something else to eat and staring into the fridge or pantry shelves not knowing exactly what I'm looking for.
      I do like your wine idea tho :) Definitely will try that out, no complaints there!
      Thanks, Sissi!

  9. What a great frittata! They are always top on my list to a quick tasty brunch! I do know what you are going through, I was so skinny in my 20s too, and I hate when they say well at your age this happens and it's more difficult to loose it. How fair is that? No not at all! Well don't visit my blog I just posted mashed potatoes....but they are with coconut oil, that's good for you! ;D

    1. Hi Lyndsey! Thank you! Haha! I will take a peek at your mash ... did I mention I love potatoes? My diet isn't going that great anyway, can you believe I'd just made ice cream? LOL! I'm hoping my family will finish it before I feel like having any.

  10. Beautiful photo, Ping! Good luck w/ the healthy diet. I'm right there w/ ya!

    1. Thanks, Christy! And for the support ..... I'm weakening by the second ..... nooooooo!

  11. Oh dear - it does sound like you're having a bit of a hard time at the moment. Eating healthily and dieting doesn't have to be all about depriving yourself though of course... everything in moderation :)

    Fantastic looking frittata Ping - really vibrant colours!

    1. Sigh. Yes, Charles, that, I am. I think I've postponed the diet a little too long, I've forgotten how to :)
      Ice cream in moderation? I can do that.
      All those bean salads you've been posting is helping a lot. Thank you.

  12. Ooooo...this looks heavenly. Must try some time!!! With bacon? Slurpsss!!! That's to die for!!! Diet? Who? Me? No, thank you... LOL!!!

    1. Hahahaha! With all your gallivanting around those yummy food places you post about, I doubt "diet" is even in your vocab :) Life is good!

  13. wahahahaha, you going on a diet? Your will power is weak? I like that because I am going to bring you something that you will forget about dieting next Friday when we meet. You just can't say "NO"!! I have to confess, diet is just not in my vocab. I don't even understand the meaning of the word. Can't wait to catch up with you and meet Shannon in person. Hugs. XOXO

    1. Very funny. I'll hold you responsible for my weight gain. Actually, I'm excited, can't wait to see what you're bringing. See ya soon!

  14. I lave the cute name Tata...short for Frittata!...also, finally, you're catching on to a little more 'rustic' look...love the messy parchment paper...so natural, and realistic, other than your 'stiff' 'more than perfect' looks on your 'single' photos!

    Ping, I didn't know you tried the Atkins diet?...wow, its one way of losing weight which really does work, but then your cholesterol level will go 'sky' high! I should know, I've been there, 'done that'...just like with the WW diet, from a few months ago...got tired of counting points, but I did manage to lose 15 lbs, and still keep 10lbs off. Guess, sensible eating is what works, and exercise, which you're doing a great job with your tennis.

    I love your frittata, looks like a pizza...almost; without the crust. I welcome a nice comforting yummy frittata, for breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

    1. Thanks, Elisabeth. Glad you like the "controlled chaos" look.
      Yeah, you're right, sensible eating and sensible blogging as well. Haha! Can't have 5 dessert posts in a row then :) coz what I post is what I eat.

  15. Hi Ping-I'm back again to let you know that even though you're not my guest post...I'm featuring your Mango dessert from previous posts...hope you don't mind that I posted it, along with recipe and photo...(just could not upload it) copied and pasted it. Looks really beautiful alongside my recipe which I also posted.

    Too late now to ask for permission... I can always remove it if you don't approve (last minute idea) was trying to upload on my daughter computer, my usual step-by-step photos...no need for them, anyway...could only upload 1 photo...duhh! wonder why!?...one perfect photo, just like yours, ha, ha:D
    Let me know what you think...like I said, it was last minute idea...ran out of other stories, so I had to fill up the space, and what perfect genius way; ping's pickings creation!
    Hugs, (oh, and thanks for your inspiration my dear friend!)

    1. Hey, thanks! Of course I don't mind. I'm totally flattered!

  16. Hahaha, my will is weak too, thatswhy I don't want to spend so much money go to slimming centre. I love foods and I could not resist any good foods , include this one , yummy!

