About me: (you have been warned)
Let's start with some things that play a big part in my life ...
1. Animals. I'm an animal lover altho I must admit, turning vegan is not something I can possibly get into. I am against animal cruelty ... foie gras and any of the fancy exotic foods that requires the animal to have prolonged pain .... it's out of my menu.
2. Family. (Notice I put animals before family). I know, I know, I'm a bad girl for not putting my family first. I do love my family ..... I do. They're spread out all over the globe and I enjoy the best of it when we do eventually get together. All those sharing of different cultures and food...it always leads to food. We'll get to that soon.
3. Music. I lean more towards classical music, probably due to it being ingrained in me since my younger days. I do not dislike today's music, I just can't understand some of it. I do like rock and blues and the occasional jazz. At the moment, my husband and I are nuts about Mazzy Star's "Fade into you". It's not recent but it's hauntingly addictive and it touches the depths of one's soul. Unfortunately, we can't seem to find the CD or the LP in the stores. Thank goodness for online shopping. Oh, and I think Bobby McFerrin is super talented! I watched him performing live in Leipzig in the year 2000 at the market square. It was a Bach festival. Every performer was great but he was the best! Even when it started raining, people still stayed on, getting into the spirit of things under umbrellas and in their raincoats.
4. Friends. Does anyone still keep in touch with their kindergarten friends? I do, well... only one, but we still meet up very often. We actually lost touch after kindy and strangely enough, met again in the same place where we both worked. And carried on from there like it there never was a lapse. There are the friends I made during the school years and we still keep in touch and meet up whenever I go back home. Then the friends I meet at work and via socializing in the real world and the blogging world ... I love them all! I must admit I'm really blessed with many friends and really nice ones too! My best friend? That's easy ... my husband.
5. Hobbies. I do enjoy a good book and I am totally nuts about contemporary crosswords ... my favorite crossword editor - Will Shortz. And to get the adrenalin going .... tennis! Recently, it's been suggested I try yoga instead (due to too many injuries from tennis). I remember trying it out in the early 90's when yoga was more about meditation, I literally fell asleep, crosslegged and upright. Pretty embarrassing. Maybe I'll give it another whirl now that I've slowed down some.
6. Favorite foods. I don't have a particular favorite nor can I put my finger on just one item. I'll always have some fennel in my fridge, some lemons, thyme, bacon, pasta, coffee and steak. My husband and I are, what some of our friends termed, meatarians... carnivors sound too caveman-ish. (That's why turning vegan isn't a possibility).
7. And since this is all about food blogging..... I am relatively new to the food blogging world. (And already have my first award! Yay! Thanks again, Elisabeth). So I'm still stumbling and bumbling my way through. And if I've mistakenly done some dumb things that may have caused some problems for other bloggers, my sincere apologies.
There you are. The raving lunatic.
And here are the bloggers I feel who deserve the award (I'm sure there are lots more that I haven't discovered ... yet).
1. mybflikeitsoimbg.blogspot.com
2. imapretendchef.blogspot.com
3. michelangelointhekitchen.blogspot.com
4. garlicandseasalt.blogspot.com
6. boulderlocavore.blogspot.com
7. turkeysforlife.blogspot.com
You all deserve this award. But .... there's always a 'but' ..... remember the rules. To accept this award, you'll have to:
1. thank the person who gave you the award
2. share 7 things about yourself
3. pass the award on to bloggers whom you think are fantastic