These are about the cutest, chubbiest Christmas trees and stars. So good for a snack, with a good cuppa or/and a/several good beer(s) … kinda like a bowl of peanuts, pretzels .. you know, bar munchies, stuff that you just keep on popping into your mouth and just can't stop munching on. This was inspired at the very last minute by Sissi (go check out her pretty, pretty stars!) and I love her to bits for it. That also saved throwing away the leftover pastry for the Turducken pies. No wastage and soooo easy! Roll, cut, brush eggwash, sprinkle on your favorite toppings and bake. Do you really need a recipe?! Good grief! Okaaay, fiiiine, here ….
leftover puff pastry (ok, it doesn't have to be leftovers)
cumin seeds
poppy seeds
sesame seeds
coarse sea salt
Preheat oven to 180˚C.
Roll out pastry to very thin. (Remember to flour your board generously or you'll get out of shape starfish-looking stars like mine when it gets stuck and you try peel them off).
Cut out to desired shapes.
Place on a lined baking tray.
Brush with eggwash, sprinkle with toppings, bake 15 - 20 mins or until golden and puffed.
*Tip: It doesn't have to be any particular shape or size or even a need to use a cookie cutter. Just any odd-shaped tiny bite-sized pieces would do just fine. But if you choose to do that, it might be less time consuming to eggwash your pastry as a larger piece, sprinkle the toppings and then haphazardly chop them up into pieces, otherwise you'll be eggwashing until the turduckens come home!
Bloggers Unplugged
Right. This has been long overdue what with all the hoohah of the season. Sissi tagged me, Charles tagged me and before it starts to seem that I'm being rude not responding to their tags (sorry for the tardiness, guys), here it is …
1. What, or who, inspired you to start a blog?
Hmm …. the 'what' would be when I had to keep typing out and sending out recipes to friends who asked me for them and I got tired of sending the same recipes so many times, I decided to put it all in here and just tell them, "Go look at my blog." :D
The 'who' part would be a little more difficult … let's just say we had some really bad food at a very well known restaurant, paid through our noses and decided we could do better and let people know how easy it is to make stuff at home and not having to bust a hole in your pockets nor suffer the rudeness of chefs and waiters when told their food is crap.
2. Who is your foodie inspiration?
Another hmm … there are quite a number to name here. It would mainly be my mom and mum inlaw.
3. Your greasiest, batter-splattered food/drink book is?
I have a TON of cookbooks! None of them are greasy nor batter-splattered. Tsk. I love my books.
My favorites would be Nyonya Flavors for the taste of home, How to be a Domestic Goddess (Nigella) … I love how she makes things so easy and the way she describes them. (I wish I could write/talk like that). And of course my cooking bible, Joy of Cooking.
4. Tell us about the best thing you have eaten in another country, where was it, what was it?
Gosh, that's hard. At different stages of my life, I have different tastes and that too depends on what I crave for at the time. I can remember clearly enjoying one of the best Veal Steaks in a Trattoria in Assisi. I don't know if it's because we were starving or because of the atmosphere or the company (that's so important as well), but I remembered finishing every morsel and wishing it were a bigger piece.
5. Another food blogger’s table you’d like to eat at?
Everyone's!! It's gonna be one humongous table!
6. What is the one kitchen gadget you would ask Santa for this year (money no object of course)?
Too late now to ask Santa for anything. He'd probably forget this next year but it's worth a try …
Dear Santa,
Remember the range oven you brought about 15 years ago or so? Well, the door is almost falling off its hinges now. I've been good and haven't asked for a new one and have been struggling with all my baking stuff for so long, I think it's about time I threw that out, don't you think? It has certainly served me well and I love it to bits, that's why I've kept it slogging away for that long. Poor thing. I'm hoping you'll remember this request for next Christmas. Maybe if you just put it in the calendar on your Ipad or Blackberry (that I don't have), it might help you get a little more organized. Just a suggestion.
Rest well, dear old man. See you next year. Love lots. Ping.
PS. Just another teeny request … throw in a chest freezer too if it's not too much trouble. Thanks xxoo.
7. Who taught you how to cook?
Self taught and then from everyone I've clicked! :D
8. I’m coming to you for dinner, what is your signature dish?
Haha! There are friends who know me well enough to tell you not to expect the usual and normal stuff when you eat here. It's always something different. Nothing exotic or strange, just regular dishes done in my own way. Therefore, the answer to this would be …. DIFFERENT.
9. What is your guilty food pleasure?
This one's easy ….. FOOD.
10. Reveal something about yourself that others would be surprised to learn?
I actually have a brain. I just pretend to look and sound stupid.
Was I suppose to tag people? I can't remember. I'll do it anyway coz I had fun with this and here's hoping this short list of taggees will have some fun with the questions too. No obligations.
1. Veronica @ QuayPoCooks
2. Veronika @ Eattheroses
3. Veronica @ Veronica's Kitchen
Can you tell I'm having fun with the Veronic(k)as from different ends of the world?

Christmas Buffet 2011