    1. Hi Sonia! Thank you. Slimming centers don't work and cost too much anyway. Some of them just make you lose a lot of fluids with all those heat baths, wraps etc and then measure you and you think you've lost weight. Glad you're not into that.... and into FOOD!!! :) That's why we're all here :D

  17. Well let me tell you, I am on a diet since February, have lost the kilos I was supposed to and now I try to maintain my weight. Not fun not fun at all. This one ooks very tempting. I might have a small piece or maybe two!

    1. Since February?! I bow to you ... I have just started last week and am having a terrible time keeping to it. Perhaps the beginning is tough. I suppose if I keep at it, I'll get into some sort of rhythm and get used to it .... easier said than done. Sigh.

  18. YOU'RE NOT WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the sugar piece is always the hardest for me! Be gentle with yourself... and eat easy tatas! :D

    1. Haha! Thanks, Tiffany. I really wish that phrase of yours could hypnotize me into believing. Thanks for the support! xxoo

  19. i love your sense of humor! keep it up!

  20. Ugh, dieting is the WORST. Having been on diets for much of my adult life, I really sympathize! This frittata looks great, though.

    1. Sigh, yeah. My resolve is slowly leaving me.

  21. Ping, your post made me smile, nod my head yup, and totally commiserate with you. I'm a "visual eater" too, and blog world is FULL of wonderful food photos -- including yours! No wonder we crave things.

    But, you're still making progress -- becoming aware of what you eat and it's effect on you, playing tennis, and choosing to do things that work for YOU. You WILL succeed (despite your dramatic first paragraph!) :) and, personally, I think indulging a craving now and then is good for the soul.

    1. I LOVE YOU!!!! Esp what you said in the last part. As you can see, I'm still pretty dramatic here. Must be the effects of a diet gone bad. Had a fab food binge weekend and wondering if I should make that into a post and have all who have my back on this diet getting all disappointed in me.

  22. Hello Aunty Ping! You really have a way of writing and always crack me up. I am drooling over your Frittata...hope all is well and hopefully we all can find time to catch up. Huggss

    1. Hello Jo. Thank you so much! I'm happy when people enjoy what I write or rant :)

  23. I hate dieting too! And I should be dieting now :( Well good luck with that!

    1. Haha! Dieting doesn't do well for food bloggers! So I found out ....

  24. I think dieting was invented by Satan.

    This tata, not so much, it was created by angels. And you.

    1. Awww .... thanks, sweetie. I shall fight evil! And eat more ... yesss!

  25. it's really difficult for us to lose pounds when on the other hand, keep baking and cooking like nobody cares! have been eating cakes every week..arrgh, dont know how much butter and flour i hv put in to my body ever since i started blogging! anyway, i've tried detoxification twice, i find it real good but also not that easy, no carbs for the whole week..just juice, veggies , corns, taufu, soup and then after that, gradually go back to your normal diet. you will of course drop a kilo or two after that process and then depends what you want to do to maintain that weight but i think it's good that we 'clean' our body once in a while.

    1. Hehe ... same here. Maintaining the weight is difficult. Esp with festive periods ... and raya is just a mth away. Ya, the occasional detox is good. I've just started doing what Amelia (Amelia's Desserts) suggested and having lemon juice before anything else in the mornings.

  26. Food looks great. I haven't seen you mention diet so many times in consecutive posts. If you really want to make diet more effective, eat hard/well to justify a diet. You exercise 3 times a week, eat well - not sufficient to justify a diet. This diet advise comes at no cost!

    1. Thanks Mr T! It's so good to have you back!
      Haha! Good logic that. I might have already unconsciously done that :)
      Kinda hard to be a food blogger and diet. I'm currently on a see-food diet!

  27. Looks great. I'll definitely try this recipe - I love to make puff pastry pies with potatoes, bacon, tomatoes etc, but I've never tried making one without pastry! must be great!

    I can relate to you, I hate dieting and I've actually done it just twice in my life - I tried the Weightwatchers (which worked for me, but life was so dull with all that low-fat, translucent milk and rice crackers) and another diet - both times I couldn't think about anything else but food!! Are you even sure you need to diet? :-p
